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Why I'm voting for Al Gore.

by Norm Olson
Commander, Northern Michigan Regional Militia


I've said for years that I place NO trust in any human agency to correct the course of this great, but failing nation. No politician--no jurist--no executive--is able to bring America to a place of repentance. There MUST be something more. There MUST be something that will PROVOKE change.

I've said for years that no highschool or college graduate can know what I've been taught. I'm 54 years-old. I went to school when civics and American history were taught. No graduate of public school or even college knows what I know. In my day, George Washington was a only a chapter [actually, it's a page in a chapter] is devoted to the man!

I've said for years that the window of opportunity to correct the course of America is narrowing. In just 20 years, most of the militia will be too old to fight. I cannot hope that the graduates of highschool or college will see the plight of America through the eyes that I have. They have been deprived of our history and are ignorant of where we've come. They have no knowledge of why we fought the 1st Revolution!

Therefore, I have come to the grave resolve that the only hope for America is that revolution begin in my lifetime. No political candidate for President offers a political solution. We are hearing the same issues proffered in 1980! Nothing has changed. Only revolution will change America. No more lies by politicians! No more promises! No more trust in the ballot box, or the soap box, or the money box!

Gore means War!

The old adage: "Don't get in your enemy's way if he's marching into the sea," seems to ring more clearly the place where I am today. Only if America is driven to her knees will the patriots and militia rise up to correct, in our generation, the direction of our land. Only in our generation can there be any hope of altering the course of our destiny. Bush cannot and will not change what is coming. We are dying slowly. . .day by day.

Therefore, the only solution and final option is to vote for the man who will lead us to that place where Patriots will HAVE to arise and fight. Gore Means War and I'm as ready now as I'll ever be!

I am exercising my option under the Declaration of Independence:

I am voting for the man I hate and despise, rather than leave the battle to my children and grandchildren. I am NOT voting for another politician who has promised to fix America. It will NOT happen... It will not come about... Only revolution will bring America to her knees.

Gore IS war!

Bring it on! I'm getting too old to wait.


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