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Battle Joined

by Robert Teesdale


We often witness two distinct yet complementary political approaches in our nation, exercised by those who advocate victim disarmament and sweeping State power over the hearts and hands of Men.

There are those who approach the arena armed with weapons of repeated propaganda, expounded upon over and over not with the intent of informing, or of reasoning - but instead the drumming of a simple lie into the minds of the casual and the uninformed.

They are aided by those who flagellate and attack the very foundation of the nation with hysteria and derogation, reducing the collective brilliance of the Founders to a rotten conspiracy of petty slavers.

Both claim the protective shroud of calm enlightenment and elevated human understanding.

Both are, in reality, dangerous liars who seek power and destruction - the first for themselves, and the latter for those with whom they disagree.

I find this unacceptable.

I find it to be a disgusting abrogation of human conscience and the principles of liberty, without which the very nature of human life becomes incompatible with its continued existence.

I find that these propagandists - who are, in truth, the domestic enemies of our land and our People - are also arrant and unforgivable cowards.

They fear the steadfastness of a heart that knows the sustaining power of faith. Such a heart does not submit to the blandishments of moral relativity, or the siren call of hedonistic trash.

They fear the measured and judicious power of the armed man, who is immune to the terror which seizes those who are defenseless before brutality. Such courage is anathema to them, as it displays in truth the deliberate weakness of their own hearts.

They fear the immutable and permanent aspect of the human spirit that demands freedom; that understands liberty, and the incalculable costs of both its preservation and its loss.

They fear these things because they are unwilling or unable to raise themselves beyond a childish and trusting assurance that the State is the supreme expression of human goodness.

They fear these things because they know, without a doubt, that they are insurmountable bulwarks against the social and political goals they have set out to accomplish. To control what is said and read, and thus plant stakes of ownership in the human mind. To control how men speak to their God and where, and thus plant more stakes into the human heart. To control how our children are raised and how their learning unfolds, so that they may ultimately claim ownership of the People themselves.

I am not a resource.

Americans are not cattle.

The State has no rights in these things.

I am glad they fear us. I am glad that they are fighting us. For each word they utter against the essential preconditions for the pursuit of happiness - the more they reveal themselves for what they are, and the clearer their sickening agenda becomes.

I look forward to the battle ahead.

Best regards,

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If I were an American, as I am an Englishman, while a foreign troop was landed in my country I never would lay down my arms, never! never! never! — William Pitt, Earl of Chatham (1708-1778) Speech, Nov. 18, 1777

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