Project Exile is an effort supported by the NRA and calls for strict
"zero tolerance" enforcement of all gun laws, apparently in some type
of effort to garner political support through the time-proven,
guaranteed-to-fail method of appeasement. As with other "efforts",
little thought goes into it, especially regarding its potential ramifications
when applied alongside time-proven common sense and logic.
But here is where I really have a problem with "zero tolerance": It
is being applied to the wrong element of our society! Zero tolerance should be
applied to politicians, government agents, bureaucrats and judges, NOT to
citizens caught in the spiderweb of conflicting laws that contradict
time-honored notions of righteousness and justice.
When politicians elevate themselves to positions of diety, and claim that
their "status" places them "above the law" to the point
where the law will "swallow a camel", but the same "law"
"strains at a knat" when applied to ordinary citizens, it is time for
a barncleaning.
Klinton & Co. are perfect examples of this. Comrade Klinton questions the
meaning of the word "is", while others must accept at face value what
some bureaucrat claims the law to be and to mean? I think not!
If "zero tolerance" is to be tolerated at all, let us begin with
applying it to the politicians first, and then is they are happy with it, we
will consider further applications.