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Man shot while breaking into home

Originally ran here as:
"Man shot while breaking into home"
by Lora Hines, Staff Writer
March 22, 2002

DENTSVILLE, SOUTH CAROLINA -- A Dentsville man shot a burglar in the neck as he broke into his home Wednesday night.

An 18-year-old Richland County man was arrested at a nearby apartment complex a short time later, after he called authorities to report that he had been shot.

Jack Maurice Austin of 7255 Claudia Drive was charged with first-degree burglary. He was held at the Richland County jail.

he homeowner, Bobby Drum, 68, of 7651 Parkview Drive, will not be charged, said sheriff's spokesman Joseph Pellicci.

Drum and his wife, Dorothy Drum, 64, called for help about 10 p.m. after someone tried to break into their home off Parklane Road through a front screen door, Pellicci said.

Bobby Drum went to a back room of the couple's home to get his 9 mm Glock as the burglar tried to open the door, Pellicci said. Meanwhile, the burglar ordered Dorothy Drum to stay where she was or he would kill her.

Bobby Drum returned to the room and fired a shot at the burglar, who ran from the home, Pellicci said.

"I don't think he realized that he hit (the burglar)," Pellicci said.

Both Bobby and Dorothy Drum declined to comment.

About 20 minutes later and less than half a mile away, Richland County paramedics responded to a nearby call at the Greenbriar Apartments off Parklane Road, said emergency services spokesman George Rice. They found a man who had been shot in the neck.

he victim told police that he had been shot by two men who approached him as he was walking to a friend's home, Pellicci said. Investigators began to suspect his story when he couldn't provide more specific information about his shooting.

"There was way too much of a coincidence there," Pellicci said.

Austin was treated for his injury at Palmetto Health Richland hospital and then taken to jail, Pellicci said.

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