If you enjoy any outdoor activities in your National Forests your days are numbered.
Bill Clinton is going to put a stop your recreation with a stroke of the pen. What will be
effected? Mountain Biking, Horse Back Riding, ATV's, Motorcycles, Hunting, Fishing, etc.
How will he do this? By blocking your access by motorized vehicle to some 50 Million
Acres of your own land. It's as simple as that.
Think this is more "Black Helicopter" conspiracy ranting? Look at your Forest
Service WEB site:
When you look at this WEB site use your head and take the time to look past their
simple sounding pronouncements of what they say they are up to. Look at the what they're
bragging about in the "in the news" section. Note that this has nothing to do
with partisan politics or the right/left battles.
This act by Bill Clinton completely bypasses the congress and the checks and balances
against abuse of power which are the bases of our freedom. In Part One of this plan, there
will be a prohibition on "road building" in National Forests. On the surface
this seems like a small thing. But when you see them talk about maintaining the safety of
existing roads know that they plan to close all "unmaintained" roads. By doing
this thing you will no longer have vehicle access to some 380,000 thousand miles of your
own roads.
In Part Two they finish the job by banning all "off road vehicles" from use
in "roadless" areas.
Perhaps you consider yourself an environmentalist and support this. But consider; if
you allow this to become law by royal decree, to pass unchallenged, the next time a
non-environmentalist President gets into office he can use the same precedent to reverse
the will of congress like Clinton by Royal Edict.
The sword of tyranny cuts both ways.
Maybe you’re a mountain biker who thinks this just gets dirt bikers, etc. Don't
fall for that "get the other guy" trap. Look at what the folks behind this are
really after, the complete prohibition of human activity in our national forests.
So they play you against the dirt bike folks, or the hunters against the ATV guys -
makes no difference; if those of us who use National Forests for legitimate purposes don't
hang together and support each other's rights - we shall all hang separately.
1. Please contact the Blue Ribbon Coalition for the very latest information on the
biggest land grab in American history: http://sharetrails.org/choice.html
2. Forward this to everyone you know.
3. You must send a written objection during the comment period or you will lose your
legal standing to object after this passes: Here's how you do it.
Use this form:
Write your comments to the USDA Forest Service-CAET, Roadless Areas NOI,
PO Box 221090, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84122.
Fax them at 801-517-1021
email them at roadless/wo_caet-slc@fs.fed.us
4. Call and write to your represenitives: http://congress.nw.dc.us/wnd/
5. Forward this message.
Other nifty links to your governments efforts to keep you out of your land: