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Utah Congressional Candidate Questionnaire 2002

Utah Gun Owners' Alliance
P.O. Box 1185 Sandy, UT 84091-1185
Working to protect the individual right of the people to keep and bear arms
for security and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state,
as well as for other lawful purposes ...

Results of this survey are posted on the UTGOA web site, If you live in Utah, PLEASE check to see if you favorite candidates have completed a questionnaire. If they haven't, please encourage them to do so right away!



City: _________________________________ State: ________Zip:_______________

Phone: ( ) _____________________________________________________

Email: ___________________________________________________________

Office: ____________ District: _____________ Party:______________________

INSTRUCTIONS: Please respond to the questions below by circling your answer. If you would be willing to sponsor the proposed legislation during your upcoming term of office, please also circle the "sponsor" option. We encourage you to include additional comments by attaching a separate sheet of paper, but we may not be able to publish all comments. Please print your name and SIGN each sheet of the questionnaire. If you have questions or need more information, please contact Sarah Thompson at If you do not respond, we will assume that you are hostile to gun rights or don't care about gun rights enough to respond.

Return questionnaire to: Utah Gun Owners Alliance, PO Box 1185, Sandy, UT 84091. You may also fax responses to 801-566-1625. We will NOT accept email responses because of problems with verifying authenticity. Questionnaires MUST be returned by April 17, but please return them as soon as possible. THANK YOU!


Background checks, which are mandated by federal Brady Act, are currently used to register gun owners. Historically, registration of gun owners leads eventually to confiscation of the registered guns, as has happened in Nazi Germany, New York City, California, and Chicago. Recent research published in the Journal of the American Medical Association shows that background checks have no effect on homicide rates, implying that they are a waste of time, money and personnel.

1. Will you support a repeal of the Brady Act?


2. Will you support legislation requiring that state and federal government agencies IMMEDIATELY destroy the records of persons who successfully pass a background check?


Americans have a constitutionally guaranteed right to own private property, and thus to buy, sell, trade or otherwise acquire and dispose of it. This is, and has always been, true of firearms. Proposals to require background checks of firearms transfers between private persons, as opposed to dealers, infringe that right by requiring government permission to sell private property. They also register gun owners.

3. Will you oppose all proposals to require background checks and registration of guns and gun owners in order for private persons to sell their own property, whether at home, at a gun show, or by newspaper advertisements?


Since carrying a firearm is a constitutionally guaranteed right, no one should have to ask permission from the government to exercise that right. Vermont, which has one of the lowest crime rates in the nation, allows any citizen to carry a firearm except to commit a crime.

4. Will you support legislation to enable any citizen who is not prohibited from possessing a firearm (due to felony, domestic violence, mental illness, etc.), and who is not using it to commit a violent crime, to carry a concealed firearm without having to obtain a permit?


Under the 1996 federal Lautenberg Domestic Gun Ban Act, a person who has been convicted of misdemeanor domestic violence, or who is under a restraining order, is prohibited from possessing a firearm for the rest of his/her life. This includes people subject to routine restraining orders as part of divorce agreements, and infractions as mild as yelling at a spouse or spanking a child.

5. Will you support legislation to repeal the Lautenberg Domestic Violence Gun Ban?


Historically, a person has only lost his rights when he commits a felony. However, gun control advocates are proposing that gun rights be revoked for misdemeanor offenses, sometimes as minor as spanking a child or yelling at a spouse.

6. Will you oppose all proposals to revoke gun rights for misdemeanor offenses?


The 1968 Kohl Gun Free School Zone act bans all firearms within a 1000 foot radius of each school. The ban includes such innocuous activities as driving past a school with an unloaded firearm on the way to a hunting trip or shooting range.

7. Will you support a repeal of the Kohl Gun Free School Zone ban?


The Kohl Gun Free School Zone ban and other gun bans that attempt to create "gun-free" areas actually create criminal safety zones where criminals can attack innocent victims without having to worry that an armed citizen might fight back. (Question on next page)

8. Will you oppose all efforts to create new victim disarmament zones where good citizens are prohibited from defending themselves and their families against violent criminals?


The need and the risks of having a firearm readily accessible vary tremendously from person to person. For example, an elderly person living in a high crime area has different needs than a suburban mom with toddlers. Yet gun control advocates want to force "one size fits all" requirements for gun safes and trigger locks on all gun owners, rather than recognizing that the gun owner is best able to judge what is appropriate for his/her own circumstances.

9. Will you oppose all efforts to impose government mandates for trigger locks, gun safes, "smart guns" or other proposals that prevent a gun owner from keeping a gun readily accessible?


Gun control advocates promote the hysterical, but false, belief that certain firearms, which they call "assault weapons", are more dangerous than others because of the way they look, even though they are functionally identical to firearms routinely used for hunting, target shooting and self defense. As a result, Congress has banned over 180 guns because gun control advocates think they are "ugly". Congress has also banned the manufacture and importation of magazines that hold more than ten bullets, even though such magazines are necessary for self defense against mobs in times of civil unrest. These bans are due to expire in 2004, although it is certain that anti-gun forces will try to make them permanent

10. Will you oppose all efforts to extend the current bans on semi-automatic firearms and magazines that hold more than 10 bullets, and will you oppose future efforts to impose such bans?


Owning a firearm is a right guaranteed by the Constitution, just like the rights to speech, religion, voting, etc. Although we don't require people to pass a test to vote, attend church, or speak, some people think government should require a test before a person is allowed to purchase a firearm.

11. Will you oppose efforts to require written tests and/or live-fire range tests in order to purchase a firearm?


12. Will you oppose legislation to restrict firearms purchases to one per month?


Currently firearms are banned in National Parks. This endangers tourists who carry firearms for self defense on long trips. It also endangers hikers and campers in remote areas who may be attacked by human or animal predators.

13. Will you support a repeal of firearms bans in National Parks?


Currently firearms are banned on federal property including federal office buildings, VA hospitals and post offices. This requires people who have necessary business in these places to either endanger their own lives by traveling unarmed or endanger others by leaving loaded firearms in their cars.

14. Will you support legislation to repeal firearms bans on federal property except in Congressionally designated secure areas (such as courts) that provide locked storage for legally carried firearms?


Article I of the U. S. Constitution gives Congress the authority to exercise only the powers "herein granted" by the people. These do NOT include the authority to ban, regulate, or restrict firearms and ammunition. The 1968 Gun Control Act prohibits mail order sales of firearms, prohibits most interstate firearms sales, defines persons who may not possess firearms, requires licensing of firearms dealers, and provides for registration and taxation of possession of automatic firearms.

15. Since Congress has no authority to enact gun control, would you support a repeal of the 1968 Gun Control Act?


16. Will you support legislation guaranteeing a person's right to use deadly force in order to defend himself or others from violent attack, whether the attack occurs in his home or elsewhere?


Since anti-gun forces have been unsuccessful at getting guns banned, they are taking the back-door approach and trying to bankrupt firearms manufacturers by filing frivolous lawsuits blaming manufacturers for firearms offenses committed by violent criminals.

17. Will you support legislation prohibiting persons who are shot with a properly-working firearm from suing firearms manufacturers and/or firearms sellers?



-- Candidate Authorization --

My signature affirms that the answers given above accurately represent my beliefs as a candidate for elective office.

Name: _____________________________________________ Date:_____________

Signature: _____________________________________________________________

Printer Version

The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.' The right of the whole people, old and young, men, women and boys, and not militia only, to keep and bear arms of every description, and not such merely as are used by the militia, shall not be infringed, curtailed, or broken in upon, in the smallest degree; and all this for the important end to be attained: the rearing up and qualifying a well-regulated militia, so vitally necessary to the security of a free State. Our opinion is that any law, State or Federal, is repugnant to the Constitution, and void, which contravenes this right. [Nunn vs. State, 1 Ga. (1 Kel.) 243, at 251 (1846)]

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