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Americans, you are the enemy

Americans, You are the Enemy
By Brian Puckett

Liberals--via the Democratic Party and control of the university system and the news media--have basically directed the political and social agenda of the country for the last sixty years—since the heyday of Franklin Roosevelt. Their breakout era, in terms of converting—or at least exposing and desensitizing--almost an entire generation of Americans to their way of thinking, was the decade roughly spanning 1965-1975, during which they effectively utilized an unpopular and to my mind illegal war in Vietnam as the vehicle for their message. While the appeal of their Marxist-socialist dogma has never really caught on intellectually with the majority of Americans, people infected with the sixties strain of liberal virus now account for the majority of our politicians (I include almost all "moderates"), pundits, and propagandists (the latter still refer to themselves as "journalists").

Today that group of people has now reached the logical—no, make that the emotional, since logic is anathema to them—conclusion of their "thinking"—anti-Americanism. The archetype and pinnacle of anti-Americanism is Bill Clinton—squishily emotional, self-centered, ethics-free, morals-free, mendacious, derisive of America's military, history, heritage, and institutions (including that of the Presidency, which to him is a temporary kingship he holds due to winning the politics game through his skill as a demagogue).

How anti-American is Clinton? Well, China is an openly admitted enemy of the United States (their admission, through word and action), and China has implied that it would consider dropping a nuclear bomb on Los Angeles if we interfered with an invasion of Taiwan. Yet Clinton has deliberately abetted the sale of missile technology to China, has abetted high-level spying for China by John Huang, and has worked to establish, at the Long Beach Naval Shipyard in California and at either end of the Panama Canal, permanent bases for China's quasi-military merchant marine, COSCO. But because anti-Americanism has so pervaded the top layers of our society, there seems to be no one in Congress willing to stand up and say what is obvious to all who have eyes: Clinton, a man rotten to the core, betrayed the United States, and in return for his perfidy received at most few hundred thousand dollars in campaign contributions.

What is even more fascinating, in a grotesque sort of way, is that anti-Americanism has permeated even in the traditionally conservative arena of law enforcement. Do you want proof? Back in April, 1996 the appropriately named John Nutter, a self-styled "expert" on "right-wing organizations" (of course that would no longer include the Republican Party) led a seminar in Oklahoma City called "Criminal Justice and Right-Wing Extremism in America". Nutter belongs to something called the Conflict Analysis Group, based in Ohio, and says he has provided expert opinion on right wing extremism to NBC, ABC, CNN, BBC Worldwide, AP, Nightline, The MacNeil-Lehrer News Hour, and other founts of truth. During the seminar Nutter provided a list of "Potential Warning Signs" to the approximately 500 law officers in attendance. What were these signs? Some were obvious, such as sending threatening letters, but the list also included camouflage clothing, "firearms lapel pins, bumper stickers or window decals about the New World Order, Clinton Communism, 'I fear the government that fears my gun'" or "'Don't Tread On Me' flags". Other signs included people who evinced "excessive concern" over the killing of Vicky and Sammy Weaver at Ruby Ridge, or the slaughter of the Branch Davidians in Waco, Texas or over the ant-Second Amendment Brady Bill. Other signs of extremism: concern over the Michael New case, or U.S. loss of sovereignty to the UN, or the Council on Foreign Relations, or the Trilateral Commission, or the Bilderbergers. Also included are evident concern over the Second, Ninth and Tenth Amendments of the Bill of Rights.

According to one attendee at a similar seminar in Topeka, Kansas, Nutter's presentation was "well-received" by the majority of the law enforcement personnel in attendance.

Of course other "right wing extremist experts" have spread and continue to spread similar views, notably Morris Dees of the Southern Poverty Law Center, author Ken Stern, and Ken Toole of the Montana Human Rights Network

Has the left's demonization of concerned and/or patriotic Americans had any significant effect on the "authorities"? And do any of the telltale signs of right-wing extremism fit you? The Nov. 23, '98 issue of The New American magazine detailed two particular incidents that may shed some light on that subject. In the first incident two retired grandmothers, Kay Stone and Jean Vallance, spoke critically of the federal governments position and actions regarding the UN Charter and UN treaties during a radio interview on KINN-AM radio in Alomogordo, NM. There was no discussion of violence, yet an official of the New Mexico State police subsequently telephoned the radio station and interrogated both the owner of the radio station and the radio host who had conducted the interview. During the interrogation, which was caught on tape, interviewing officer Lt. Bill Bowers referred to Mrs. Stone and Mrs. Vallance as "radicals" who had made "anti-government" statements on the radio show. He also inquired about another guest, Maude Rathgeber, chairperson of the Otero County Republican Party, who had also spoken critically of the UN.

This is not so surprising when one learns that the Criminal Intelligence Section of the New Mexico Department of Public Safety produced a report entitled The Extremist Right in which claims that the "radical right" forms a "continuum from those who disagree with government but operate within the law to those who work at nothing less than the overthrow of government. These groups call themselves 'Patriots'. The 'Patriot Movement' is an umbrella term used to describe previously unrelated groups who share a common distrust in the government and a willingness to see it destroyed." This "continuum" includes "tax protesters, millenialists, survivalists, Populists, freemen, constitutionalists, neo-nazi's, skin-heads, Klansmen, secessionists, militant abortion foes, and radical anti-environmentalists." In the late 90's in America, the police see fit to include constitutionalists with Neo-Nazis and Klansmen.

In the second incident citizen John Opie of Golden, Colorado, called Camp George West in Englewood to register his disapproval of a photograph published in the March 5 '98 Denver Post showing Colorado National Guardsmen returning from "peacekeeping" duties in Macedonia wearing blue UN berets. The camp's public affairs officer responded by using profanity in denigrating Michael New, the soldier who refused, as a U.S. soldier, to wear a UN beret or insignia. Mr. Opie reported this incident in a letter to Camp George West's Adjutant General's Office but received no response. Mr. Opie then wrote a letter of complaint to Colorado state representative Penn R. Piffner, and Piffner wrote on June 5 to Major General William A. Westerdahl of the Camp George West Adjutant General's office. Westerdahl's reply included this sentence: "Letters such as his [Mr. Opie's] are referred to the local office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation as a matter of safety for all concerned."

KABA Director's Note:  Mr. Puckett is a NO COMPROMISE AMERICAN running a POWERFUL organization for freedom.  If you have not yet looked into the WONDERFUL MEDIA BLITZ Mr. Puckett is conducting through Citizens of America, PLEASE GO LOOK.  His organization is one key SOLUTION to the media bias in our society regarding the TRUTH about guns.  Not only do I deeply appreciate, respect, and wholeheartedly believe in the COA mission, I have come to know Mr. Puckett as a Brother of Americans I respect and REVERE deeply.
~~ Angel Shamaya,

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To trust arms in the hands of the people at large has, in Europe, been be an experiment fraught only with danger. Here by a long trial it has been proved to be perfectly harmless...If the government be equitable; if it be reasonable in its exactions; if proper attention be paid to the education of children in knowledge and religion, few men will be disposed to use arms, unless for their amusement, and for the defence of themselves and their country. — Timothy Dwight, Travels in New England and New York [London 1823]

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