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Trance Channeling Gun Banning

Can you get a message through for me, too?

by Angel Shamaya

April 1, 2004 -- New York City Councilgirl Letitia James is gifted. The Brooklyn wizard has the ability to literally trance channel dead people's message that gun bigotry is wonderful.

Yeah, it's hard to believe. But she said it herself in the March 10 council meeting:

"Councilman James Davis died in these chambers as a result of gun violence... I am asking that we stand together in his memory... and vote to repudiate the statements of the NRA... I'm doing this in the spirit of Councilman James Davis who speaks through me today."

I am impressed. 

It's not often we find someone who can serve as a telephone to our departed loved ones, so I decided to see if she'd pass some messages along for me:

From: "Angel Shamaya" <
Date sent: Thu, 01 Apr 2004 16:26:53 -0700
Priority: urgent

Dear Trance Channeling City Councilman James, 

We noticed that you're trance-channeling dead guys these days:

"Councilman James Davis died in these chambers as a result of gun violence... I am asking that we stand together in his memory... and vote to repudiate the statements of the NRA... I'm doing this in the spirit of Councilman James Davis who speaks through me today." -- Brooklyn Councilmember Letitia James, urging support of a City Council resolution denouncing the National Rifle Association


What do all of the spirits of the dead people who've been stabbed to death tell you to do? Specifically, what do the spirits of people stabbed to death who'd have been carrying a firearm to prevent their own death but were not legally allowed to do so tell you? 

What do the women who've been gang-raped and murdered because they were unable to defend themselves legally tell you? 

What does the Spirit of Josef Stalin tell you? Also, pretty please, when you talk to him, ask him if he really did say this:

"Ideas are more powerful than guns. We would not let our enemies have guns, why should we let them have ideas."

By the way, can you get in touch with my grandmother for me? I want to tell her everything's fine here on Earth and that I'm still doing what I can to expose the rote ignorance of phony, transparent politicians whose abilities to reason put them on par with retarded rocks. Give her my new favorite quote, too:

"A woman who demands further gun control legislation is like a chicken who roots for Colonel Sanders." --Larry Elder

Angel Shamaya 
Members nationally and throughout New York

Maybe she'll help collect information from the hereafter for you, too:

Her website:

Her email address:


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