Concealed Carry Polls
on Cops-Only CCW-related Issues
The following polls were done on as part of the discovery process relating to H.R.
218 -- the Cops-Only National CCW legislation before Congress. With each
poll are a few thoughts relating to the information contained therein. Bear in
mind that our polls tend to vary widely in response numbers, usually due to
either the length of time the poll was open or whether or not the issue is
charged with the kind of passion that makes people move.
We NEVER stuff, alter or edit our
polls. The only exception to that rule has been an occasional misspelling or
punctuational goof.
Local Law Enforcement and The
Right to Keep and Bear Arms
Many law enforcement officers not
only respect the right of the people to keep and bear arms, they are gun rights
activists and true patriots who'd disobey a confiscation order and arrest the
Chief that handed it down. These strong, Principle-guided men and women are not
only our allies, they are a front line defense against tyranny who deserve a
great deal of respect and admiration. These are the people who despise the lies
being pumped out by the anti-RKBA cops and cop groups. These are the cops you
want as neighbors and as friends -- Real Americans who happen to work in law
Unfortunately, there is another
breed of law enforcement officer -- one who believes he is superior to you and
therefore deserves more rights than you do, and certainly more access to the
right of the people to keep and bear arms than you do. This is the cop who
will throw a 90-pound woman in jail for carrying a gun because she doesn't want
to get raped again -- the kind of cop who opposes handgun possession by
lawful, decent people and who endorses and supports today's tyrants. is a national
organization. In fact, we've got people visiting our site from dozens of
other countries, many of them hoping America pulls through the attacks on our
liberties knowing they don't have a prayer unless we do. Being
a national organization, we have people from every state in the Union joining us
here on any given day. Some are from cities and states where law
enforcement officers are the kind of people you'd put your life on the line to
protect if they were in a pinch. Others, on the other hand, live behind
one of America's Gun Rights Iron Curtains.

If you are fortunate enough to
have answered "Exceptionally supportive" to the above question, before
you support giving local Executive Branch law enforcers greater access to arms
for self-defense than you possess, you might consider the fact that many of your
countrymen, if "caught" carrying a concealed firearm -- even if never
so much as a parking ticket is on their record -- may:
be arrested and possibly
mistreated in additional unfriendly ways during the process;
be thrown in jail for a while;
be slapped with a felony he or
she must defend in a court that is possibly extremely biased against the
right of the people to keep and bear arms;
and, if convicted, be stripped
of his or her firearms and firearms rights, possibly forever.
If you are one of those people who
doesn't care about the pains under which your "Behind an American Gun
Rights Iron Curtain" brethren and sisters toil, you can click off of this
website and disappear into your own selfishness until you wake up and
self-correct. The seepage of gun prohibition needs to be stopped in every town, borough,
city and state in America -- spiritually abandoning our less fortunate but
active and aggressive gun rights allies living under rabid anti-gun conditions
is utter foolishness. LISTEN to what you hear from "over there,"
before it comes to your neighborhood.
Gun Owners Speak on Cops-Only
National CCW
When pondering whether or not to
support a piece of legislation, several critical factors must be considered. Doctors
for Sensible Gun Laws, Co-Founded by's Co-Founder, Angel
Shamaya, created a very wise template to use when addressing the sensibility --
or lack thereof -- of gun laws. Several leading
members of DSGL invested quality time and deep thought to come up with the
A sensible gun law must save
more lives than it costs.
A sensible law must make the
best use of scarce public resources.
A proposed gun law must be
backed up by good quality, peer reviewed research showing that it meets the
above criteria.
A sensible law is one that
does not weaken our society by inflaming anti-government sentiment.
A proposed law should be
reviewed by a legislative committee equally represented by both sides of the
issue to determine the unintended consequences of that law before it is
presented for a final vote.
A sensible law must be

You might say that H.R.
218 has failed to draw more than marginal support from gun owners --
especially those who are activists and well-versed in the gun rights issues we
face today.
One can only hope that the pro-RKBA
organizations pushing Cops-Only National CCW will stop and take note of the
fact that they are inflaming gun owners. Fortunately, they are few.
Does Carrying Concealed Get
You Arrested?

One needn't ponder deeply on why
Cops-Only National CCW isn't supported by a high percentage of politically-aware
gun owners -- many cops will throw local, peaceable, decent citizens in jail if
they "catch them" exercising their right to keep and bear arms.
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