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Newslinks for 12/2/2009

Black Police Group Endorses Same Anti-Gun Edicts Imposed by Slave Owners
Submitted by: David Codrea

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"Here's the crux of what we need to know about them from their 'Positions' page:

"'HANDGUN CONTROL. The NBPA supports national handgun legislation prohibiting further manufacturing of handguns, and limiting their sales, possession, and use.' "

"Seems pretty definitive and 'Only One'-like, does it not? Presumably, if we say 'No,' they would support using police powers to enforce such edicts against their countrymen. And the Oath Keepers are the ones we're told are the dangerous extremists?"

Armed Santa Claus Leads American Protest of Washington Policies in Christmas Message to Congress
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Santa Claus wears a holstered handgun and displays a grass-roots placard on an original postcard sent to all members of the Senate and House of Representatives by John M. Snyder. St. Nicholas leads a band of American citizens carrying similar placards defending traditional American values."

"A high resolution version of the image is available on request to"

"The placards extol gun rights, economic rights, health rights and right to life."

"Snyder is the senior rights activist in Washington, according to Shotgun News." ...

Gun Control: Answering the L.A. Times Editorial against guns
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The L.A. Times has again unholstered its own big guns in an editorial against guns instead of crime. The Times goes into high altitude again about the wrong issue as most gun control misunderstanding does. As gun control claims to take aim at violence and winds up hitting innocent bystanders, their editorial disparages gun ownership instead of the man who shot four officers in Washington state."

"In today's top editorial, the Times draws down on gun owners by mocking '..America's love affair with guns.'" ...

Women hunters on the rise, participation up 3.5% in past 5 years
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Between 2003 and 2008, women who hunted with firearms increased 3.5 percent to 2.9 million, according to new data from the National Sporting Goods Association (NSGA). Women who participated in bowhunting rose 1.5 percent to 600,000 during that time."

"And according to the Shreveport Times, Louisiana can attest to the recent rise in female participation. This year alone, the number of women with hunting licenses jumped 12 percent there when compared to 2007-08." ...

Saturday, December 5 is Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry Day in Ohio
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"With the opening day of Ohio's deer-gun season on November 30, hunters are reminded that donating a deer is free at meat processors participating in the Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH) venison donation program."

"Participating meat processors can be found by visiting the FHFH page at"

"Although venison donations are accepted any day during the deer hunting season ... Saturday, December 5 has been designated as FHFH Day. Ohio Department of Natural Resources, Division of Wildlife Chief Dave Graham challenges all deer hunters to make this year special for Ohio's hungry. Last year, hunters showed they cared by donating nearly 220,000 meals to Ohioans in need." ...

Supreme Court Schedules Major Gun Rights Case
Submitted by: rick schwartz

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"The U.S. Supreme Court has set a date to hear the landmark civil liberties case that will determine whether the Second Amendment prohibits state and local governments from enacting stiff anti-gun laws."

"Oral arguments in the lawsuit, McDonald v. City of Chicago, will be held on the morning of March 2, 2010. A decision is expected by late June or early July."

"It's also worth noting the amicus briefs that have been filed in the last week or so in support of the Second Amendment Foundation and other groups challenging Chicago's handgun restrictions."

"There are at least 30 of them -- ably reposted at -- plus two unaffiliated ones filed by the NAACP Legal Defense & Education Fund and the Brady Center ..." ...

Defending gun rights by rejecting original intent?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The upcoming McDonald v. City of Chicago case, to decide on the Constitutionality of (or, hopefully, lack thereof) Chicago's handgun ban, will also, of course, determine whether or not the Second Amendment is "incorporated" under the Fourteenth Amendment. In other words, since Heller already established that an outright handgun ban is not permissible under the Second Amendment, the question here is whether that amendment is to be enforced against state and local governments, as well as to the feds."

"As the Wall Street Journal pointed out a while back, some support for the gun rights side is coming from a somewhat surprising source." ...

New Bomb-Resistant Trucks Will Blast RPGs Before They Hit
Submitted by: Larry

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"The U.S. military's toughest trucks are getting a new layer of protection — against rocket-propelled grenades. The Army recently awarded an $8 million contract to equip MRAP (mine resistant ambush protected) armored trucks with Iron Curtain. It's a protection system which blasts incoming rockets before they can hit the vehicle. If the system works, it could go all long way towards neutralizing one of the deadliest threats American troops face overseas."

"The contract calls for the Iron Curtain with Darpa's sniper-detection system, CROSSHAIRS. It detects and locates enemy shooters using radar and acoustic sensors, and is intended to work against Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs), missiles, bullets and mortar rounds. ..." ...

A cop-killer is dead and now comes time for questions
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The hunt for cop-killer Maurice Clemmons came to an end on a quiet residential Seattle street Tuesday morning, and there can be no question that the Pierce County man is responsible for the brutal murder of four Lakewood police officers barely 42 hours before he gasped his last breath on the pavement near a stolen car."

"He was fatally shot by a lone Seattle police officer checking on that car, which was still running. By all accounts, Clemmons approached that officer, who ordered him to stop and show his hands after recognizing the suspect from the wanted bulletin. When Clemmons did not comply and continued approaching, the officer fired. ..." ...

Four Lakewood police officers: Death by government
Submitted by: Anonymous

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A police officer once described the two-part criminal justice system this way: “We arrest criminals, and then the lawyers figure out a way to get them back on the street.” Every time there’s another Maurice Clemmons story, this author hears those words again.

NH: Berlin, N.H. Home Invaders Shot By Victim
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Detectives from the New Hampshire State Police major crimes unit were still on scene at 616 Third Avenue in Berlin 18 hours after a fatal shooting."

"Residents say it’s a normally quiet neighborhood, but Wednesday night police say three men forced their way into an apartment and attacked a man and woman inside. At least two of the robbers had handguns and were allegedly threatening the couple. At some point the male resident got hold of his own handgun and got into a scuffle with the intruders. Shots were fired and one of the robbers, Nathan Stringfield, 23, of Berlin, was hit and died at the scene." ...

FL: Cocoa, FL gas station robber shot in self defense
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Chevron gas station manager reported shot a violent armed robber in self defense."

"Police say that at around 9:20 PM, a robber entered the Chevron gas station in Cocoa, Florida and pointed a handgun at the manager while demanding money. The manager reportedly grabbed his own gun from below the counter and fired in self defense, striking the criminal and causing him to flee to the parking lot, where he collapsed. Police are said to have arrived to find a suspect laying the parking lot, suffering from gunshot wounds to the abdomen. The suspect was airlifted to a hospital for emergency surgery, where he was listed in critical but stable condition. Neither the gas station manager nor any other innocent people were harmed. ..." ...

TX: Elderly Texas Church Deacon Slugs It Out With Robbers
Submitted by: jac

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"A 77-year-old deacon at a Dallas-area church slugged it out with three robbers to protect Sunday's offering."

"Dallas County Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Kim Leach said the robbers fled with Bill Hammett's wallet and some cash, but Hammett said he got in some punches of his own in the confrontation Sunday ..."

"Hammett said church isn't a place for a fight, but 'sometimes you have to defend yourself wherever you're at.'"

"Hammett was attacked as he locked up thousands of dollars in collections while the service was underway in another part of the church."

"Hammett, who was struck in the head and the neck with a club, was treated at University Medical Center in Dallas and was later released."

Submitters note: For the "Who needs a gun in church file".

Alaska-carry legislation, be careful what you wish for
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Not only should we be careful in what we wish for, but we should be ever so diligent when drafting pro gun legislation. One of the greatest evils against the Bill of Rights is legislation that doesn't pass the constitutional test. This can happen even when the legislators have the best of intentions." ...

"Let's review Alaska-carry and the infringement on a citizen to inform a police officer that you have a firearm and how you must allow the officer to disarm you for their safety. Maybe that sounds good on the surface but does it pass the constitutional test? Absolutely not!"

"Alaska police officers regularly disarm law abiding citizens, taking their firearms and running the serial numbers through the system. ..." ...

AR: McDaniel takes lead
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's more than four years before Dustin McDaniel, Mike Ross, Bill Halter and more seek to succeed Gov. Mike Beebe."

"But McDaniel has taken an early lead for the gun nut vote with a steady diet of opportunism and demagoguery ... Admittedly, McDaniel has all those sins of his father to live down for suing a gun manufacturer. Still, it's hard to get out front of Mike Ross on gun demagoguery."

"It's going to be a long four years. Today, read McDaniel's 'me-too' on the fight against home rule gun laws. It's nothing but judicial activism to override a couple of centuries of court precedent, in which McDaniel is in league with the nut wing of the U.S. Supreme Court. He should be proud." ...

Report: FBI paid controversial NJ blogger for help
Submitted by: Larry

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"A New Jersey blogger about to stand trial on charges he made death threats against federal judges apparently was paid by the FBI in its battle against domestic terrorism, according to a published report."

"The Record of Bergen County reported Sunday that Hal Turner received thousands of dollars from the FBI to report on neo-Nazis and white supremacist groups and was sent undercover to Brazil."

"Turner also claims the FBI coached him to make racist, anti-Semitic and other threatening statements on his radio show, but the newspaper also found many federal officials were concerned that his audience might follow up on his violence rhetoric." ...

Hat tip to

TX: 'Armed and Dangerous' Texas Inmate on The Loose
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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inmate who is considered armed and dangerous '." ...

"Officials said Arcade Joseph Comeaux Jr., 49, took two transport officers hostage on Monday morning and then escaped from the vehicle and took off on foot ..." ...

"The guards were transferring Comeaux from a prison in Huntsville ... to one in Beaumont ... when he pulled out a gun and told the guards to stop the vehicle ..."

"'At some point he brandished a firearm. We do not know how he was able to obtain that firearm and ordered officers to pull off to the side of the road,' Lyons said." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

WI: Conviction for battery of police officer stands even if officer acted unlawfully
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When considering a charge of battery to a law enforcement officer, the officer must be in the course of performing official duties – but the officer need not be acting lawfully."

"In State v. Haywood[.pdf], 2009AP30, the Wisconsin Court of Appeals rejected a defendant's argument that an officer was not acting as a law enforcement agent when the officer improperly remained in the defendant's home." ...

H/t to David Codrea.

AZ: We're in trouble
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It's no secret that Arizona is in trouble. The state spends more money than it takes in - the latest estimate is that the budget is out of balance by over $2 billion. But despite the obvious challenges of the economy this past year, there have been some real gains in protecting liberty and preserving individual rights in the last legislative session." ...

"Those who know me know how I feel about the right to bear arms. In this last legislative session, we passed several bills that strengthen gun rights and protect gun owners in the exercise of the Second Amendment." ...

When the government's boot is on your throat, whether it is a left boot or a right boot is of no consequence. — GARY LLOYD

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