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Reasonable Gun Control

(Is It Common-Sense, Or Sensible?)

by Randall N. Herrst, President
The Center For The Study Of Crime

The anti-self-defense groups love to talk about "common sense or reasonable" gun control. They use those phrases as though the concept of gun control laws aimed at law-abiding citizens is inherently and immutably "reasonable". Why? "It just feels right." We should develop a set of criteria for "reasonable" and "common sense" so that we can take over their terminology and use it to educate the voters. If enough people on our side turned this against them, they would stop using it. The beauty is that gun control is inherently unreasonable, so our criteria will make a lot of sense to many people. Few people would disagree with our criteria once they have been explained.

Primary Points

1.  A reasonable law must target violent criminals, rather than law-abiding citizens.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving has succeeded by targeting the dangerous criminals, rather than going after all drivers or trying to ban certain types of cars. Any burden on law-abiding citizens must be legally "de minimus;" the least burdensome or restrictive way to accomplish the purposes of the law. Criminal laws aimed at the general population are inherently too weak to affect the criminals.

2.  Any proposed firearms legislation must have a historical track record of reducing violent crime in some U.S. jurisdiction, without adversely affecting the law-abiding citizens' basic human right of self-defense.

If the proposed law has never previously been tried anywhere in the U.S., it must meet all 6 of the other criteria listed here, and it must automatically sunset, without possibility of automatic renewal, within 3 years. Renewal would only be allowed after thorough review and legislative debate to determine whether that law by itself had significantly reduced crime in that jurisdiction compared to all other demographically similar jurisdictions.

3.  Any reasonable law would incorporate built-in, nearly automatic exceptions which would allow anyone who is under immediate physical threat to swear to that fact under penalty of perjury and obtain a waiver of any waiting periods, safety testing, residency requirements, and other routine requirements, pending a resolution of their situation.

No law can be reasonable or common-sense if it endangers or handicaps those who are most in need of protection while it only deals effectively with routine situations. It makes far more sense to design a law to be most efficient in dealing with the most serious life-or-death situations, not the routine or trivial ones.

4.  Any reasonable, common-sense law must be designed to work in conjunction with the fact that the police are not legally responsible for our protection and cannot be held liable for failure to protect us.

There is no jurisdiction in the U.S. where a citizen can hold the police liable for failure to protect them, which means that ultimately, each person is responsible for their own protection and the protection of their loved ones.

5.  A reasonable law must have a favorable cost-to-benefit ratio; otherwise the wasted resources could have had a greater crime control effect if applied elsewhere.

Policies which expend huge amounts of money while producing minimal crime-reducing results should be repealed and replaced with programs that are known to work. Wasted resources allow crime to flourish. Consider the billions of dollars that it would take to strictly enforce the existing gun laws and throw millions of firearms owners in prison ($35,000 per year for each prisoner). How much crime would be prevented? Or would it increase violent crime, as so many other gun control laws have done?

6.  None of the subsections of an otherwise reasonable law would be designed to gratuitously target, handicap, or burden the average law-abiding firearms owner.

It is not reasonable or acceptable to tack on an unrelated clause or subsection which is designed to, or which has the effect of burdening or handicapping non-violent firearms owners.

7.  Any reasonable, common-sense law would automatically sunset after 5 years if it has not produced significant reductions in violent crime.

If the law is not doing the job it was intended to do, it makes no sense to retain its restrictions and impediments on the natural right of self-defense or other legitimate uses of firearms, no matter how minor those restrictions might be. Laws should never impose restrictions or burdens just for the sake of having restrictions and burdens; they should have a purpose and an empirical effect if they are to be considered reasonable.

Copyright © 2001, The Center For The Study Of Crime.
All rights reserved.

Related Reading

Reasonable Gun Control?
If this is "reasonable," what is unreasonable?

by Angel Shamaya

What Are Sensible Gun Laws?
A Position Statement by Doctors for Sensible Gun Laws


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by Michael Z. Williamson

The “Unregulated” Gun

The Folly of Common Sense
by Michael Mitchell

Gun Laws Can Be Dangerous, Too.
by John R. Lott Jr.

Sensible Gun Laws
by Marvin V. Stenhammar


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Without freedom there will be no firearms among the people; without firearms among the people there will not long be freedom. Certainly there are examples of countries where the people remain relatively free after the people have been disarmed, but there are no examples of a totalitarian state being created or existing where the people have personal arms. — Neal Knox

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