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Two home invaders killed in shootout with resident

Originally ran here as:
"2 intruders killed in morning home invasion"
by Mike Glenn, Staff Writer
Houston Chronicle
May 04, 2002

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- Gunfire erupted this morning inside a northeast Harris County home. By the time it was over, two men were dead and a third was being sought by sheriff's deputies.

The shooting occurred about 5 a.m. at the house in the 4200 block of Glenchase Lane.

Precinct 4 deputy constables went to the scene after the homeowner called to report a break-in at the residence.

When they arrived, the constables found one man dead and another shot, but still alive. He was taken to Ben Taub General Hospital where he later died from his injuries, officials said.

Harris County Sheriff's detectives were called to the scene to investigate.

The homeowner, who has not been identified, told investigators he and his brother-in-law were asleep upstairs when the front door was kicked in.

Three men entered and ran upstairs armed with shotguns. They exchanged gunfire with the homeowner after forcing open the bedroom doors. Two of the intruders were shot during the gunfight, officials said. A third intruder who fled may be wounded.

Detectives said the third man he could be driving a blue or green Cadillac Escalade with a California license plate 4ABU25.

The shooting is being referred to the Harris County Grand Jury without any recommendation for charges.

The motive behind the home invasion was still unknown later today.

Anyone with information about the incident is asked to call Crime Stoppers at 713-222-TIPS

Two home invaders killed in shootout with resident

Originally ran here as:
"Homowner shoots and kills two home invasion suspects"
by Cynthia Cisneros, General Assignment Reporter
May 05, 2002

The early morning peaceful atmosphere was shattered by three gunmen who police say broke through the front door.

HOUSTON, TEXAS -- A northwest Harris county man is recovering after a violent encounter with criminals.

Three armed men burst into the man's home Saturday morning and began shooting. It happened on Glen Chase near Torrey Chase. It was a terrifying time. Police say Raul Perez and his brother-in-law were in the home just before dawn, when gunfire erupted.

The early morning peaceful atmosphere was shattered by three gunmen who police say broke through the front door. Neighbor Young Huinh was jolted out of bed when he heard two gun shots. He and his father didn't know their neighbor was fighting for his life against three armed intruders.

"Went upstairs to where the bedrooms were confronted one man and evidently they were looking for one of the individuals who lived in this house," explained Sgt. James Parker of the Harris County Sheriff's Department.

Police say the homeowner, who slipped and fell but was not seriously injured, opened fire, striking two of the suspects.

While no one at the house wanted to talk, police say, one suspect was shot and later died at Ben Taub Hospital. Another suspect was shot and killed at the home. A third suspect drove off. It was a violent confrontation, but it was a shooting many neighbors out here say was justified.

"I respect them for protecting their property," said Carol Anthony. "You just can't come into somebody's home and invade their homes and get away with it."

"First place, if you don't live there and you don't have a key then you have no business being there and he got a right to protect himself," agreed Bobby Lewis.

And apparently authorities agree. The case will be referred to the grand jury with no charges.

Police say they do not have a motive for the home invasion. Eyewitnesses were able to get a partial description of the getaway car. It's a blue or green Cadillac Escalde with California license plates. The partial license plate number is this 4AB U25.

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