HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Evidence in the fatal shooting of a burglary suspect by a northeast Houston man early today will be referred to a grand jury without charges, police said.
Juan Fernando Flores, 30, of the 300 block of Vincent, died from a gunshot wound to the head after a homeowner in the 200 block of Kelley opened fire on two men he caught taking tools from his pickup truck about 1 a.m., police said.
The two men fled in a car after the shooting, but police said the car crashed and began to burn a few blocks away in the 5400 block of Fulton.
A passerby pulled Flores from the driver's seat of the burning car, and told police a second man in the car fled on foot. Flores, who suffered at least one gunshot wound to the head, was dead. Police were unsure whether his passenger was wounded.
In the car Flores had been driving, police said they found a variety of tools, some of which were identified as belonging to the resident in the 200 block of Kelley.
Police ask that anyone with information about the second suspect contact them at 713-308-3600, or Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS
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