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Project Exile Condemnation

We Condemn "Project Exile"
A Coalition of American Leaders in the Firearms Movement

[NOTE: Firearms Rights Leaders and Citizens have two different methods of showing support for this document, and each are spelled out clearly below this document. New additions of Leaders will be added to the end of this document ongoingly.]

[NOTE: The signers of this statement support any reasonable law-enforcement program that removes violent repeat-offender felons from our cities and neighborhoods, but only if the laws utilized to convict and to punish such felons are constitutional.

We condemn any program that involves enforcing unconstitutional "laws", even if such "laws" are enforced only against violent criminals. Unconstitutional "laws" are illegal, harmful to public safety, tyrannical, and are inevitably enforced against ordinary, non-criminal citizens.

The "Project Exile" supported by the current NRA management calls for enforcing all existing gun laws, regardless of their unconstitutionality and regardless of their being enforceable against non-criminals. Furthermore, the current NRA management's quoted remarks (see below) indicate a disregard for our public safety, our heritage, our freedom, and our Constitution.]

To All Americans:

The current NRA management’s "Project Exile" program demands "zero tolerance" enforcement of all existing federal gun laws. But most—if not all—of these laws are unconstitutional violations of the Second Amendment. American firearm owners and supporters of the Bill of Rights have invested countless millions of dollars and man-hours to prevent these same laws from ever being passed. Clear-thinking Americans continue to work tirelessly to repeal them.

Enemies of the right of self-defense and the Second Amendment, such as Handgun Control Inc., Bill Clinton, and Charles Schumer, all strongly support "Project Exile, because "Project Exile" is an official endorsement of these onerous gun laws – including the infamous 1994 "Crime Bill" which outlawed "high capacity" magazines and banned perfectly Constitutional militia rifles.

The NRA’s current management says that "Project Exile" is aimed at convicting violent felons. But of course these laws can be—and will be—used against any citizen who breaks them. "Project Exile" demands enforcement, with Zero Tolerance and minimum 5-year prison terms, of current federal laws enforceable against any American man or woman who, for example:

  • attaches a +2 extension to a "post-ban" Glock pistol magazine
  • attaches a flash suppresser, folding stock, or bayonet lug to a "post ban" militia rifle
  • accidentally carries a concealed weapon (with state "license" or not) into a federally prohibited area
  • drives to another state to give a family member (even a son or a granddaughter) a handgun without going through the instant check registration scheme
  • possesses a gun while subject to a restraining order, regardless of the absence of violence, and without a trial or any legal adversarial process having taken place
  • commits ANY minor infraction of ANY unconstitutional federal gun law

Should Americans go to prison for the acts described above? "Project Exile" says YES.

There is no connection between supporting the Bill of Rights and supporting federal laws that are un-American. Moreover, the agencies that enforce such laws slaughtered over eighty people in Waco, shot to death a young boy and his mother at Ruby Ridge, and continually commit brutal acts against citizens under the guise of "gun control". The "legal" excuse behind the Waco massacre was the unproved suspicion of "illegal" machine gun possession. The "legal" excuse behind the Ruby Ridge killings was a shotgun that may have been ¼ inch too short. Both are examples of "zero tolerance".

As for the issue of crime, dissatisfaction regarding the removal of criminals from our streets should be directed toward state and local lawmaking bodies—the same entities which often refuse to reduce crime by respecting our right to bear arms for self-defense.

Governments have murdered tens of millions of their own citizens in the last century alone—mass murders that were often greatly facilitated by civilian disarmament aided by firearms registration. Conventional criminals continue daily to add to their terrible toll of victims. Therefore we call upon legislators to repeal ALL LAWS which infringe upon the right of Americans to freely carry arms in defense of self, family, and country. And we call on the NRA’s management to repudiate "Project Exile", which, by supporting such laws, is a grotesque betrayal of the eighty-three million American firearm owners who conduct peaceable lives every day; a betrayal of the Second Amendment; and a betrayal of the entire Bill of Rights, the Constitution, and the freedoms Americans hold dear.

Read DIRECT QUOTES from the "Winning Team" about Project Exile

This statement is endorsed by the following:

Anti-"Exile", Pro-Second Amendment Coalition Organizers

Brian Puckett
President, Citizens Of America; Co-founder,

Angel Shamaya
Founder, Exec. Director,

Russ Howard
Exec. Dir., Citizens Against Corruption; Past NRA Director; Articles: Project Exile, or Project Gulag?, Observations on the 2nd Amendment Movement

Larry Pratt
Exec. Director, Gun Owners of America

Anti-"Exile", Pro-Second Amendment Coalition Members

Aaron Zelman
Exec. Director, Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership

Leroy Pyle
President, Paul Revere Network
; Past NRA Director; Founding Exec. Director, Law Enforcement Alliance of America; NRA Benefactor Member, NRA Law Enforcement Committee; NRA Firearms Instructor

Steve Silver
President, Lawyers Second Amendment Society; Co-founder; Second Amendment Attorney

Albert Ross
Director, Texas State Rifle Association; Treasurer, Dallas Arms Collectors Association, Inc.; Past NRA Director & 2nd Vice-President

Nancy Herrington
Executive Vice President
Women Against Gun Control
Georgia State Director - Women Against Gun Control

Sarah Thompson, M.D.
Founder, Executive Director, Utah Gun Owners Alliance

Kevin Starrett
Executive Director, Oregon Firearms Federation

Reginald Shinn
State Chairman, California American Pistol & Rifle Association

Harry Schneider
Chairman, Pennsylvania Sportsmen's Association

Gary S. Marbut
President, Montana Shooting Sports Association

Larry Farrell
President, Gun Owners of New Jersey

Tom Chandler
Chairman, Capital District Shooters Committee On Political Education (SCOPE) NY's Largest Second Amendment Civil Rights Group; State Coordinator, New York Tyranny Response Team

Ed Kelleher
President, Grass Roots South Carolina

Paul Valone
President, Grass Roots North Carolina

Dudley Brown
Executive Director, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners

Bill Duff
Legislative Chairman, Keystone Firearms Coalition [PA]

Jack Iannantuono
Spokesman, Lehigh Valley Firearms Coalition representing nearly 20,000 second amendment supporters in eastern PA

John Harris
Executive Director, Tennessee Firearms Association, author of "Carrying a Handgun for Self-Defense in Tennessee"

Barry Bright
President, Free Kentucky

Jeff Chan

Larry R. Rankin
Chairman, California American Pistol & Rifle Association, Santa Barbara County; Life Member, GOA, NRA, CRPA, LEAA, On Exile

Arthur "Art" Nichols
President, N. Orange County NRA Members Council; NRA Life Member, Benefactor, On Exile

David Gross
Former Chairman, NRA High-power Committee

Andrew E. Barniskis
Legislative Chairman, Bucks County Sportsmen's Coalition [Pennsylvania]

John Birch
President, Concealed Carry, Inc.

Geoff Metcalf, Chairman,, Statement on Exile/NRA

Nancyann Rutledge
President, Citizens' Gun Rights Alliance, (formerly the Santa Barbara NRA Members Council, decertified after refusing to support gun control and anti-gun candidates)

Bernie Oliver
President, Brass Roots, Inc. [Arizona]

Bob Glass
President, Tyranny Response Team

Mark Call, Co-Founder, Tyranny Response Team

A. Nathan Zeliff
Founder and President,

Jerry F. Phillips
Founder and Director,

Ari Armstrong, Pro-Second Amendment Writer and Activist, President

Claire Wolfe, author of books on freedom, proprietor of Wolfe's Lodge, armed and free female

David Codrea, Founder & Director, Citizens of America; Founder,, Second Amendment Writer

Weldon Clark
President, Second Amendment News

Melissa & Neal Seaman
Co-Creators, Gun Control Victories Web Site, On Exile

Dave Edmondson
Founder, State Association Coordinating Committee, 2-term NRA Director

H.S. "Gunnie" Reagan (M/Gny. Sgt., Retired-USMC)
NRA Life Member and Patron Member; President of, Member GOA, SAF, Deer Tribe Gun Club Founder, SASS, IDPA, USPSA, IPSC, decorated Vietnam Veteran

L. Neil Smith
Noted author, pro-liberty and pro-Constitution activist

J. R. Nyquist
Author, "Origins of the Fourth World War", Archives

J.J. Johnson
Editor-in-Chief, [noted internet news magazine]

Arnold Gaunt
Utah Republican Party State Central Committee member; NRA Endowment member

Val Finnell, M.D.
First President, Virginia Citizens Defense League, On Exile 1 / 2

Chris BeHanna
Past Board Member
, Coalition of New Jersey Sportsmen Life GOA & NRA

Frank J. Brady, President, The People United

Robert T Fanning, Jr., Founder of hunters rights group 4000 members strong, NRA member since 1962

Charles Curley, Founder, Wyoming Arms Rights Coalition; author; Second Amendment legal scholar; webmaster, Wyoming Libertarian Party

Clarence Lovell, NRA Board Member for 1980-1993, 1995

John Taylor, Editor, The Libertarian Enterprise

J. Neil Schulman, author, Stopping Power: Why 70 Million Americans Own Guns & Self Control Not Gun Control webmaster, The World Wide Web Gun Defense Clock

Donald E. J. Kilmer, Jr., California Attorney specializing in gun-related cases, Co-Sponsor and Author for California Coalition on the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

Richard E. Vaughn, Esq., Author, Second Amendment Attorney's Page

Tom Minsel, Ph.D., Board Member, Rocky Mountain Gun Owners, Pro Second Amendment Writer

Jeff Garvas, Founder & President, Ohioans For Concealed Carry, Inc., GunSafetyOhio.ORG, Author

George Russum, President/Founder, Second Amendment Coalition of Florida

John A. Bennett, D.O., Libertarian Candidate for Congress in the 6th District of Washington State, and the Chairman of the Libertarian Party of Clallam County, WA

Sandi Moscicki, Past President (1998-1999) and first woman president of the Federated RI Sportsmen's Clubs, Past President, Rhode Island Firearms Liberty and Education

Ron Cowan, Editor, Faith & Freedom Sentinel

Brian Wilson, Radio Talk Show Host, Author

Winton Clark Aposhian, Chairman, Utah Self Defense Instructors Network

Tina Terry, Editorial Board Member, Sierra Times

Peter E. Hendrickson, President, Lost Horizons

Robert D. Butler, D.C., J.D., Legislative Director, Grass Roots SC; Legislative Liaison, Mid Carolina Rifle Club

Rick DeStephens, Brassroots

Thomas P. Cloyes, President, Waynce County Federation of Conservation Clubs, Ohio

Bengt Lindblad, Chairman, Citizens for Equal Access to Effective Self-Defense

Don Loucks, Co-Founder, Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights, NRA (life), Running for Office

Todd Richert, Chairman, Washington State affiliate of the Constitution Party

Paul Zimmerman, Sierra Times Writer

William A White, Executive Committee, Maryland Reform Party

Jack Gilbert, Chairman, Founder, Firearms Legal Defense Fund

Richard L. Carone, Former NRA Finance Committee Chairman; co-founder, Californians Against Corruption, On Exile

Paul Velte, Peaceable Texans for Firearms Rights

Judge Paul Heath Till (ret.), Justice of the Peace for 22 years; NRA: former Director, ByLaws Committee Chairman & Firearms Civil Rights Legal Defense Fund Trustee. "Truth is Treason in the Empire of Lies."

Charles Hardenbrook, CEO, CW Cases

Harry Browne, Libertarian Candidate for President of the United States

Ed Hubel, President, Shooting Express Television

J. Anthony Brian, Attorney at Law. Trial attorney; former NRA Director; former member, CCRKBA Firearms Civil Rights Cmttee; accomplished speaker and debater. (661) 861-8050

Sgt. Jim Ramm (Reynoldsburg, Ohio Police Department, retired), Member NRA Board of Directors, immediate Past-Chairman, People's Rights Organization, Chairman, Ohio Citizens Advancing Personal Safety (O.C.A.P.S.) [a committee of the Ohio Constitution Defense Council], Director of Marketing for SafetyOn - The Comprehensive, Interactive Software Guide to Firearm Safety and Responsible Gun Ownership

Rep. Scott J. Orr, Montana Legislature

Norman Davis, President of Kentuckians for the Right to Bear Arms (KRBA), Take Back Kentucky

Colleen Hyden, Ph.D. Former NRA Director, Sociologist

Kevin Shannon, Associate Director, The Welch Report, Talk Radio Host

Jeremy Bowen, Director, Truth In Politics

Michael Z. Williamson, President, Cloak & Dagger

Alan Lundy, Co-Founder/Creator,

Gregory E. McAulay, Founder/President

Jack H. Stuart, Charter member of Sonoma County NRA Member Council, Founder and First President of Cloverdale American Legion Gun Club, Life member of NRA

Fred Aydelotte, Vice President & Defensive Handgun Instructor, Towanda Rifle & Pistol Club

Douglass M. Renfrow, President/CEO, American Freedom Alliance, Statement on Project Exile

Grady Miller, Author,, Project Exile Article

James R. Hall, Board of Directors, Kentucky Coalition to Carry Concealed

Diane McKeough, New York Director, Armed Females of America (NY)

John Bender, Executive Director, Seniors United Supporting the Second Amendment


RKBA Organization Executives and Officers: We welcome your endorsement of this statement. To add your name and/or that of your organization, please email with your name, title, organization name, web site address, contact phone numbers, and a brief statement about your concerns regarding Project Exile. Please also include any data or web site links you have regarding this dangerous program.

Pro-RKBA Citizens: You can go and sign your public agreement with this denunciation here:

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