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Newslinks for 3/26/2018

PA: Second Amendment Rally in Milford
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Dozens gathered in Pike County Saturday in opposition to the March for Our Lives. Members of the Family Firearms Association held a rally aimed to help uphold the Second Amendment. Many gun owners gathered outside the Pike County Courthouse speaking out about how important it is to them to preserve the right to bear arms.

March for Our Lives: Gun control Ideas Sound Good, but are Deeply Flawed and Won't Save Lives
Submitted by: David Williamson

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America continues to mourn the 17 people killed in a mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida last month. There is an understandable emotional desire to “do something” in response – but without evaluating what the “something” will actually accomplish. This is the driving force behind the March for Our Lives taking place Saturday in Washington.

HILARIOUS: How Liberals View Armed Citizens Stopping Mass Shootings
Submitted by: David Williamson

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You’ve wondered what really goes through a liberal’s mind when you hear all the reasons good guys shouldn’t have guns. Do they really believe that criminals, like the kind that shoot people, will turn their guns in and walk away from a life of crime because they are no longer armed?

Texas Trio Caught With Enough Fentanyl ‘To Kill Everyone In Toledo Several Times Over’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Darrius Lonzo Lewis, left, Anthony Ray Robinson, center, and Barbara Nykitta Wilson were arrested on charges relating to the attempted shipment of fentanyl.

According to U.S. Attorney Justin Herman, the three Texans were arrested in Ohio with $1,000,000 worth of fentanyl, enough ‘to kill everyone in Toledo several times over.

One kilogram of the opioid was seized at a Toledo post office, and another half-kilo and $8,500 in cash were seized at a motel room where the trio were staying. Authorities said the Texans were planning to mail the drugs from Ohio back to Texas.

Anti-Gunners Profit from March; SAF Notes ‘Guns Save Lives’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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No greater proof may be evident of the profit motives of the gun prohibition lobby than an appeal for donations from one Seattle-based group using Saturday’s “March For Our Lives,” says a national gun rights leader who asserted that the student-initiated movement has been usurped by anti-gunners to advance their political agenda, which is getting financial support from anti-gun celebrities, according to Reuters.

The F*&%book Nightmare – Where Does It End?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Investors with billions of dollars wrapped up in the galactic scale of the most expansive social network in the obscure wispy arms of the Milky Way, are attempting to rationalize the recent series of corporate mishaps rivaling a quantum singularity, using the phrase, “No press is bad press.” With Stephen Hawking now possibly inhabiting another dimension, the rules of the game are no longer made to be changed on a whim, and the sobering reality resounding throughout the tech community, is that the end is near for Mark Zuckerberg and his pet rivaling the economic influence of an entire series of developing nations.

Popular Blade Styles for Everyday-Carry Knives
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Since the forging of the first knife, the proverbial “tip of the blade” has since held many shapes. These are too numerous to list and, in fact, many have been lost to antiquity. Over millennia, knife-blade styles and designs have undergone thorough development and beta-testing phases eliminating, by trial and error, those that were proven non-functional or less-than-optimal performance (i.g. too thin, too long, too short, etc.) What is available to us here in the 21st century has been refined, based on functionality, to a relatively common set of knife industry design standards.

Pollak: March for Our Lives – This is What Demagoguery Looks Like
Submitted by: David Williamson

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There are three things to know about the March for Our Lives on Saturday. One is that the protests banned speakers who support the Second Amendment — including student survivors like Kyle Kashuv and relatives of victims like Hunter Pollack. As far as protecting the lives of students is concerned — which is, ostensibly, the entire point — the march organizers were uninterested in an open conversation about what might actually be effective.

An LGBT activist Shares Why She supports the Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Piper Smith is the founder and director of a SoCal-based LGBT Self Defense Civil Rights group that is “dedicated to strengthening the defenses of the SoCal LGBT community, and are 100% open to LGBT- and firearm-friendly individuals as well. Piper says training professional armed guardians and providing the tools necessary for all to defend themselves and their community is much more effective than any attempt at banning firearms.


NRA has Long History of Suppressing Data on Gun Violence
Submitted by: David Williamson

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After the high school shootings that killed 17 people in Parkland, Fla., gun control advocates have seized the momentum with attacks on the National Rifle Association and captured public attention with Saturday’s nationwide protests. But the powerful gun lobbying group has a strong, little-known defense against challenges to its absolutist stand on the Second Amendment: federal limits on both research into guns and the distribution of data about the industry.


Gregg Popovich on Trump's absence at March for Our Lives: 'It’s just cowardice'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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President Donald Trump was absent during Saturday's March for Our Lives demonstration for gun control legislation. As nearly a million demonstrators took to the streets in Washington, D.C., Trump played golf at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.


Gregg Popovich on Trump's absence at March for Our Lives: 'It’s just cowardice'
Submitted by: David Williamson

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President Donald Trump was absent during Saturday's March for Our Lives demonstration for gun control legislation. As nearly a million demonstrators took to the streets in Washington, D.C., Trump played golf at the Trump International Golf Club in West Palm Beach, Fla.


Here Are the Protesters the Mainstream Media Won’t Ever Show You
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Oh, sure, you’ll hear plenty, for days and days, about all the passionate people who were present at the March for Our Lives events on Saturday — from Boston to Denver, from Atlanta to L.A., and from Washington, D.C., to Seattle and many points in between.

Gun Enthusiasts Turn to PornHub Following YouTube Firearms Clampdown
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Content detailing modifications to guns and videos aiming to sell firearms and accessories will also be prohibited under the new policies. Provides instructions on manufacturing a firearm, ammunition, high capacity magazine, homemade silencers/suppressors, or certain firearms accessories such as those listed above. A Thursday search revealed that there are still scores of videos that teach viewers how to modify their guns, including videos that give step-by-step instructions on how to convert weapons to have "automatic or simulated automatic firing capabilities", which YouTube said it prohibits.

UT: Police- 1 Stabbed, 1 Shot in Fight at West Valley City Gas Station
Submitted by: David Williamson

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One man was stabbed and another shot in a confrontation at a gas station late Friday night, police said. A 23-year-old man was at the Holiday gas station at the intersection of 3500 South and 4400 West just after 11 p.m. renting a Redbox movie, according to West Valley Police Lt. Jeff Conger.


MA: Counterprotesters at Boston Common ‘Defend the Second Amendment’
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As thousands marched through Boston Saturday to call for stricter gun control laws and an end to an epidemic of gun violence, several dozen counterprotesters rallied to oppose what they see as a push to limit individual freedoms and trample on constitutionally guaranteed gun rights. Organized online by the group Resist Marxism, the demonstration that gathered on Beacon Street in front of the State House around 11 a.m. and later continued onto Boston Common featured no organized speeches, but participants spoke passionately with each other and their opponents about defending gun rights from a movement they see as misguided and misinformed.

‘Preserve Our Second Amendment’: Gun Rights Advocates Stage Opposing Protests to March for Our Lives
Submitted by: David Williamson

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While many people marched in support of gun control Saturday at the March for Our Lives demonstrations in Washington and across the country, there were some groups who also gathered at those same marches in support of the Second Amendment. ‘I came to open dialogue’ In Washington, Eric Ciabottonia, 19, and John Bolduc, 18, traveled with a group of students from Pennsylvania State University to march for gun rights. The freshman engineering majors said they are supporters of President Donald Trump and came to voice their beliefs about the Second Amendment and see what the opposing side thinks.

FL: Rubio Says Protesters Must Find Common Ground With Gun Rights Supporters
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As tens of thousands of people took to the streets to call for stricter gun control laws, Senator Marco Rubio issued a statement, saying he wants protesters and gun rights supporters to find common ground. “I commend those who today are peacefully exercising their First Amendment rights to march in favor of a gun ban. While I do not agree with all of the solutions they propose, I respect their views and recognize that many Americans support certain gun bans," Rubio said.

UT: As YouTube Bans Firearms Demonstrations, Utah Firm Launching Its Own Pro-Gun Video Platform
Submitted by: David Williamson

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With YouTube working to remove firearms demonstrations from its platform, a Utah company is gearing up to make an online haven for videos about all things related to guns. “The pro-gun community has had enough of this crap,” said Bryan Melchior, co-owner of Utah Gun Exchange, a website that hooks up gun buyers with individual sellers and manufacturers — and, in the near future, will host a video platform for gun enthusiasts.

Jeff Sadow: Louisiana Schools Owe it to Students to Give Accurate Information About Gun Rights
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As recent events make clear, Louisiana public schools have a lot of work to do in improving instruction about Second Amendment issues. After a Florida high school suffered a mass shooting last month, many students across the country publicly questioned how their government regulates firearms. Responses ranged from spontaneous demonstrations to protests meticulously organized by groups seeking to restrict Second Amendment rights during a designated “National School Walkout Day.”

CA: 470 Guns Bought Back in Santa Cruz County Saturday
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Santa Cruz County Sheriff's Office bought back 470 guns, including 17 'assault type weapons' during their gun buy back event Saturday. There were two locations in Watsonville and Soquel. The Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office said the purpose of the gun buyback program is to provide a venue where community members can turn in firearms that they no longer want or need for cash.

AK: Addicts Stole 36 Guns in a Single Anchorage Break-in. One was Used in a Murder. Where are The Rest?
Submitted by: David Williamson

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On the morning of Sept. 7, two young heroin addicts used a handgun to smash the glass door of a gun store in a strip mall on Northern Lights Boulevard, one of Anchorage's busiest streets. It was just before 7 a.m. on a Thursday morning. The city would have been rumbling to life for the workday: Traffic hurtling down the road feet away. Lines building at drive-through coffee stands.

A Couple With Split opinions, Teaching Their Daughter About Guns
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As the speakers told the crowd about their personal experiences with gun violence, 9-year-old Coral climbed a cherry tree that wasn’t quite in full bloom yet. Her mother, Marie Virnich, 34, brought her eldest child because she wants Coral to be aware of what’s happening with guns. On the way to the march, Virnich, a stay-at-home mother, told Coral about the Second Amendment. Coral’s biggest question was what a militia is.

March for Our Lives Isn’t Just About Mass Shootings
Submitted by: David Williamson

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When Julia Spoor was 8 years old, her father, Scott, used a gun to take his own life. To her, of all the factors in her dad’s death, the gun was the most damning. “With other methods of suicide there’s still a chance, there is more time between the act and death for the possibility of a reversal, but not with a gun,” Spoor said.

Meet the Bernie Sanders Supporting, Professional Rapper Who Loves the Second Amendment
Submitted by: David Williamson

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Atlanta Rapper, Killer Mike, has never been afraid to wade into political waters with surprisingly nuanced opinions. During the 2016 election, he was an ardent supporter of the Democratic Socialist from Vermont, Bernie Sanders. He even refused to vote for Hillary Clinton. But, simply because he supported the progressive icon for president does not necessarily mean that he shares similar views on guns and the second amendment with other liberals. In fact, he adamantly believes that the second amendment is necessary for the survival of African-Americans.

Encourage Our Future Leaders as They Advocate for Gun Laws
Submitted by: David Williamson

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As students organized school walkouts on March 14 leading up to this Saturday’s march for stronger gun regulations, a counter-movement emerged with the Twitter hashtag, #walkupnotout. This movement encouraged students to skip the school walkout and instead reach out to classmates who seem lonely or alienated. “Walk UP to someone and just be nice!” read a campaign poster.


Kasich: Politicians Should Be Held ‘Absolutely Accountable’ Over Gun Control
Submitted by: David Williamson

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2020 presidential hopeful John Kasich opened his Sunday appearance on CNN’s “State of the Union” with a full-throated call for gun control. The segment began with Brianna Keilar calling the Ohio governor, “Senator,” which he didn’t take kindly to.


Three groups spend other people's money: children, thieves, and politicians. All three need supervision. —DICK ARMEY

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