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The Symbol of War

by Jerry Jones


Fellow Patriots,

I think it is clear to all of us by now. The war to save the country our Founding Fathers risked everything to establish is now in full swing.

No, the shooting hasn't begun and I hope the war can be won without resorting to bloodshed. History does not give me any solace. No government has ever given up its power over people without armed conflict. 

This election may be the spark that lights the hearts of the many citizens that long for freedom and a return to constitutional law. For far too long, those that believe this county has been hijacked by the socialist left have sat by quietly, believing their vote and/or the Supreme Court would protect their rights. 

Now the vote has been corrupted and, if Al Gore takes office, the Supreme Court will be stacked with activist judges that ignore the law and legislate their socialist agenda from the bench. The time has come to take action.

No action ever takes place without a symbol. Now is the time to select that symbol and display it everywhere. Millions of homes, businesses and facilities displaying the symbol will put the tyrants on notice that we are not a minority. Perhaps hostilities can be avoided if they realize just how many of us there are. We must also put our resolve on display. Are they willing to give their lives to control me? I am certainly willing to take their lives to regain my freedom. (I would give my life but the goal is to make the other side bear the cost.)

What symbol should we select? It has to be a symbol that is instantly recognizable for not only its meaning, but also the resolve of those it represents. I can think of only one such symbol that would instantly be recognized by everyone. No, it is not the Confederate battle flag. While I love the Confederate symbols for their true meaning (not the modern interpretation, slavery), such symbols incite bad feelings and anger in people educated by the revisionists' public schools and the modern media. We must avoid any symbol that brings negative emotions from those whose support we need.

My choice is the inverted U.S. flag. The flag stands for everything we stand for. A government that doesn’t represent the principle on which it was created has taken it. The inverted U.S. flag is the correct symbol for distress. That is precisely what we are; a nation in distress.

As of today, I am flying the Star Spangled Banner upside-down on my home in Florida. It will remain there until the crisis is over. That could be soon or many years from now. All my neighbors will understand its meaning when they see it. Hopefully, many will join me. Imagine millions of flags flying across the country, upside-down. It sends a message that cannot be ignored. Perhaps such a display of our strength and resolve will cause those that wish to oppress us to take pause. In the name of peace, I certainly hope so.

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No one can read our Constitution without concluding that the people who wrote it wanted their government severely limited; the words "no" and "not" employed in restraint of government power occur 24 times in the first seven articles of the Constitution and 22 more times in the Bill of Rights. — EDMUND A. OPITZ

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