Store owner scares off suspected robbers
Van Buren Township, Michigan -- Two men walked into a Van Buren Township party store last night for the third time in the last two months. The last two times, they robbed it. This time, they fled when the owner fired a gun at them.
Police Detective Sgt. Dennis Brooks said the men were carrying a handgun the last time they robbed the Trakpaccq party store on Rawsonville Road. At 7p.m. Wednesday, they were carrying a rifle.
But when they yelled at the owner to open the register, the owner pulled a handgun and fired a shot. The men fled to a vehicle in the parking lot without returning fire.
A videotape of the incident indicated the men were wearing plaid jackets, hoods and masks, and appear to be the same men who robbed the store recently. The store owner's gun is registered, and he has a concealed weapon permit, Brooks said.
No one was injured.
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