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The Battle Ahead

by Louis Turner

December 13, 2001

There is an important point to make about our ongoing struggles with the enemy. Most of what is written these days pertaining to the onslaught of our liberties is good, and informative, but no solution is given.

If we the sheeple continue to fight a defensive war we will put our battles into a void of catch up at 3% a day. The 3 % that I am referring to is the description of the types of individuals we have in the House and Senate. The first percent are the leftist types that work toward a global government. The second type is the hard working individuals that fight and defend the Constitution. The third type is the type that holds its wet finger into the air and goes with the flow of the majority, whether it be good, or bad. The end thereof will be a horrible loss to our Liberties depending on the current flow of the House and Senate.

We have the power to determine when and where the battles lie and begin. The main core of the problem lies within the United Nations. Here is the tumor that gets bigger and bigger with every passing year. Time has long passed. It is time to remove the tumor that has infected our country, our Sovereignty, our Bill of rights, our Constitution! We now know the enemy.


In the year 500 b.c., a Chinese general and philosopher by the name of Sun Tzu wrote a treatise called The Art of War. It has been translated into just about every language in the world and has become a classic of military and political strategy. In it, Sun Tzu said: " If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle."

There are lots of great organizations out there. Keep and Bear Arms, Gun Owners of America, Save Our Constitution, Anti Abortion organizations, Christian Organizations. Save our Land organizations, etc. is an ad-hock of the John Birch Society. You do not have to become a member of the John Birch Society in order to participate in the Get US Out organization. I would like to invite every good organization, along with every concerned citizen to participate in the Get US Out organization. This IS The Solution to the problem. Concerned about guns? The UN wants your gun! Concerned about your land? The UN wants your land! Concerned about education? The UN wants to brainwash your child in school! Join The Battle!

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The power of the state is measured by the power that men surrender to it. — Felix Morley

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