Man shoots home invasion
suspects; 1 dies
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
January 31, 2001
Police said two armed men came into a house at
2011 Browns Mill Road in southeast Atlanta about 10:30 p.m. and shot the
resident in the leg. The injured man then grabbed his gun and returned fire in
self-defense, said Atlanta police homicide Lt. Mike Smith.
The dead suspect was unidentified, but the
other, Victor Middlebrooks Jr., was critically injured, Smith said. Middlebrooks
was charged with murder because his partner died in the commission of a felony,
Smith said. The resident survived and was not charged.
Smith did not release the man's name and said
he did not know what the suspects were after. Note: Would
Demosocialist anti-self-defense people rather this homeowner had simply sat and
waited until they left his house -- hoping they didn't kill him? If so, we
would not wish the same on you or your family, and we'd appreciate the same
respect. Considering the fact that these guys came in and shot him upon entry,
it's not a big stretch to imagine they'd have killed him. Your call for him to
get rid of his guns, therefore, would likely have been a Death Sentence. Perhaps
a moral reevaluation of your anti-life beliefs is in order...
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Bless the Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in
hearing the truth.