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Keep and Bear Arms

World's Smallest
Self-Defense Quiz

Take the World's Smallest Self-Defense Quiz to find out your true standing on this issue.  

Personal Issues
In this section, you are presupposed to being aware of law regarding use of lethal force, and you are within your legal rights to exercise such force.  Again, this is to determine where YOU stand on this issue.  Choose Y for Yes or N for NO.

You are alone at home at night.  An intruder comes into your home by breaking a window in the back of your house.  He finds out you are there and begins walking noisily down the hall to your bedroom with a long piece of steel pipe in his hand. You have a gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use your gun to defend yourself in whatever sensible way you needed to to preserve your own life?


You are outside a shopping center with a child.  An assailant approaches you with a knife in his hand and shows clear intent to harm the child.  You have a gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use the gun sensibly in whatever way you needed to to defend the child?


You are in a restaurant with a few friends having a nice lunch.  A man comes into the restaurant and begins shooting people.  It's clear he will continue to shoot people until someone stops him or every person in the restaurant is dead.  He is standing between you and the only exit and is certain to get to your table with his bullets in a few seconds.  You have a gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use the gun sensibly in whatever way you needed to to stop him?


You are traveling by car alone.  You stop at a rest area to use the restroom and stretch your legs.  As you come out of the restroom, a large man steps out of the bushes between you and your car.  You are the only two people at this rest area.  He has a knife in his hand and begins coming toward you Clearly intent on doing you immediate harm.  You have a gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use the gun sensibly in whatever way you needed to to defend yourself?


This question is for women.  If you are a man, imagine this situation involving a woman you care deeply about:

You are walking in a park alone at sunset.  A large man approaches you, clearly intent on making you his victim.  You tell him to leave you alone in a scream.  He pulls out a knife and lunges at you.  You have an easily accessible gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use the gun sensibly in whatever way you needed to to defend yourself?
(If you are a man, would you want a woman you care deeply about to use the gun to defend herself if she was properly trained on how to use it?)


You are hiking at a national forest.  You round a corner and see a mountain lion on the trail just as he sees you.  He growls menacingly and begins running directly toward you.  You have a gun, and you are properly trained in its use.

Would you use the gun sensibly in whatever way you needed to to defend yourself?

Social Issues

Below are three hypothetical pieces of news from local media.  Each item has two possible scenarios.  If you were able to select one of the two possible outcomes and thus prevent the other, which scenario would be preferable?

Local Newspaper Stories:


"A woman at home alone was raped and beaten by an unknown assailant.  The perpetrator, who broke into her home around midnight and fits the description of a known rapist, is still at large...."


"Last evening around midnight a local woman shot and killed a man who entered her home and attempted to rape her.  The perpetrator, John Doe, had a criminal record of sexual assault and battery of at least two women in the past five years...."

Knowing these two stories involve the same exact people, which news story would you prefer to read or view in the evening news?


Local Television News Stories:


"Yesterday afternoon, a local teenager at home alone was beaten unconscious in his own home.  His mother came home from work to the scene of what looked like a fight for life.  The perpetrator is still at large and there are no suspects...."


"A local teenager is the hero of his neighborhood today.  He stopped a burglary in progress at his home this afternoon in nearby Glendale Park and helped capture a 3-time felon who police have been tracking for over a year.  Being well-trained in the use of guns by his father, the young man quickly assessed the situation and used his father's handgun to detain the burglar without having to shoot him...."

Knowing these two stories involve the same exact people, which news story would you prefer to read or view in the evening news?


Local Television News Stories:


"Two college girls, Lisa Jones and Sarah Smith, were senselessly murdered in what looks like another slaying by someone the local papers are calling the Razor Knife Killer.  The killer is still at large..."


Two local women had a very close call late this afternoon, and they may be local heroes responsible for capturing who local papers are calling the Razor Knife Killer.  When the man attempted to pull one woman into his van at knifepoint, her friend shot him with her legally-owned handgun.  Evidence suggests he is responsible for at least 3 of the recent slaying in the area..."

Knowing these two stories involve the same exact people, which news story would you prefer to read or view in the evening news?


for scoring, or answers.

To offer feedback on this quiz, click here.

If you have always believed that everyone should play by the same rules and be judged by the same standards, that would have gotten you labeled a radical 50 years ago, a liberal 25 years ago, and a racist today. —THOMAS SOWELL

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