shoots estranged husband who kicked in her door and threatened her with a rifle
Originally ran here
"Man Shot In Northern Greenville County
Police Say Estranged Wife Killed Him"
WYFF, Channel 4, The Carolina
GREENVILLE, South Carolina, 6:50 a.m. EDT June
11, 2001 -- A man is dead after being shot in Northern Greenville County
early Monday morning.
Deputies tell News 4 that the man's estranged
wife killed him after he kicked in the door at her home on Jordan Road and
threatened her with a rifle.
Deputies say that she shot her husband in the
chest with a pistol. He died on the scene.
Investigators are trying to determine if his
wife acted in self-defense.
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truth about guns saving lives.
KABA NOTE: While this event is
certainly unfortunate, one thing stands clear: the woman has a right to life and
to self-defense. Any man breaking into her home with a rifle and threats --
including her ex-husband -- deserves whatever caliber bullet she has to offer,
if that is what it takes to stop him.