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Newslinks for 11/25/2008

AR: Home Intruder Dies after being Shot by LR Homeowner
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Little Rock Police are investigating an apparent home break-in turned shooting that left one of two intruders dead. It happened this morning just after midnight in the Broadmoor neighborhood off South University.
Police were called to a home on Rosemont Drive where they say the homeowner had shot Roderick Jacobs, 19, of Little Rock. He died after being taken to the hospital. The homeowner told police he opened fire after Jacobs and another man broke into his home through the kitchen door.

NY: Nation Editor, Gun Control Supporters For Aborn
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Richard Aborn, a would-be Manhattan DA candidate in 2009, is getting his fundraising effort underway with an event at the Central Park West home of Marie and Larry Lowenstein featuring "special guest" Katrina vanden Heuval, editor of The Nation. Also on the invite: Andy Pelosi, executive director of and former head of New Yorkers Against Gun Violence; and Donna Dees-Thomases, an author and advocate for tougher gun laws.

NY: Chuck Schumer: Hunting Hero
Submitted by: Gun Legislation & Politics in New York

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Field & Stream has named Sen. Schumer as a “Hero” in their 2008 Heroes & Villains Face-Off. See their 11/24 blog entry at “The Governator Reprises His Role as a Villain, Wins Top Honors.”

"A Common Language of Resistance": Beyond the Internet and Talk Radio
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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"Colonial rebellions throughout the modern world have been acts of shared political imagination. Unless unhappy people develop the capacity to trust other unhappy people, protest remains a local affair easily silenced by traditional authority. Usually, however, a moment arrives when large numbers of men and women realize for the first time that they enjoy the support of strangers, ordinary people much like themselves who happen to live in distant places and whom under normal circumstances they would never meet. It is an intoxicating discovery. A common language of resistance suddenly opens to those who are most vulnerable to painful retribution the possibility of creating a new community."

To Brady Bunch's Paul Helmke: "Answer the . . . Question."
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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I think it is reasonable for those like Paul Helmke and others of his ilk to answer this question. I think they own us an answer before they attempt to kill us with their "good intentions."

Ready? This is the question:

Mr. Helmke, if what this is really all about is "safe streets" and "public safety" how does sparking a bloody civil war further those objectives?

The answer is, it doesn't. It can't.

And if that's not what this is about, then shouldn't Helmke (et al) at least have the honesty to admit that what they really seek is the empowerment of the imperial federal government at the expense of our individual, God-given, traditional republican liberties, no matter how many innocents they kill in the process?

Court controls our democratic destiny
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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Of conservatives' few victories this year, the most cherished came when the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia vs. Heller, held for the first time that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to bear arms. Now, however, a distinguished conservative jurist argues that the court's ruling was mistaken and had the principal flaws of Roe vs. Wade, the 1973 abortion ruling that conservatives execrate as judicial overreaching. Both rulings, says J. Harvie Wilkinson, suddenly recognized a judicially enforceable right grounded in "an ambiguous constitutional text."

"Refuse to Cooperate": A Liberal Gets It!
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Sam McKee . . . is to be commended for his advice to gun owners. Says anti-gun Sam: "Rather than complaining, which is unproductive, he should just buy up as many guns as possible, as so many gun lovers are doing, and refuse to cooperate with the new administration."

Give that man a kewpie doll! He gets it when so many gun owners do not. As a "bitter clinger" I concluded the same thing a long time ago, and I will certainly "refuse to cooperate" with an Obama Administration which attempts to seize control over the private, intrastate sale of firearms (wrongly called the "gun-show loophole") or reinstitutes the ban on semi-automatic rifles that look like machine guns but aren't (the equally misnamed "Assault Weapons Ban").

WV: WV concealed handgun licenses now recognized by 23 other states (AP)
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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*** Complete Text Below ***

Louisiana is the latest state to honor a concealed weapons reciprocity agreement with West Virginia.

Twenty-two other states also allow West Virginians with valid concealed weapons permits to legally carry hidden handguns in their states.

The West Virginia Legislature directed the state Attorney General's office last year to work out agreements with other states.
Attorney General Darrell McGraw says negotiations with other states are ongoing.

NC: NC carjacking suspect clubbed with frozen turkey
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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Stopped. Cold turkey. North Carolina authorities say a shopper clubbed an alleged carjacker with a frozen turkey as he tried to steal a woman's car in a grocery store parking lot Sunday.

Police say 30-year-old Fred Louis Ervin of Raleigh stole money from a gas station before running across the street to a Harris Teeter store in a town just south of Raleigh. Garner police say he began beating Irene Moorman Bailey while stealing her car.

Other shoppers came to her rescue, including one who hit Ervin with the turkey. Police did not release the person's name.

Submitter's note: A frozen turkey beats nothing, but there's no substitute for having the proper means of self-defense because you never know when or where you'll need it.

WV: Attorney General McGraw Announces Concealed Handgun Reciprocity Agreement With Louisianna
Submitted by: West Virginia Citizens Defense League, Inc.

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ttorney General Darrell McGraw today announced a concealed weapons reciprocity agreement with the state of Louisiana. This is the latest in the ongoing efforts of Attorney General Darrell McGraw to negotiate agreements with states across the nation.

West Virginians with valid concealed weapons permits are now allowed to carry concealed weapons in a total of 23 states. West Virginia now has agreements with the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Kentucky, Louisiana, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia. The states of Alaska, Indiana, Montana, and Vermont formally recognize West Virginia’s concealed handgun license without an agreement. Idaho and Kansas have not formally acknowledged recognition but appear to do so.

WA: New machines scan IDs at border crossings
Submitted by: Larry

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By the time a car stops at the Customs booth, the agent will have the photos and information of everyone in the car. If a name is on a watch list or database, the person will be taken in for questioning. The system will be "more efficient," says Thomas Winkowski of Customs and Border Protection.

Privacy-rights advocates warn that terrorists or other criminals can use their own machines in a process called "skimming" to read the information from as far as 50 feet. Consumer privacy expert Katherine Albrecht says the chips create the "potential for a whole surveillance network to be set up." She says police could use them to find criminals, abusive husbands to find their wives, and stores to track customers.

AZ: License-plate scanning catching crooks, raising privacy concerns
Submitted by: Larry

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A Goddard spokeswoman said discussions about how to regulate DPS plate-reader data are ongoing.

Alessandra Soler Meetze, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union of Arizona, said she is concerned about how police technology could outpace legal standards.

"The problem is we really have no reassurance it's going to be focused on the bad guys," Soler Meetze said.

Arizona legislators have provided little guidance on how to regulate the technology since Mesa police pioneered Arizona's first plate-readers in 2005.

NM: APD seeks snitches in want ads
Submitted by: Larry

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The advertisement, which is running in the current Alibi newspaper, seeks criminals willing to snitch on other criminals.

The ad says, "Wanted: People who hang out with crooks to do part time work for APD. Make some extra cash. Drug use and criminal record OK."

When you call the phone number in the ad, you get a message saying, "You've reached the Albuquerque repeat offender project. If you're responding to the advertisement in the newspaper, leave your name and a good phone number, and we'll call you back as soon as we can."

FL: Security Guard Stabs Suspected Burglar To Death During Fight
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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An apartment security guard stabbed to death a burglary suspect, but the guard won't face charges because deputies believe he was acting in self-defense.

Deputies say the guard, Nathaniel Snow, was working at the Woodhill Apartments near West Colonial Drive and North Hiawassee ... when he approached 20-year-old Marcus Ballard.

Witnesses said the two began struggling and Snow pulled out a knife and stabbed Ballard.

WA: Seattle's mayor is up in arms about guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Gun rights advocates, who have pledged to sue immediately if Seattle proceeds with the ban, agree.

"It's criminals who break laws, by nature of being criminals, and they're not going to care if you pass a law saying you can't have a gun on public property. It's meaningless," said Alan Gottlieb of the [CCRKBA], which with the [NRA] is challenging gun bans in San Francisco and Chicago.


Penaluna, for his part, doesn't think a gun ban would have made him any more safe.

"I was hurt [at Seattle's annual Northwest Folklife Festival] by a stupid person who happened to make a stupid decision with a gun," he said.

"There are thousands of people all over Seattle, I know, who walk strapped. And they're not gang-bangers. They're responsible adults who are afraid of gang-bangers," he said.

MN: Gun law's one sure outcome: paperwork
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun enthusiasts said it would deter crime. Gun-control advocates said the measure would increase it, spawning needless deaths."

"But Minnesota's permit-to-carry handgun law appears to have done neither, according to an analysis of state crime statistics. Instead, it has accomplished something else entirely in the five years since it was enacted: It's kept clerks at sheriffs' offices hopping busy with paperwork."

"In anticipation of the five-year renewal deadline, the Dakota County sheriff's office added a second clerk to handle permit applications and background checks for residents who wish to carry their guns in public."

"But the rush hasn't been as heavy as expected." ...

OH: More than Expected
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Leave it to the collectivists, literally in this case, to put a spin of not just success, but huge success, on a program that suffered a 20% drop in volume from last year and doesn't look like it can sustain itself as an annual event."

NC: 9-year-old student charged in pencil stabbing
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A 9-year-old elementary school student has been charged with seriously injuring a classmate by stabbing her in the back with a pencil on Wednesday, lawmen said.

Cumberland County sheriff’s deputies charged the boy after he stabbed the 10-year-old girl at Cliffdale Road Elementary School, a news release said.
Investigators say the boy stabbed the girl with a pencil, causing a puncture wound on the upper portion of her back.
The boy stabbed the girl after an argument over a pencil box, authorities said. ...

Submitter's note: Obviously, pencils (and pens) must be banned in schools! But then the question arises: What will the little dears write with? Crayons? Or is it back to chalk on slate tablets?

Ed.: Cops might charge "assault with a deadly weapon inflicting serious injury" [emphasis added] for stabbing a pencil thief, even though the girl required *no* emergency medical care. Must have been some wound!

The Romanticism of Law Enforcement
Submitted by: Larry

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Think about it this way: Competition means that your local grocer, whether a corner vendor or a bulk food store, knows that if they don’t offer something you and others voluntarily buy, they’ll go out of business. Thus, this competition forces them to offer higher quality goods and lower prices. And to be receptive to consumer complaints. This profit and loss mechanism is completely absent from law enforcement.

Fortunately, lots of people have grasped this idea. The number of private security guards already dwarfs those working for the government and continues to grow. And more and more people taking the personal responsibility to protect themselves and their family by becoming responsible, competent gun owners.

CT: A Firearm is the Best Home Security
Submitted by: Bob Simeone

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From College Newspaper editorial:

The best way to do this is with a firearm. Firearms are an even stronger deterrent than alarm systems since 100 percent of home inva- sions are stopped when the invader is shot.

The truth is, the police do not have a legal responsibility to protect you. In a Washington D.C. Supreme Court case, Warren v. District of Columbia, it was revealed that three women were robbed, raped, beaten and forced to com- mit sexual acts on each other for 14 hours.

The court ruled that the police do not have a respon- sibility to provide individual protection, and they were relieved of any wrongdoing.


UK: Thugs overturn car; victim calls police; police say call auto club
Submitted by: Anonymous

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When a gang of youths rolled his girlfriend's parked car on its side, Simon White thought there was a good chance that the police would catch the culprits.

But instead of the swift response he had hoped for, they told him to call the AA.

'I couldn't believe they were telling me to call a breakdown service,' said estate agent Mr White.

'At no point did the police ask me anything to do with solving the crime. There was no mention of witnesses, possible fingerprints, or any desire to catch who'd done it.

Mr White initially dialled 999 but was told it wasn't a serious enough crime and that he should call his local police.

Ed.: Must read comments. ;-)

OH: "Goble-de-gook" on Guns in Ohio
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Goble sets up a number of straw man arguments and rhetorically knocks them down. . .

"On one side, we have those who see every single proposed weapon restriction as a start down a slippery slope toward the government taking away ALL guns from EVERYBODY." . .

It is not necessary sew every citizen's mouth shut and institute written thought control to abrogate the First Amendment, which presumably Mr. Goble knows, as he is a sure-'nuff official journalist. .

The so-called "gun show loophole" is in fact a federal seizure of control over all private, intrastate sales of arms. . . Not even King George the Third was so grasping of his subject's liberties, and the Founders shot at his redcoats for much less.

Sipsey Street Irregulars: Vanderboegh finally gets a blog of his own.
Submitted by: Mike Vanderboegh

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Vanderboegh finally gets a blog . . .

"Welcome to the website for the Sipsey Street Irregulars, a merry band of Three Percenters who are fans of the upcoming novel by Mike Vanderboegh, Absolved. . .

The completed work should be in print by the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama. Great timing, huh?

Check back with this site for updates on Absolved, non-fiction essays of Mike Vanderboegh and praxis articles on the nuts and bolts -- the theory and practice -- of the armed citizenry."

NJ: Security drills may come to NJ schools
Submitted by: Larry

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Security drills may soon become a regular part of the curriculum in New Jersey schools.

Legislation approved last week by the Assembly requires monthly school security drills, just like fire drills, but with the focus on how to respond to emergencies like a lockdown or someone with a gun in the school.

"Many schools haven't practiced their security plans because there's no law to require them to do so," said bill co-sponsor Fred Scalera, who chairs the Assembly Homeland Security and State Preparedness Committee.

Jogger Finds Gun SWAT Team Cop Forgot After Stand-Off [video]
Submitted by: Larry

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Submitter's note: Think the Brady Batch will fall on this incident like a ton of bricks, since it is an example of 'assault weapons on the street' (literally)?

The Constitution is a written instrument. As such, its meaning does not alter. That which it meant when it was adopted, it means now. — SOUTH CAROLINA v. US, 199 U.S. 437, 448 (1905)

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