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Woman Shoots Intruder Dead

Originally ran here (Paid site) as:
"Woman Shoots Intruder Dead"
By Jeremy Pawloski, Staff Writer
Albuquerque Journal
April 19, 2002

SANTA FE, NEW MEXICO -- A 42-year-old Santa Fe woman on Wednesday night shot and killed a man who had intruded onto her Maclovia Street property and was stacking a pile of bricks underneath her bedroom window when she found him, the woman has told police.

The woman, Lisa Pelland, is not accused or charged with any crime, Santa Fe Deputy Police Chief Beverly Lennen said Thursday. In a brief interview at the front door of her Maclovia Street home, a visibly distraught Pelland said, "It was completely horrible, my life was in danger."

Pelland declined to comment further.

Lennen said police were dispatched to Pelland's Maclovia Street address around 11 p.m. Wednesday on a report of shots fired.

When police arrived, Jay P. Medina, 42, of James Street was found shot and killed outside Pelland's home, Lennen said.

Pelland told police that before the shooting, she heard noises outside her window, armed herself and went outside. When Pelland saw Medina stacking bricks outside her window, she yelled out three times for him to stay away, but he advanced toward her, she told police.

Pelland also said she told Medina she had a gun, Lennen added. Instead of retreating, Medina continued to advance on Pelland and said something that caused her to be in fear, Pelland told police. Lennen would not say what Medina allegedly told Pelland. Pelland said she then shot Medina, according to Lennen.

The case is still under investigation, and an autopsy on Medina is still pending, Lennen said.

The 1st Judicial District Attorney's Office or a grand jury likely will make a determination on any possible criminal charges once the police investigation is complete, Lennen said.

"It's still very early," she said. Medina has no prior criminal record, Lennen said. There is nothing to indicate that Pelland knew or had any kind of relationship with Medina, she added.

Medina's estranged wife, Dena Ashley-Medina, filed a protective order against him on April 15 in 1st Judicial District Court. Ashley-Medina alleges in the protective order that Medina had pushed her into walls and furniture.

Medina also allegedly threatened his estranged wife, and Ashley-Medina claimed, "If I leave him he will burn down my house, truck, destroy everything, then kill me."

Ted Peña, a neighbor of Pelland's, said Thursday outside his home that he heard two gunshots Wednesday night before he drifted off to sleep.

Peña added that the neighborhood also has had peeping Toms over the years. Priscilla Quintana, whose mother lives a couple of doors down from Pelland, said there have been a couple of break-ins in the neighborhood in the past month. "I don't blame her for what she (Pelland) did. Who knows, the guy could have been trying to get in her bedroom," Quintana said. "I wouldn't want anyone looking in my window."

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