Maryland homeowner shoots
burglar in self-defense
Originally ran here
Suitland resident shoots suspect during
apparent burglary
March 23, 2001,
Suitland, Maryland -- Police say a Suitland man prevented a burglary at his home
this afternoon, by shooting the suspect in the act.
A Prince George's County police spokeswoman
says the suspect rang the doorbell of the Apple Cider Court townhome and the
victim answered the door but found no one there. Moments later, he heard glass
breaking, went to his gun cabinet and grabbed his registered nine millimeter
That's when he saw a man he did not know in his
living room. Officer Julie Valdez says the man shot the suspect several times in
the upper body. The off-duty firefighter also called 9-1-1 for assistance after
the incident.
The suspect, who is said to be 38-years-old,
was flown to Prince George's Hospital Center for treatment. He is said to be in
critical condition.
Valdez says investigators found a bicycle and
some clothing outside of the Suitland man's home. She also says the suspect is
believed to have several outstanding burglary warrants.
The homeowner will not face charges because he
fired in self defense.
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