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Vass man kills armed robber, deputies say

By Matt Leclercq
Staff writer

November 21, 2000 

CARTHAGE -- A robbery victim shot and killed one of four men who held him up Saturday as the robbers were trying to get away, the Moore County Sheriff’s Office said.

The robbers showed up at a mobile home park off Wright Road in Vass and pretended to be looking for someone, said Sgt. Chuck Ferguson. They talked with Robert Anthony Eberhart and Alicia Gilchrist, who were at a home on Jolinda Road.

Once the men were inside the home, they pulled out a handgun and took jewelry and $75 from Eberhart and Gilchrist, the Sheriff’s Office said. Gilchrist had her 1-year-old son with her.

When the men were leaving, Eberhart grabbed a gun from inside the home, ran out and shot one of the men in the neck. Jaton Armont Simpson, who was 18 and lived on Vass Road in Spring Lake, died a short time later at FirstHealth Moore Regional Hospital.

On Sunday, deputies arrested two other men suspected of participating in the robbery: Terrell Lamar Jefferson, who is 20, and Patrick Legrant Geddie, who is 23.

Prosecutors had not determined by Monday afternoon whether they had reason to charge Eberhart. Eberhart could not be reached for comment.

Geddie and Jefferson are charged with two counts each of armed robbery and second-degree kidnapping. Investigators also charged Geddie, who lives on the 5400 block of Mesa Drive in Fayetteville, with conspiracy to commit armed robbery, assault by pointing a gun and assault with a deadly weapon, according to arrest reports.

Jefferson lives on the 1000 block of Riverside Circle in Spring Lake, reports said.

Bail for each was set at $300,000 bail.

Staff writer Matt Leclercq can be reached at 486-3551 or

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research or educational purposes. We do our best, as well, to give credit to the original news source who published these Guns Save Lives stories out of respect and appreciation for their willingness to spread the word that Guns Save Lives. God Bless the Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in hearing the truth. Note: In many states, going outside of your home after home invading scumbags have left and then shooting one of the little parasites will land you in prison. One man who chased his attacker for 300 yards and then killed him recently got off with probation. His attorney argued that his beating left him in a confused state, and the judge surprisingly ruled in his favor. Regardless, our urging is to make sure you get them in your home if you're going to shoot them. We also state in plain English that we feel no pain over the death of the above miscreant. The fact that he won't be breeding -- or doing it again -- is a good thing.

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