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Gun Grabber Web Watch – 3 –
A Periodic Service to Help Gun Rights Activists "Watch The Enemy"

by Sean Oberle

Oct. 16 – Oct. 21, 2000


** California attorney general website lists only 15 models of handguns made by Sturm, Ruger as passing firing, safety and drop tests. No other models or makers listed. As of Jan. 1, 2001, no handguns may be made, sold or imported into the state without passing these tests, with a few exceptions (

** CeaseFire New Jersey changes date of Oct. 18 Montclair, N.J. rally to Oct. 25. Group to "dramatize George W. Bush's horrific record on guns." Site to be determined ( 

** Perhaps qualifying for the MMM "timeout chair" which highlights "bad behavior (or the lack of good behavior) regarding guns and gun policy," (nominations to, MMM President Mary Leigh Blek writes in group's October newsletter, "The Centers for Disease Control reports that in 1997-1998, accidental firearms deaths among children aged 5 to 9 increased 21 percent. In addition, firearm suicides for kids aged 10 to 14 also increased 21 percent" ( Actually, a pro-gun control group, Common Sense About Kids and Guns, reported this – not a U.S. government agency. Also, Blek omits fact that child gun deaths are so low that these percentages are achieved with normal year-to-year variations just 6 deaths and 27 deaths respectively.

** Handgun Control Inc. targets four candidates with new drop-down menu on home page: GOP presidential candidate George W Bush, Senate challenger George Allen (R-Va), Sen. John McCollum (R-Fla.), Rep. John Ashcroft (R-Mo.) ( These four among total of 28 campaigns in HCI crosshairs. (

** Million Mom March founder Donna Dees-Thomases to be honoree at CeaseFire New Jersey annual fund raiser (ball, dinner and silent auction), Nov. 10, 7 p.m - 11 p.m. Entry $75. Upper Montclair Women's Club, Cooper Ave. near Valley Rd., Montclair, N.J. ( 

** Pro gun control researcher Arthur Kellerman to speak Nov. 13 at annual meeting of American Public Heath Association. Kellerman's speech is among 10 sessions focusing on gun control that day, including presentation from Eric Gorovitz, a lawyer on payroll of Million Mom March Foundation. Meeting is at the John B. Hynes Veterans Memorial Convention Center in Boston ( Kellerman authored the infamous study that asserted a gun is 43-times more likely to be used to kill a family member than kill an intruder. Go here for information on how to deflate his absurd claim: 

** Violence Policy Center places links atop its home page to various of its old releases and statements in which it alleges that the NRA and its officials have a "a long line of racist statements" (

** Centers for Disease Control places September study online – Best Practices of Youth Violence Prevention: A Sourcebook for Community Action. Study barely mentions firearms; does not recommend any strategies addressing access. CDC, in mid 1990s drew fire for using public funds to promote gun control (

** Handgun Control Inc. issues press release with headline "It's Our Ad Mr. Bush" in response to George W Bush's statement during third presidential debate that he did not know who was running a political ad claiming that the NRA would work out of the Oval Office if Bush were elected (

** American Academy of Pediatrics committee on injury and poisoning prevention to meet at AAP's annual meeting in Chicago 8 a.m., Nov. 1; Chicago Hilton & Towers/Lakeside Center at McCormick Place. AAP urges pediatricians to question patients about firearm ownership and to encourage removing guns from homes (

** In voter's guide, Physician's for Social Responsibility makes inaccurate statement: "Nationally, people who purchase guns from licensed dealers must undergo a background check. Buyers at gun shows do not currently undergo any such background check" ( Actually, the majority of sales at gun shows are by those licensed dealers so do go through background checks; only private transfers do not.

** Sarah Brady's statement on death of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan includes praise of his gun control activities: "Both Jim and I have had the privilege to work closely with Governor Carnahan. He was a responsible leader, especially when it came to sensible gun laws. We know first hand that Mel Carnahan stood up for his beliefs. Last year, Jim campaigned with the Governor during the NRA's referendum in Missouri to allow carrying hidden handguns in the state. Against great odds, and an aggressive, well-financed campaign waged by the gun lobby, Governor Carnahan helped turn back the gun lobby when Missourians voted to prevent the carrying of concealed handguns in Missouri" ( 

** Million Mom March issues statement on Mel Carnahan's death, including: "Governor Carnahan was the very first national candidate for elected office endorsed by the Million Mom March. His courage and leadership in supporting sensible gun laws inspired us and offered hope that change is possible. We had looked forward to working with Governor Carnahan in the United States Senate where he would have been a leading advocate for responsible gun policy." (

** Re-launch of Gun Control Network web page to occur Nov. 1 (

Do you have an item I should include or a group I should watch? Email me at 

Sean Oberle is a featured writer with whose archive is kept here:  Distribution permitted and encouraged. Please say you saw it first on


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The people are not to be disarmed of their weapons. They are left in full possession of them. — Zachariah Johnson, 3 Elliot, Debates at 646

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