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Message to Police & Other Law Enforcement Personnel


There has been a growing rift between citizens and law enforcement for a long, long time. Let's end it. Let's come together. Citizens don't want cops to disarm them, and cops don't want to be thought bad or wrong for disarming them when the law says they are supposed to. We see the catch 22, and so do you. Let's talk about it.

We know the issue is a very hot and sometimes emotional one. We do our best to understand the law enforcement (of bad gun laws) position, and we have published articles from law enforcement on this site that suggest some things that are hard for liberty-loving citizens to hear - or agree with. We will continue to present your side of this frustrating situation - until we find a resolution that honors and supports both law enforcement and the citizenry. We don't expect it to be a simple, cookie-cutter "answer" either; we know it's not as black and white as we would like it to be.

But you're a law enforcement officer, you have a place on this website to help bring this issue to a resolution point, and we are asking you to help to that end. Say what needs to be said. Don't edit yourself and your true feelings. Let's have it. We will publish you far and wide. None of us in the citizenry has all the answers, and you can probably say the same thing, too.

If we don't put the cards on the table, the media will continue to divide us, and peace and unity on the issue will require even more work to attain than it will if we get busy and get the conversation under way right now.

We welcome articles on any of the following from you as an officer of any type of law enforcement organization:

  • How do you feel about cops being used as political pawns in the disarmament game? How has this pattern affected you as a cop, and how do you recommend we reverse the trend?

  • How do you feel, as a pro second amendment cop, about citizens lumping you in with the cops who don't respect citizens' rights to keep and bear arms - and where do you personally draw the line?  (We understand that the "line-drawing" regarding not enforcing bad gun laws is dangerous to tackle publicly if you want to keep your job, so we will gladly publish anything that could infringe on your job anonymously. As a pro RKBA law enforcement officer, WE want you to keep your job, too.)

  • What recommendations do you have about how to reach the national community of law enforcement with information that will yield support for the right to keep and bear arms AND for cops who know that most gun laws are wrong and will not enforce them?

  • A rebuttal to Dear Peace Officer would be wonderful. (We know it's controversial. This whole painful issue is controversial, and the media is dividing cops/citizens more every day. We are looking for a law enforcement person to intelligently address what is brought up in this challenging article.)

  • A rebuttal to Law Officer: Are you an American, or a hired thug? would also be most helpful and welcome. As a law enfocement officer, you surely know that many lawful, peaceable and long-suffering gun owners are feeling much the same way this author was feeling at the time of writing this article. What can you say in response?  We'd like to hear it.

  • A rebuttal to Three Cheers for Lawless Cops would be great, too.

  • We also welcome any other articles from you as a law enforcement officer that will further stimulate new ideas and insights about how to align cops and the citizenry while also protecting and serving the rights of the people to keep and bear arms.

Thank you for taking the time to read this message, and thank you for investing some time helping us get the right message and the truth distilled and disseminated.  We respectfully ask that full articles submitted be edited before you send them, please -- and you can submit them by clicking here.

In Liberty,


Printer Version

I have carried a revolver; lots of us do, but they are the most innocent things in the world. — MARK TWAIN

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