Ohio House Passes CCW Reform HB274
by Jeff Garvas
March 22, 2002
KeepAndBearArms.com -- On Thursday, Mach 21st, the Ohio House took another step towards passing concealed carry reform into law in Ohio.
The House voted 66-27, a "veto proof" majority, to pass HB274 and move it to the Ohio Senate.
HB274 is best described as a "permit style" bill, with some good and bad attributed. Don't get me wrong, this is simply not the best bill we could come up with, but it is significantly better than some other states have it.
The legislation passed right before a recess, so we no have time to regroup and focus our efforts on the Ohio Senate and Governor Bob Taft who, in his first campaign for Governor, promised to pass concealed carry reform.
Late in his campaign he added the qualifier "With law enforcement support", to appease law enforcement unions.
With an election coming up in November, Governor Bob Taft may need to remember his original promise. The only way he'll do that is if you help us.
Your State Representative needs to hear from you immediately. Even if it's the middle of the night you can leave them voicemail at their office!
For details on how to contact your Ohio State Representative by telephone right now please
visit our website http://www.OhioCCW.org
for contact information.
Most importantly, share this information with very friend and related mailing list you can find. If the Ohio House is going to take this up Thursday we have less than twenty four hours to make an impact.
Please consider a financial contribution and membership with Ohioans For Concealed Carry so that we can move forward before the end of session.
Jeff Garvas, President
Ohioans For Concealed Carry
Related Reading
gun bill political hot potato for Taft
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