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Teen wounded by teen in burglary attempt

Originally published here on Tuesday, February 13, 2001

DAYTON--Monday's shooting of a burglar by a 14-year-old is related to a 17-year-old suspect found a block away with a gunshot wound to the chest, police said.

The 17-year-old boy, in serious but stable condition at Miami Valley Hospital late Monday, is facing delinquency charges equal to felony charges, Huber Heights police Lt. Herschel Caudill said.

Police responded about 10 a.m. to a call of an attempted burglary at 4370 Powell Road that was stopped short when the 14-year-old boy, who was home alone in a cast because of an injured ankle, discovered someone climbing through a bedroom window in back of the brick, one-story house.

The boy shot the burglar using a 12-gauge, single-barrel shotgun, police said. Half of the person's body, at least from the waist down, was inside the house, Caudill said.

"He says he told the person not to come through the window, to back out, and that didn't happen," Caudill said. "... He had to actually go to his father's room and get the gun and load the gun."

After he shot the burglar, the boy went to his grandmother's house nearby to call police, Caudill said.

The shotgun belongs to the father, who was at work, he said.

The burglary occurred about 45 minutes before neighbors had witnessed a 17-year-old boy, whose chest was riddled with buckshot and leg was injured in the shooting, wandering the 4600 block of Wayne Meadows Circle, Caudill said.

The teen-ager was knocking on an apartment door for help, but no one was home, said Sgt. Rick May. The teen-ager, didn't know the homeowner, he said.

No weapon was found on him, Caudill said.

Prosecutors will determine if charges will be brought against the 14-year-old, he said. Police would not release any names because juveniles are involved.

The situation could have been worse, Caudill said, and sends a message to would-be burglars.

"It shows what can happen to you," he said.

Contact Cheryl M. Harris at 225-2215 or e-mail her at Note: Had this family had a triggerlock on that shotgun, that injured teenager may have been killed inside his own home. Had a so-called "safe storage" law been in place and obeyed, the only person who would have been safe was the criminal. We applaud this teenager for shooting this burglar and hope this news item is a wakeup call for the anti-rights sheeple calling for mandatory triggerlock and "safe storage" laws.

NOTICE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed, without profit, for research or educational purposes. We do our best, as well, to give credit to the original news source who published these Guns Save Lives stories out of respect and appreciation for their willingness to spread the word that Guns Save Lives. God Bless the Americans that publish these stories - for assisting Americans in hearing the truth.


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