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Newslinks for 12/1/2007

JPFO: Is it Too Late for America?
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post

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... "Which brings us back to Naomi Wolf. As much as I like hearing what she has to say, I notice that not one of the ten points she makes has anything to do with the physical, mechanical means of preserving liberty ..."

"Of course I'm referring here to the unalienable individual, civil, Constitutional, and human right of every man, woman, and responsible child to obtain, own, and carry, openly or concealed, any weapon -- rifle, shotgun, handgun, machinegun, anything -- any time, any place, without asking anyone's permission. Like it or not, it is the free exercise of this right, and no other, that keeps Americans from becoming mud hut peasants like we see on TV, being robbed, raped, and murdered by their outlaw governments and roving bands of killers and thieves." ...

That's More Like It!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Many writers have asked whether I intended to refer to the Second Amendment when I mentioned that we have been free of intimidation by the government that other citizens experience around the world. I did indeed intend to refer to the Second Amendment, though not in the sense that most of the email about this assumed. I was referring to militias ..."

"Often today, the Second Amendment is associated in our minds with the private right to bear arms ... Rather, I was referring to the historical origin of the Second Amendment, as the protector of local militias that would be more closely accountable to the people than a federal army. Many in the founding period were distrustful of a large standing army ... " ...

List of Mentally Ill Banned From Buying Guns Doubles
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A federal list of mentally ill people barred from buying guns has doubled in size since the Virginia Tech shootings, and Attorney General Mukasey urged more states yesterday to add information to the database." ...

"'Instant background checks are essential to keeping guns out of the wrong hands, while still protecting the privacy of our citizens,' Judge Mukasey said. 'But as we learned in the tragedy at Virginia Tech, the checks must be accurate and complete to be effective,' Judge Mukasey told the National Association of Attorneys General. ..." ...

DOJ Report on Mental Health Records Shows Critical Need to Strengthen Brady System
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"Paul Helmke, President of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, issued the following statement about the announcement yesterday by Attorney General Michael B. Mukasey that the states have doubled the number of disqualifying mental health records submitted to the Brady background check system'"

"While good news, yesterday's report emphasizes the critical need to get all relevant records into the Brady background check system. We're a long way from getting all the records into the system that need to be there. ..."

Paul Helmke: Where’s The Humor Again?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In last night’s Republican YouTube debate, a questioner submitted this video of himself shooting what looks like an AK-type semi-automatic assault rifle at a target in the desert. In less than two seconds, self-identified NRA Life Member Jay Fox fires off six rounds. (Check the timing of the video yourself.)"

"Then, after he slings his rifle over his shoulder, he asks a question to the candidates for President: 'What is your opinion of gun control?' After this, someone off-camera tosses him what looks like a 12-gauge pump shotgun. Then he quips, 'And don’t worry' – as he pumps the slide, cha-chick – 'you can answer how ever you like.'"

The crowd roared with laughter. The candidates laughed too." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

Pulling the Trigger
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Written in an age in which minutemen rose to dress and fight at a moment's notice, the Second Amendment was no doubt motivated by a young nation's concern for its own safety and stability. But now, when the United States is protected by the most powerful security forces on the globe, the Second Amendment is neither relevant nor useful. Rather, it has become an impediment to vital public policy, and it should be repealed and replaced with nuanced federal legislation."

"... no matter what the justices ultimately decide, we believe that a constitutional protection of an individual right to bear arms is detrimental to the country. Instead, the Second Amendment should be replaced with federal statues designed to tightly regulate gun ownership." ...

'Individual right' to bear arms is a gun lobby myth
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The recent op-ed column by J.R. Labbe needs to be balanced by a more objective statement as to the meaning of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution." ...

"The [DC] gun control ordinance, passed in 1973 as part of an effort to address the district's violent crime problem, prohibits all possession of handguns and requires all other guns in the home to be disassembled or secured by trigger locks. In other words, the ordinance does not bar possession of hunting rifles and guns. Gun experts say that guns so secured can be made operable in one or two minutes."

"Ms. Labbe's column did not state the provisions of the ordinance and left the impression that D.C. residents did not have 'the ability to defend themselves ...'" ...

Second Amendment seems to be in trouble
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I'm worried that the Supreme Court is rethinking the Second Amendment."

"The First Amendment is under attack by an administration that would be quite comfortable with sedition laws. The war on terrorism has stretched the Fifth and Sixth Amendments to near irrelevance."

"Last week, an administration official said we need to rethink our right to privacy. Apparently that pesky Fourth Amendment is getting in the way of their domestic spying."

"The Constitution, with its Bill of Rights, is the guarantor of our liberty. The Second Amendment is our emergency brake."

"Our armed, treasonous forefathers risked it all to win our liberty. Since then, millions have given life and limb to preserve it." ...

Strive For Balance In Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"On Nov. 20, the Supreme Court announced its interest in deciding the scope of the Second Amendment - the right to bear arms. Previously, the Supreme Court has often sided with the states right to legislate gun control laws and has generally interpreted the Constitution to focus on a militia rather than individual rights. This time, however, the court intends to focus on the amendment itself rather than relevant cases pertaining to it. Depending on the verdict, the outcome of this trial could either allow for heavy gun control restrictions or denounce them." ...

Supreme Court has a chance to move the gun debate into constructive territory
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The U.S. Supreme Court will soon weigh in on an issue that legal scholars, interest groups, police, politicians and everyday citizens have argued about for decades: What does the Second Amendment to the Constitution really mean?"

"Does it grant each American the right to own firearms? Or does it merely allow states to maintain militias akin to the National Guard? The court's answers will set the parameters for future debates over crime and public safety -- especially since those answers probably will come next June, in the middle of the 2008 presidential campaign." ...

Founders' intent
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Some Founders and the states feared oppression by the very government they were creating in 1787 and saw the militia as the ultimate safeguard. They quietly reserved the de facto right to resist by arms, as was done against Britain."

"A militia in the context intended by the Founders is an armed, volunteer citizenry. To have enough trained people to fill, on a voluntary basis of availability, a sufficient armed force to muster an army requires extensive ownership and familiarity with firearms."

"The Second Amendment was included in the Bill of Rights ... which concern the rights of individual citizens. The wording of the amendment grants the right to the 'people,' not the states or the federal government." ...

Deconstructing the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Though it is well over two centuries old, the Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms never has been definitively interpreted by the U.S. Supreme Court-much less enforced."

"The amendment’s orphan status among the Bill of Rights may soon change because the Supreme Court has agreed to review a ruling by a federal appeals court striking down the District of Columbia's sweeping restrictions on handgun ownership." ...

TX: Homeowner shoots and kills suspected burglar in Porter
Submitted by: RPA-PAC

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"A homeowner in Porter shot and killed a suspected burglar Thursday. And the situation became so intense that the homeowner himself was taken to the hospital."

... "Around 1:30pm, property owner Gary Southworth called 911 and said that he'd shot a man who was stealing from him and that he needed help. Paramedics rushed the suspected thief to Kingwood Hospital, but he died from his wounds."

"Paramedics had to also take Southworth to the hospital after the shooting because the 60-year-old was having chest pains. ..." ...

NY: 72 Year Old Fights Off 21 Year Old - Takes His Gun
Submitted by: Clell Adams

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"Thinking the gun pointed at him was real -- and believing he might be shot -- 72-year-old Reinaldo Herrera said he somehow found the strength to overpower a 21-year-old gang member allegedly sent by his own nephew to rob him at his home Tuesday afternoon in Westbury." ...

"... Herrera had just taken a break from stringing Christmas lights outside his home when Santos Zelaya forced his way into the house brandishing a gun." ...

"Zelaya ... then pointed the gun at Herrera's head -- and demanded cash and jewelry. Herrera said Zelaya then told him: 'Be quiet.'"

"... Herrera said later he believed he was 'going to die.'"

"Instead, the 5-foot-6 Herrera, who is fit but of medium build, lunged at Zelaya, wrestled the gun from him and, after a struggle, chased him outside." ...

Campuses debate gun control issues
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Not even a year after the most horrific school shooting in this country's history, the debate has been brought back to college campuses."

"The debate as to whether students should be allowed to carry a concealed firearm into a college classroom has been a prevalent topic among special-interest groups, university administrators, lawmakers and students alike since that fateful April 16th morning in Blacksburg, Va."

The heart of the debate focuses on whether allowing concealed weapons in a classroom setting can save lives if a catastrophe such as the one at Virginia Tech happens again."

"Since the tragedy, groups such as Students for Concealed Carry on Campus (SCCC) have sprouted around college campuses nationwide ..." ...

What you tolerate you deserve
Submitted by: Barry Bright

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... "It would be great to have a Ron Paul in the White House. It would be great to have a congress full of Ron Pauls, state legislatures full of Ron Pauls, city, county and parish governments full of Ron Pauls."

"But that’s not reality. ..." ...

"Even if Ron Paul is elected, allowed to be elected, because that’s how it works, by some miracle, there are only so many things he can do."

"He can’t repeal all the gun laws himself. He can’t get rid of the Federal Reserve himself. He can’t get rid of the IRS himself. He can’t overnight change the minds of the millions of idiots in this land of the prostituted and the home of the apathetic who think they deserve a government check or free healthcare or to be kept safe by the police state." ...

John A. McClernand to Richard Yates, "loyal citizens should immediately prepare to crush it. Let the Home Guards be immediately organized and armed", Feb. 16, 1863
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"...From all I see and hear a revolution is impending in the Northwest. I need not remind you that with the actual inception of this revolution, the cause of the Union will be seriously endangered, if not lost. The public authorities and loyal citizens should immediately prepare to crush it. Let the Home Guards be immediately organized and armed. The party that hesitates will be undone. Fortuna favet fortibus..."

Rufus King to Henry Lee?, "and in every Respect Treat the Citizens in arms...", Feb. 10, 1787
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"... The Speech was committed and the two Branches adjourned until the next day, the Report was agreed to, and the Legislature on the same day that Lincoln dispersed Shays declared that a Rebellion existed in the Commonwealth, approved the conduct of the Governor, and requested him to adopt the most vigorous Measures to suppress the same. You will remember that when the Legislature declare the existence of a Rebellion the powers of the Governor, by our Constitution, become almost absolute. He may exercise Law martial, and in every Respect Treat the Citizens in arms agt. the state & their adherents as open Enemies..."

Egbert B. Brown to Oliver D. Greene, "being held by our six thousand armed citizen guards", July 20, 1864
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"...the number of guerilla outrages are less than one half that they were in former years and these are mostly confined to a small tract of country bordering on the Missouri River above Glasgow and that which lays near the line of Jackson and Lafayette counties, the other parts of the district are in a state of comparitive quiet being held by our six thousand armed citizen guards, (Organized in a similar manner to that required under G. O. 107.)2 with the little assistance I have been able to render them. at the most important or exposed points, the only part of the District where the guerillas have been able to retain their hold has been when from any cause the citizens have failed to organize for self defence..."

Journal of the Senate of the United States of America, "by a mob or body of armed men", Dec. 14, 1859
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"...And that said committee also inquire into the facts attending the invasion, seizure, and robbery in December, eighteen hundred and fifty-five, of the armory arsenal of the United States at Liberty, in the State of Missouri, by a mob or body of armed men, and report whether such seizure and robbery was attended by resistance to the authorities of the United States..."

"...and whether any citizens of the United States not present were implicated therein, or accessory thereto, by contributions of money, arms, ammunition or otherwise..."

Gun Owners of America opposes Maximum Mike as ATF Director
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post Inc.

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"Gun Owners of America has announced their opposition of Acting ATF Director Michael J. Sullivan's confirmation to Director. Sullivan who has been praised by anti-gun Senators John Kerry and Ted Kennedy, is waiting for confirmation from the full senate."

"Sullivan had recently defended the ATF's actions in a letter of response to the National Ombudsman. In the time he has served as acting Director, he has not made any attempt to curb the abusive practices of the agency. Sullivan who is leaving behind a mess at the Massachusetts US Attorney's office, has been criticized by judges and former co-workers. One employee stated:"

"'If anything ever happens that requires leadership at the ATF and Mike Sullivan is at the helm,' says one 'it's going to be a sad day.'" ...

FBI's Gun Ban Listing Swells; Thousands Added To File Marked 'Mental Defective'
Submitted by: Red's Trading Post

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"Since the Virginia Tech shootings last spring, the FBI has more than doubled the number of people nationwide who are prohibited from buying guns because of mental health problems, the Justice Department said yesterday."

"Justice officials said the FBI's 'Mental Defective File' has ballooned from 175,000 names in June to nearly 400,000, primarily because of additions from California. ..." ...

"Paul Helmke, president of the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, a group favoring tighter firearms controls, said the most optimistic estimates suggest that even the FBI's expanded list is missing 4 of 5 Americans who have been ruled mentally dangerous to themselves or others." ...

PA: Woman Smuggles Loaded Gun Into Police HQ
Submitted by: motoboy

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"Four city police officers were suspended without pay for allowing a homicide suspect to smuggle a loaded gun into police headquarters by hiding it inside her underwear."

"Trillble El had the .25-caliber pistol inside headquarters for about 12 hours before telling police about it. She did not threaten anyone with the gun ..." ...

"[Deputy Commissioner] Bedics ... said the officers were being disciplined for a 'lack of judgment.'"

"El was not made to walk through a metal detector, nor was she thoroughly searched by a female officer when she was brought to the station ... She also was permitted to use a public restroom while a City Hall employee was inside, a violation of department policy." ...

Submitter's Note: But let's be sure and keep guns off campuses.

UK: Armed officers spied on 'sexy mums' at Gatwick, claims policewoman they called 'Whoopsy'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman firearms officer who endured a year-long campaign of sexual taunts and innuendo from male colleagues has won her sex discrimination case."

"PC Barbara Lynford, the only woman in an 18-strong team at Gatwick Airport, was seen as a 'threat' and so was singled out and humiliated by her fellow officers."

"The 38-year-old had to put up with comments about her breasts, and the office the team shared was littered with pictures of topless women." ...

"Male police slept on the job, faked patrol reports, watched an X-rated TV channel and ran a forfeit system where they had to buy each other doughnuts as a penalty for leaving guns lying around, an employment tribunal heard." ...

AL: Anti-Government Groups?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Opposition to a strong federal government is not new. The first Continental Congress wrestled with this issue when they first created the 'Articles of Confederation' before our present day Constitution. George Washington marched troops into Pennsylvania to uphold the power of the Federal Government to collect taxes. In fact, we fought a civil war over the issue of individual and states versus federal rights."

"Today's anti-government groups have their origins in the shock and outrage among a number of groups to include gun rights groups, tax protestors, and white supremacists over the government actions with the Branch Davidian religious cult at Waco ..." [emphasis added] ...

OH: ABC Cincinnati schools local NBC competitors on OBJECTIVE reporting on guns
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many readers of this website will recall the media bias that was exposed in NBC Cincinnati (WLWT Ch. 5) reporter Eric Flack's undercover piece on the non-existent 'gun show loophole' on November 19. Fast forward one week later, and it was ABC Cincinnati's (WCPO Ch. 9) turn for a special report on firearms ownership."

"But the difference between the way both news stations handled the subject could not have been more stark." ...

Asked if a federal ban on "assault weapons" would reduce crime, Gwen Fitzgerald of Handgun Control Inc. says, "Let's pass the law and find out." --REASON magazine, May 1991 ("Gun-Shy Judges" by Jacob Sullum)

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