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The Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team
Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team


What is Neighborhood Watch?

The Neighborhood Watch Program was developed to bring together Law Enforcement and private citizens in a cooperative effort working together for the betterment of all our citizens. Much of the work is done by the local citizens and the P.D. Officers who are involved with the program. This is simply a program of neighbors watching out for themselves, as well as for each other. It is designed to enlist the active participation of citizens in cooperation with the police to reduce crime and improve the quality of life in their neighborhoods.

What is the Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team?

The Second Amendment Police Department is not about telling intelligent human beings that they are expected to cower in fear and shame in their homes and businesses! The 2AM P.D. recognizes the importance for each and every citizen to incorporate common sense safety into their everyday lives. Traditionally, police agencies have led the way in providing speakers, demonstrations, and materials for the purpose of educating the public in the ways of avoiding criminal attacks and intrusions.

Unfortunately, in this "politically correct" world, the topic of firearms in the home is avoided or treated in a manner insulting to anyone familiar with firearms. "Citizen Safety Techniques" make as much sense for the average citizen as the training all police officers receive, starting in the basic academy, known as "Officer Safety Techniques". To date, most agencies use fear tactics or the "stick-your-head-in-the-sand" technique. Firearms as a subject is the modern day "killer-weed"!

Many citizens have invited an officer into their home or business for an inventory check-off of locks, alarms, automatic lights, window access, etc. It was not too many years ago that a hardware store showed two or three sizes of locks on their shelf, and now the locks, alarms, and lighting systems require a warehouse-sized display! Women are often invited to rape prevention seminars, or fingerprinting sessions for their children.

2AM P.D. strongly supports any and all safety programs. It is not unusual, however, to expect that a certain percentage of citizens who have inventoried their homes and businesses, educated the women and children against predators, and barricaded themselves in those homes and businesses, will also choose to have a firearm in that home or business. How many times can a person be expected to drive by those metal signs posted in the neighborhood before they understand that it reads, "Citizen, fend for yourself!"

And those are the citizens of The Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team!

How Does Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team Work?

Guns are not for everyone, and for some, the common sense education and preventive measures mentioned above should suffice. Millions of Americans do own firearms and it is important to consider their needs in any Neighborhood Watch program that intends to represent the entire community. The 2AM P.D. recommends that, at a minimum, a basic firearms safety lecture should be offered to all members of the community. A couple of hours in the evening using visual aids and handouts can enlighten any homeowner and remove the fear and ignorance factor, while increasing the safety factor. You may not have a gun in your home, but the reported number of homes with guns make it obvious that you or your children may visit a home where guns are present.

Basic handling, safety, and marksmanship training should be available for anyone upon request.

Neighborhood Watch works by having you and your neighbors use simple techniques to deter, delay and detect crime. Gun owners have the additional responsibility of factoring in the responsibilities of that ownership. Education, whether self-taught or by instruction, should include tactics and the legal and moral aspects of the use of deadly force, in addition to safety, handling, and marksmanship.

The popularity of firearms has prompted the publication of a great variety of books and videos on topics from basic care and handling of firearms, to advanced techniques in personal defense. There is a nationwide network of firearms instructors for basic training, and a growing selection of intermediate and advanced training institutions.

The Second Amendment Police Department can provide Instructor Certification for those persons or clubs interested in leading the way in firearms training.

Being aware of criminal activity can help in keeping your neighborhood safe. Promptly reporting all criminal or suspicious activity to -911-, or your local PD's non-emergency number, helps the police to assist you in promoting a safe and healthy neighborhood.

The specific and primary purposes of the Second Amendment Police and Neighborhood Watch Participant is:

To become acquainted with you and your neighbors.

To work together whenever possible to identify and solve problems in your area of the community.

To help yourself and the neighbors by being aware of and reporting and conferring on any unusual activities as they occur.

To share and report "abnormal" activity in your neighborhood.

To implement crime prevention and training techniques to enhance home security.

Not to apprehend suspects except as a last resort, leave that to the police. Personal protection is the primary concern.

To facilitate, maintain and improve communications between the citizens of America and the officers of the Second Amendment Police Department by establishing and maintaining a liaison with the 2AM Police Department and exchanging information on crime and crime prevention.

To advance crime prevention concepts in the community by educating the public in the application of personal protection methods and physical crime prevention techniques.

To encourage participation in the Neighborhood Watch Program.

Starting A Neighborhood Watch

Since the police are unable to cover every neighborhood at all times, you can help by forming a Neighborhood Watch. You and your neighbors can stay safe by looking out for one another.

Start organizing your neighbors by scheduling a Neighborhood Watch meeting. If you are a firearm owner, you can assure that firearms awareness is included in the program.

Contact your local Police Department Crime Prevention Bureau to schedule a presentation.

At your meeting, a police department representative will explain how you can create an alert neighborhood by using simple crime prevention methods. Your responsibility is to assure that positive firearms training is included.

For additional information about crime prevention, The Neighborhood Watch Pistol Team, and other crime prevention measures, e-mail to

Firearms Training, the ULTIMATE
grassroots activity!


Organize a training session in your town now, taught by 2AM P.D. instructor.

Requests for training to:


Personal Protection Certified Instructor

Rifle Instructor

Shotgun Instructor


2AM P.D. Instructors
will teach basic:

  • Pistol

  • Rifle

  • Shotgun

  • Personal Protection

  • Home Firearms Safety

All Inquires to:

For additional information regarding NRA Instructor Certification write to: You can have a class presented in your city.

Firearms Training, The ULTIMATE Grassroots Activity! See Article Here

Leroy Pyle is a career police officer,
NRA Training Counselor & Instructor, and Internet Activist WebMaster, &

Printer Version

As civil rulers, not having their duty to the people before them, may attempt to tyrannize, and as the military forces which must be occasionally raised to defend our country, might pervert their power to the injury of their fellow citizens, the people are confirmed by the article in their right to keep and bear their private arms. — Tench Coxe in `Remarks on the First Part of the Amendments to the Federal Constitution' under the Pseudonym "A Pennsylvanian" in the Philadelphia Federal Gazette, June 18, 1789 at 2 col. 1.

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