Losing the
Gun Rights War, and Our Freedom
by Charles
M. Richardson
Richardson, B.S., M.S., P.E., cmr1234@aol.com 133 Lodge Avenue, Huntington
Station, NY 11746-2808, 631-427-7058; FAX 424-1039; www.literacy-engineering.com
How well do you remember American history? Do you remember WHY the first
battle of the Revolutionary War was fought, the "shot heard 'round the
world ...by the rude bridge that arched the flood," near Lexington &
Concord? It was to DEFEND a Colonial arsenal of WEAPONS and ammunition which the
British were marching from Boston to seize, not long after the Declaration of
Independence had been signed.
We are today facing a THREAT EXACTLY ANALOGOUS to that first British attack
224 years ago. Only this time it's THE U.N. that WANTS US DISARMED so it can
ensnare us into its planned web of "global governance," their
euphemism for world government. If you doubt me, get the UN's own book, OUR
GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD for $14.95 at Barnes & Noble. It'll tell you exactly
what they plan, how much is already in place via treaties (some of which are
unratified, but Clinton is implementing via executive orders), and what their
final steps are and WHEN!! They are a little behind schedule and pushing to
catch up. They have a big Global Charter conference scheduled for September 6th
in NY City. See http://www.charter99.org/charter.html.
If you are even semi-vigilant, you know that Brent Bozell's Media Research
Center (MRC) study showing a 10-to-1 media BIAS AGAINST GUN FREEDOM is accurate.
[Extensive links to Media Bias stories including Bozell's right
here.] Connect the dots: The media blackout of John Lott's scientific MORE
GUNS, LESS CRIME; the ignoring of warnings concerning school curriculum
ingredients that create a "recipe for violence;" the media blackout on
evidence that all the youthful shooters were on psychotropic drugs, mostly at
school request; and now the blatant media blitz for gun control "for the
children" with NO evidence of cause-and-effect! What else but MASSIVE
POLITICAL MUSCLE could produce this perverse, non-scientific media manipulation?
The above should be a wake-up call to every gun-owner and loyal American!
Now connect in the dots of last August's U.N. "Report of the Group of
Governmental Experts on Small Arms" calling on all nations to "control
the legal possession of firearms," plus the October 24th "UN day"
announcement of its "Global Charter for Democracy," and the media
blitz leaps off the page as a key piece of the UN's plan for world government,
The scarier part is that Clinton and his appointees ARE IN FAVOR of the
above: Clinton was a Rhodes Scholar; The Rhodes Scholarship is about world
government. His Rhodes-Scholar room- mate, Strobe Talbott, is #2 man in the
State Department. Talbott, in writings and speeches has declared:
"Nationhood as we know it will be obsolete, all states will recognize a
single global authority. .. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after
all." Taken together, the above reveal intent to subvert our Constitution
and enslave America! That's treason in my book.
In the words of David Horowitz, "It's a war, stupid!"
Sun-Tzu's THE ART OF WAR states a prime rule: "Know your enemy!"
Most citizens are blissfully unaware that the UN's aim from day one has been the
creation of a "one-world" government, viewing USA's free society and
Constitution as its major obstacles. The UN's book, OUR GLOBAL NEIGHBORHOOD
(ISBN 0-19-827997-3), was written by its "Commission on Global
Governance," a 28-person group chaired by Maurice Strong, who has said and
written, "It is simply not feasible for sovereignty to be exercised
unilaterally by individual nation-states, however powerful." UN
manipulations have already disarmed England and Australia, with disastrous jumps
in crime rates, and WE are next on the hit list!
Sun-Tzu also says, "Fight where the enemy is vulnerable, and use your
weapons wisely." Limiting our strategy to shouting matches over
Second-Amendment interpretation is fighting where the enemy is POWERFUL, as is
The enemy views our children as both the pawns and the prize in his quest for
global CONTROL. "For the children," his propaganda shouts, clouding
our perception and muddying our thinking, even while we know the schools are
brain-washing our kids.
The enemy is vulnerable in two areas:
- People's increasing mistrust of the UN and,
- Massive dissatisfaction with our education system.
For #1, mount a campaign of support for Ron Paul's HR-1146 to get US out of
the UN.
For #2: Recognizing that the problem is NOT GUNS, but rather DETERIORATING
YOUTH BEHAVIORS, support the parents and activists who have been fighting the
Federally-driven manipulative and morbid curriculum, its defective basics, and
psychologically tainted curriculum strands, the "recipe for violence,"
each piece of which gives children a nudge toward irresponsible or violent
- Defective reading/English programs which beget illiteracy, which begets
frustration, which leads to irresponsibility and violence;
- "Attitudes and feelings" focus, instead of logical thinking,
unbalances brain development making impulsive and violent behaviors more
- Values clarification, decision-making, & "critical" thinking
(in reality, critical of PARENTAL VALUES), one prominent psychologist claims
are "psychologically designed to bring down the dutiful, obedient
- Cheapening of human life by death and suicide education, lifeboat
problems, radical environmental studies painting humans as "the
problem," morbid books dwelling on death, witchcraft, etc; and
sex-education programs which include abortion as a "solution;"
- The "Self-Esteem" scam produces arrogance and complacency rather
than studiousness;
- Cooperative or group learning reduces respect for teachers, increases peer
pressure, and may catalyze gang formation;
- Social promotions condition kids that performance does not matter.
Put them all together and you have a RECIPE FOR VIOLENCE! Lately there is new
evidence that psychotropic drugs (e.g. Ritalin) are especially destabilizing to
adolescents in their brain-developing years; yet schools are widely promoting
drug prescriptions for behavioral (ADD, ADHD) -- not biological -- reasons.
If all the patriotic and gun-owner organizations start widening the war as
above, we will garner more public support, and have a chance of winning.
Otherwise the sheer power of the New World Order forces, with their control of
the media, will prevail.