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Support For Herr McCain

From: "Ross, Ken" <>
Date: Thu, 6 Dec 2001 09:31:36 -0500
Subject: Support for Herr McCain

Hello Helen,

I just wanted to thank you for supporting the ANP a new political group in America. That would be the American Nazi Party.

Do you actually know what the "loophole" is? It's private firearms sales. Yes, private. This transaction can take place anywhere in America be it your backyard, swap meet, county fair or yes even a gun show. Why are we so interested in destroying our rights in this country? Oh that's right, politics make good press.

Have you ever studied what this bill will actually do? Alan Korwin has. For once, check your facts:

Now, let's look at the rest of your article.

Quoting the VPC? The word "truth" in the VPC's eyes is whatever it means to take firearms away from peaceable citizens. The VPC is about one thing: Firearm Confiscation. They want no lawful citizen of the U.S. to have a firearm and will twist the truth to any means to get their wishes. Do you want to disarm America Helen? Think about this the next time you have an intruder in your home.... The police have no obligation to protect you. That's right, none. Here's some info for you: and here: Tell you what, all I did was a quick search on Yahoo and got tons of possible sources, here's the results link:

To quote your article, and I'm guessing this is your comment, "Even without the threat of weapons falling into the hands of terrorists, this nation faces a scary, general proliferation of handguns and its appalling consequences." I would guess you don't like firearms? Well, neither did the German government during the 30's and 40's. Hitler disarmed the Jews. Why? So he could easily destroy them.

.50 cal sniper rifles you say going to terrorists? Do you know why Afghanistan got those rifles? It was during the 80's when the U.S. Government sold them to support Afghanistan in the war against the invading Soviet Union. We didn't sell them to terrorists, we sold them to people fighting for their country.

You want to quote statistics? OK. According to year 2000 data, motor vehicles, drowning, fires and choking were the top killers of children ages 14 and under. Firearms ranked 5th out of 7. See how vehicle registration protects children? Should we register all lakes, ponds, pools and other bodies of water to prevent drowning (including the tub in your home)?

Let's all just take a step back, have a few deep breaths and actually look at what all this means. Based on world history, registration leads to confiscation. Then the government can do whatever they like and the people have no way to change things. The entire reason we have a Second Amendment in the U.S. Constitution was to ensure the people's right to respond against tyranny in government. Here's a great list of those quotes:

My favorite?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
Benjamin Franklin

Have a nice day,
Ken Ross
Molon Labe

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I would rather be exposed to the inconveniences attending too much liberty than those attending too small a degree of it. — THOMAS JEFFERSON (1791)

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