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It CAN Happen Here -- Unless We Act
by Charlie Sanders
Second Amendment Sisters
Arkansas Coordinator


I have just come from a showing of "The Patriot".

My God.

How could anyone walk away from viewing such a presentation without having some spark inside? Yet I know there are some who have. And will.

What kept coming to mind, was the reluctance, no, resignation against it, on the part of Benjamin Martin to join himself to such an effort. After it becomes apparent later in the movie, as to why, we can understand for ourselves his reluctance. But it was thrust upon him, and he could not avoid it. We see the inner struggle as he tries to keep his son, Gabriel from going to join the Revolution. We feel what he feels. Finally, when he sees that it is inevitable, he goes full bore after the enemy. At the death of his son, Thomas, he knows he cannot stay neutral. He will not be neutral.

We live in a country today that has largely forgotten where we came from. Mean men have crept in while we have slept. "The Patriot" brings back our memory in a stunning recollection of courage, defiance and a spirit of independence. Freedom. No man wants to be a slave. No man wants to be told how things will be and then told to like it.

Most of our country today, is aware of "something". We know something is wrong, yet we seem to be powerless against it. To Benjamin Martin, the enemy wore red coats. Most Americans today do not know what color of coat our enemy wears, because it is not by a color they are identified. Our enemy can only be identified by what words they speak.

Words. Words are powerful instruments. Words that appear on our Declaration of Independence. Words that form our Constitution and Bill of Rights. Words especially like "...... the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed." There are some in positions of powerful leadership in our country today, who are either too cowardly or too misinformed, or evil and therefore intent on enforcing their will upon "we the people" who hold the reigns of government. Yes, we hold the reigns of government. What shall we do, then, to throw off the tyranny of those who would force their will upon us? What will you do for your country? Will you sit and say, "It can't happen here"? Did the people of Germany say, "It can't happen here" ? Did the people of Rwanda say, "It can't happen here"? Did the Australians and Great Britain say, "It can't happen here"?

Did the Jews say, "It can't happen here"?

It can't happen here. They're just words, but they are powerful. They are so powerful in fact, that they have allowed evil people to be placed in positions of authority and IT CAN HAPPEN HERE. IT CAN HAPPEN, and it WILL HAPPEN HERE. It will happen, unless we can be moved to action like Benjamin Martin was moved to action. But what will it take before you are moved? What would you be willing to let happen?

At what point will you say, NO MORE?

Our Founders knew that in order for our government to be "just" it would have to derive it's power from the consent of the governed. That's "we the people". You and me. We are all "created equal" as they have written. Thus no one has rights superior to those of anyone else. Yet there are those in our very own government who have demonstrated time and time again, by their words and then by their actions, they believe they DO have rights superior to those of anyone else; meaning, the right to tell us (we the people) what is good for us. This is not "just" government. This is tyranny.

The Founders wrote, "we institute government to secure our rights"....but our government today wishes to take away our rights. But they don't say that. They fool us with "words of art" and because we have not tended to our own education, we do not recognize that is what is happening to us. That is why some Americans are saying, "It can't happen here," for that is what they want us to believe. Our Founders did not write a "living, breathing document" meant to keep up with the changing circumstances in which Americans find themselves. No, they meant it just as it is written, and we had better realize that before it is too late; before it HAPPENS HERE. The time to act is now. The time to wake is now. The time for us to be heard as one man is now. The powerful and the rich will not be satisfied with power and money. They will not be satisfied until all are subjugated at their feet in chains.


"But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet to warn the people and the sword comes and takes the life of one of them, that man will be taken away because of his sin, but I will hold the watchman accountable for his blood." Ezekiel 33:6 (NIV)

Charlene Sanders
Second Amendment Sisters
Arkansas Coordinator


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Americans need not fear the federal government because they enjoy the advantage of being armed, which you possess over the people of almost every other nation. — James Madison.

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