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If you are a user of Keep and Bear Arms and would like to have a free email account please fill out the form below with your requested username and password. We will reply as soon as we have a chance to setup your mailbox.

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How would you like to be part of the "Hotmail For Freedom" Brigade?  Here is your chance to have a free email account with . Help us spread the language of the Second Amendment around..."liberally."  :-)

Access your e-mail account from anywhere

KABA Mail is your Pro-2nd amendment web-based e-mail provider, which means you can send and receive messages from any computer connected to the Internet. You can use KABA Mail from home, work, school, an Internet café, a friend's house or any other computer in the world with an Internet connection. Your messages are stored in a central location, so your Inbox will always be up to date. This is great for people who use more than one computer, travel frequently, or don't even own a computer. 

Get a permanent e-mail address

When you create a KABA Mail account, you choose a permanent e-mail address that will never change as long as you continue to use KABA Mail. This is great for people who:

  • Want to switch Internet Service Providers. Your KABA Mail address will be the same no matter how you access the Internet, so you don't have to worry about retrieving messages from your old address or notifying friends, family and associates of a new e-mail address. You are free to select any Internet Service Provider that suits your needs.
  • Are thinking about changing jobs. If you switch jobs, you lose access to the e-mail account provided by your employer. KABA Mail offers a way to communicate with important contacts.
  • Leave School. When you leave school for the summer, travel abroad or graduate, you may no longer have access to your school e-mail account. With KABA Mail, your friends will always know where to reach you. 

Your e-mail is private and secure

When you sign up for KABA Mail, you choose your personal ID and password. The only way you can access your account is by using the password you select. This means that only you will have access to your KABA Mail account, even if you use a computer at a public terminal or a friend's house.

Because the messages in your KABA Mail account are stored securely at a central location, you don't have to worry about losing important information if something happens to your computer.

KABA Mail is strongly committed to keeping your personal information confidential. 

 KABA Mail is fast and easy to use

It takes less than a minute to get started on KABA Mail, and we have worked to make our pages load quickly since we know your time is valuable.

KABA Mail is free, so give it a try right now! 

Get an additional e-mail account for FREE

KABA Mail offers everyone the opportunity to get a free e-mail account--including each family member.

Some Internet Service Providers charge a monthly fee for additional e-mail accounts. KABA Mail lets an unlimited number of people use a single Internet Service Provider account and have a free, personal e-mail account. 

Keep your personal e-mail separate from your work e-mail

People who use e-mail from work will find it convenient to keep their personal messages separate from their work messages. You can use KABA Mail for your personal correspondence and your company's e-mail system only for business messages. Additionally, you don't have to store personal e-mail on your company's servers. All messages in your KABA Mail account are securely stored in a central location that you access via the Internet with the password you select.  You might also consider using your KABA email for all of your gun-related correspondence, to help keep it separate from other internet communications.


By using Keep and Bear Arm's FREE e-mail service, you agree to the following. Failure to abide by these terms is not tolerated and will result in immediate termination of your account.

1. You may not send spam, scam letters, business proposals or anything the average person would consider spam.

They should have stopped with "Congress shall make no Law..."

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