Armed citizen dispenses with
knife-wielding stalker
Originally published here
in the Houston Chronicle, February 25, 2001
Story ran in Section C, Page 3 of print version with title of:
Police say fatal shooting was case of self-defense
GALVESTON, Texas -- A Galveston man died early
Saturday after police said his stepson shot him several times in a case that
officers described as self-defense.
William Easter, 43, was shot about 3:35 a.m. at
the home of his estranged wife in the 7400 block of El Cielo, a few blocks north
of 75th Street and Seawall Boulevard. He was pronounced dead about 4:25 a.m. at
John Sealy Hospital.
Lt. John Mitchell of the Galveston Police
Department said Easter's 26-year-old stepson, whose name was not released, was
taken into custody but was released without being charged. The case was referred
to a grand jury.
Easter had been at the home twice that night
but left each time after police were called on complaints of domestic violence,
Mitchell said. The shooting occurred after Easter allegedly showed up a third
time, armed with a knife. The knife and a pistol were recovered at the scene.
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