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A Pizza Delivery Driver's View of Gun Control  by George Combs II

A Pizza Delivery Driver's View of Gun Control

By George Combs II

November 5, 2003 -- I have been a longtime advocate of unrestricted firearms ownership. I believe that the Second Amendment is clear, despite the contention of gun control advocates. Moreover, the writings of the Founders of this nation are explicit. They intended America to be a free society, and one where the right to keep and bear arms was not to be infringed for any reason.

In one sentence, I believe that gun control creates needless victims.

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics, pizza delivery is ranked #5 on the list of occupations with the highest mortality rates. (The list can be found here: My occupation is right behind timber cutters, fishers, pilots, and structural metal workers. Incidentally, law enforcement officers and firefighters didn't crack the top ten. Does this not speak volumes?

On Wednesday, November 4, 2003, I submitted an article to's Newslinks entitled: "Pizza deliveryman gunned down at west Phoenix apartments." As the editor stated, Domino's Pizza indeed has a strict policy of no armed drivers. He used the word "disarmed" and said "Domino's has blood on their hands." I can't argue with that. In fact, not only does Domino's have such a policy, but all the major chains, plus most of the regional chains and 'mom & pop'-type stores, too.

The official Domino's policy concerning robbers is: 'Don't provoke, don't resist.' What choice do we have, pray tell? This is a job that pays a low base wage; a lot of our money is in tips and mileage reimbursement. No one wants to get hurt or killed over a pizza and a few measly dollars, so drivers will readily give them up. But there are criminals and would-be criminals who simply won't be appeased by that. They want to hurt and kill. It really is that simple.

Domino's says we should do callbacks on every single suspicious order. But at high-volume stores where the phone is ringing off the hook and we're told to get the orders delivered and get back quickly to the store to take more pizzas to customers, callbacks aren't really feasible. Most drivers, myself included, have cell phones, but you still can't tell what a customer's intentions are. I discussed the armed drivers issue with a former manager some time ago, and he said was opposed to it because it would scare customers to have a driver with a gun standing on their front porch. Mind you, this was in a city with a high crime area. When the Rodney King incident hit the news, there was a riot there that night. A police car was overturned and three people were killed. Two drivers came back to the store with damage to their cars -- one with a shattered windshield because someone had thrown a cinder block through it. Thankfully, neither was hurt. And the manager was worried about scared customers? Besides, who's talking about drivers strapping a gun around their waists a'la Clint Eastwood in those old spaghetti westerns? Concealed carry would give drivers a proven defensive tool while not attracting attention. That's the idea of carrying concealed weapons. 

Avni Dobratiqi didn't see his killer. And even if he had, I doubt the outcome would have been any different. The same goes for people like Barry Schrader, Precious Canter, El Said Abed, Robin Ballard, Nabeel Siddiqui and Brion Barrett. These people were pizza delivery drivers who were killed, and none of them stood a chance against their assailants. 

I don't want to become a statistic, and I don't want to see another innocent human being become a statistic needlessly.

In talking to other drivers, many of whom say they support concealed carry, I've learned many don't want to carry one themselves. One of the major reasons was that carrying a concealed gun would be "uncomfortable." Hold the phone! If you think carrying a gun under your shirt is uncomfortable, realize that it's a lot more comfortable than getting shot, stabbed or hit in the face with a baseball bat. 

There is one truth about a free society: A free society is one where the lawful have the greatest possible advantage over the lawless. Or at least a fighting chance.

It's high time people learn it.



Natural Rights of Man:

Gun Banners' Utopia: 

Pizza delivery man shoots armed robber
Aware that fellow delivery men "are robbed frequently," a delivery man ignores store policy, carries a gun and thwarts an armed robbery.
Pizza delivery driver, mistaken for a Muslim by young thugs
"So they robbed a Domino's driver, expecting to net big bucks." (July 27, 2003, Page B2)
Pizza shop worker sends robber to early grave
A pizza shop employee chased down and fatally shot a man who had just robbed his store. The robber was armed. The pizza man was, too. Good guy sleeps in his own bed, robber pushing daises -- as it should be.
Pizza deliveryman's attackers now face murder charge
"A 24-year-old Kearny pizza deliveryman who was beaten with a baseball bat on Sept. 27 died at University Hospital in Newark on Oct. 6 after spending 10 days in a coma..." (October 9, 2003)
Pizza man holds suspect at bay until cops arrive
A robber pulled a gun on a delivery man. The delivery man, however, was armed and pulled his own gun. Thinking it best to keep breathing for a while longer, the crook stayed put until authorities arrived.
Pizzeria owner murdered during delivery
"El Said Abed believed his Mechanicsville Turnpike pizza shop should deliver to all neighborhoods, even those that are dangerous. Those good intentions may have cost him his life." (June 23, 2003)
Pizza delivery man may have saved his own life -- with a gun
Two thugs robbed and kidnapped a delivery man, then drove him to a wooded area. The delivery man grabbed a gun he kept in his vehicle and put an end to the kidnappers' plans.
Shooting death of pizza delivery man during an apparent holdup
"Police say 13-year-old Demarios Banyard and 18-year-old Dennis Ragsdale are each charged in the slaying of 25-year-old Robin Ballard." (February 26, 2003)
Pizzeria manager shoots 2 armed robbers, both were on probation
This one happened at Christmastime. Thank goodness the manager was prepared -- so he could go home to his loved ones.
Suspects Sought In Pizza Deliveryman Murder
"A 24-year-old pizza deliveryman was reportedly shot and killed overnight in a robbery at a Hungry Howie's restaurant in northwest Detroit." (February 26, 2003)
Pizza deliveryman with gun scares off would-be robber
A criminal armed with a .22-cal. rifle suddenly changed his plans when he saw a deliveryman's shotgun. (The Buffalo News, December 9, 2002)
Mom of 2 killed delivering pizzas
"Grief and rage consumed Richard Cordell yesterday as he stood behind a police barricade and wondered what investigators were doing in the middle-school parking lot where his daughter's body lay." (June 30, 2000)



Death and Injury for Employees & Free Money for Thugs

Pizza Delivery Drivers -- Crime Reports


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Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they knew that only when people are armed could they truly be thought of as free citizens. And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to keep and bear arms are intending to deprive you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these elitists know that it is always best to disarm victims before you enslave them. — Charley Reese

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