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Appalled About Daisy Recall

Date sent: Thu, 01 Nov 2001 00:08:50 -0800
From: Bob <>
Subject: I'm appalled!

Another fine example of our government run amok. I'm referring to your lawsuit to compel Daisy to recall millions of alleged defective BB guns.

Are you people really this nuts? I had a daisy when I was 10. I am now 59 and I still know the inherent safety issues with gravity fed mechanisms which include Daisy BB guns, as well as others.

Even as a kid of 10 I knew there is no such thing as an "empty" gun until it is proven to be empty. Even after the last rattle, and the last shot, we always recocked the BB gun and shot it dry into the ground several times. What you are alleging only proves the sad state of education in our country. If our kids are too dumb to read the safety instructions printed and provided by a manufacturer, they should also be assumed to be too dumb to have possession of ANY gun or other device that could inflict an injury, such as baseball bats, knives or rocks or maybe even silverware. Protecting our consumers is a noteworthy and valuable service. Many lives have been spared and much injury prevented by your actions. However, there are more worthwhile subjects for the expenditure of your/our funds. It is claimed that there have been 28 fatalities related to BB guns in the past 25 years or so. Big deal. How many have died on bicycles, on roller skates, on skateboards? Hmmm?

How many in have died in falls, swimming pools or motor vehicles? Hmmm?

I think as a taxpayer, I would certainly support our money being spent on "worthwhile" endeavors and in this time of financial crisis, I also approve of the more 'bang for the buck' approach to funding studies and certainly expensive and drawn out lawsuits where only the attorneys win. Suing a company for the sake of promoting the antigun agenda of certain members of Congress and other elected representatives of "WE THE PEOPLE" stinks, in my opinion. I am not trying to minimize the loss of life of any child or the injury to any others, but BB guns are not major contributors or even minor contributors to child deaths and injuries. They may more closely be classified as insignificant contributors, compared to things like the Infant Mortality Rate which claims over 70 kids a day. Maybe you should consider recalling police. They are responsible for over 300 deaths per year, 345 for the year 2000. (National Vital Statistics Report Vol.49, No. 12, Oct 9, 2001)

Bullying a manufacturer for the sake of some political agenda is not only wrong but unethical. To prosecute a business who makes any product with any potential for harm, including sucking lifesavers candy into your windpipe and choking to death or a kid drinking bleach or household chemicals is ludicrous.

Back off while you still have some public support for your important work and try to keep politics out of the debate and the science of your actions.

Concerned in Antioch, CA
Robert W. Staker
Remember that a government big enough to give you everything you want is also big enough to take away everything you
have. ~~ Barry Goldwater

Hopefully this doesn't include your DAISY!


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Reporters today are far removed from America's founding values and are alarmed and contemptuous of gun owners as dangerous lower classes. — HENRY ALLEN, WASHINGTON POST

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