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Remember H&R Block's Sellout Last Tax Season, And Give your Business to Someone Else

by Nicki Fellenzer

January 14, 2003

Dear H & R Block,

If you think we've forgotten, we haven't.

If you think we'll ever let you forget, think again.

Last year, in a cowardly, underhanded fashion you betrayed tens of thousands of gun owners and Second Amendment rights supporters in this country, while greedily raking in profits from their use of your services. You made an agreement with an organization called Memberdrive, which allowed you to effectively market your tax services to a wider range of potential customers and increase your profit margin, while paying a royalty to the National Rifle Association of America for every member who used your product.

Then, upon learning the pusillanimous, anti-freedom zealots at the Brady Center didn't approve of your agreement and planned protests, you tried to weasel, squirm and maneuver yourselves out of a "social issue."

Instead of doing the right thing and standing proudly by your business decision, knowing that perhaps tens of thousands of gun owners and freedom advocates used your service specifically because of the agreement you made with Memberdrive, you tucked your tails between your legs and rolled over for a few loud, sanctimonious fanatics intent on perpetuating their political agendas.

Instead of disavowing the Brady Campaign's and Gun Industry Watch's lies and misinformation about the "termination" of this agreement, you kept suspiciously quiet about your intent to uphold your end of the bargain through the end of last year's tax season. And then you obsequiously assured the Brady Center, like good little obedient sycophants, that you would remove your company from this unwanted debate - because God forbid you upset Sarah Brady and her band of lying, freedom-hating misanthropes!

Well, we have some news for you cowards: we, the peaceable gun owners and Second Amendment rights supporters of America, are proud of who we are and what we stand for. We will not cower in front of political bullies, we will not conceal or cover up our love for this country and our intent to keep it free for all Americans, and we refuse to do business with those who do. We haven't forgotten your spinelessness and submissive willingness to do the bidding of the Brady Center and their cohorts, and we will ensure that none of your branches receive a penny of our business this year or any other.

Your zeal to remove yourself from a perceived political arena has landed you smack dab in the middle of it. Your refusal to disavow misleading claims of "victory" by pious, anti-freedom fanatics and your quiet slinking away from a business decision, which no doubt netted you a large profit, speaks volumes about where your loyalties lie - not with the customers, who used your service in good faith, but with lying, shrieking, hand-wringing blackmailers who extorted your willing compliance with a few well-placed threats. We will not forget your gutless conformity, and this year, we intend to take our business elsewhere and encourage everyone we know to do likewise.

Unlike the extortionists at the Brady Center, we won't stage obnoxious protests at your door. We will simply let our wallets convey the message.

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Our Founding Fathers were proud that Americans were trusted with arms because they knew that only when people are armed could they truly be thought of as free citizens. And that's where the circle closes. Those who want to deprive you of your right to keep and bear arms are intending to deprive you of your freedom, period. Like the criminals their policies encourage, these elitists know that it is always best to disarm victims before you enslave them. — Charley Reese

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