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Kiss my guns goodbye?

I don't think so.

by Dennis Jackson

September 22, 2000

As a strong supporter of the Second Amendment and a lover of the liberties that we all hold so dear, I was shocked into a reality that I hope none of you who read this message will ever have to experience.

Today I answered the door to a process server who politely called me by my name and served me with a "temporary restraining order". Initially, I had a hard time making sense of the reality of what the form was and what it meant to me - short term and long term. My feelings ranged from anger then sadness and finally helplessness. I am sure you would have felt the same.

I have been going through what can only be described as a very acrimonious divorce for the last 3 years, with no end in sight. It hasn't been a bed of roses, obviously.

But here is why this "restraining order" is so utterly absurd: I have seen her (as in, been in her presence) exactly two times in the last three years, and both times were during legal mediation with other people present! The fact that she lives in San Diego, and I live in Mesa, Arizona only further adds to the bizarre nature of this attack on my rights.

How did she affect this "restraining order"? She claimed she got a threatening note from me on her car - on a day (August 31) when I was hundreds of miles away having back surgery. I don't know if you've ever had back surgery, but believe me, I certainly wasn't in any condition to travel out of state to leave a stupid note on her car. They live in the People's Republic of California, and we are separated by several hundred miles.

Get the picture?

Only 2 weeks ago I told my lawyer that we should expect some irrational action like this from her. I was advised that since there is no history of family abuse or assault, she has no legal grounds for a restraining order. Well, what proof you don't have, you make up. You can always find a judge who cares as little about integrity as much as he dislikes guns, justice and personal freedom.

I have 4 beautiful daughters between the ages of 22 and 15. One of my daughters turned 19 today. Well, guess what? This order prevented me from even calling her to wish her a happy birthday and ask how she liked her gift. This is a terrible injustice to an innocent child.

The real reason for the restraining order was stated very clearly in the order: I must turn over all firearms in my possession to the local police within 72 hours and provide the court with a receipt proving compliance. She did this as a defiant act of spite. She did it to try to hurt me.

The order even listed the firearms she thinks I have in my possession. Of all the firearms listed, some I own, most I don't. She listed every "politically incorrect" firearm she could think of, including an Uzi, AK47, M16 and even an M60! That's a stretch, even for her! In her statement of "facts," she stated and swore to the "fact" that after her "investigation" there are illegal weapons activities in my home. She claimed - without any proof whatsoever - that she and the children have been threatened by me in the past and are afraid of me causing them harm.

Me? Huh? I am a professional airline pilot, and believe me when I say that I would never do anything to endanger my career - or especially my children. I am coming up on a forced government retirement in 3 years. Two of my dreams would be wiped away if this horrid, deceitful "restraining order" were allowed to stick: my plan to work for the FAA, and my plan to be a certified firearms instructor. Not only have I never behaved in the ways in which she has falsely accused me, I never would; I have Plans for my life, thank you.

I owned firearms for the entire 20 years we were married without any cry of foul from her, not even when the girls were very young. Now she has found a nerve. A way for her to get to me. And this is sanctioned by the very government and courts sworn to protect our rights.

I assure you that I will fight this, and I have an Attorney that is willing to take on the fight. But this is not just my fight! Every lawful firearm owner is vulnerable to this sort of judicial blackmail. This is not about her personal safety. I am not an aggressive person and I am not one with a short fuse. I am not a threat to anyone!

This action is pure and simple a case of spite.

But this action places me on yet another government "hit" list.

There is a message here for all of us.

Everyone we know or are intimately involved with has the potential and the power to deny us our rights through "restraining orders." Whether it is a wife, husband, neighbor or co-worker, you are at risk of losing your right to own a firearm if you even have a simple disagreement. And worst of all, they don't need proof. Their word against yours. End of story, your guns are gone!

As far as my case is concerned, I plan to fight and win this one, not just for me, but for all of us.

I rarely repeat myself, but the implications of this fact are so important, I feel I must drive it home as a word of caution - to all gun owners - in dealing with unstable people: I have only seen her twice in the last 3 years, and both times were in legal proceedings with other people present.

This story ain't over yet!

In Liberty,
Dennis Jackson

To see how this situation resolved visit:

It's Finally Over!

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No kingdom can be secured otherwise than by arming the people. The possession of arms is the distinction between a freeman and a slave. He, who has nothing, and who himself belongs to another, must be defended by him, whose property he is, and needs no arms. But he, who thinks he is his own master, and has what he can call his own, ought to have arms to defend himself, and what he possesses; else he lives precariously, and at discretion. — James Burgh, Political Disquisitions: Or, an Enquiry into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses [London, 1774-1775].

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