A Rossville man was shot and killed Wednesday morning, Nov. 21, after
reportedly breaking into his ex-wife’s Fairview home.
The shooting was domestic-related and involved the divorced couple and the female’s companion, Sheriff Steve Wilson said.
According to reports, Jimmy Dewayne “Bo” Smith, 34, of 1407 McFarland Ave., forced his way into a residence at 75 Bell Court, where his ex-wife Linda McDougal Smith and her male companion were asleep.
As the companion attempted to exit the front door, he fired a handgun, striking the ex-husband once.
The initial investigation indicates the shooting was in self-defense, according to a Walker County Sheriff’s Department press release.
No charges have been filed.
McDougal Smith and her husband separated last August. She had placed a temporary protective order against him.
As of Friday afternoon, Nov. 23, the shooter’s name had not been released.
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