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New NRA videos emphasize importance of expanding support now and for the future
Submitted by: David Codrea

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... "That interest in gun rights should be fostered and supported among women and the next generation is self-evident ..." ...

Medford gun firing incident highlights law enforcement double standard
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... " Barring new information emerging, the differences in outcomes related in this column certainly appear to illustrate both legal and moral inequities that would not exist in a society where the law applies equally to all, one where agents of the state don’t get special exemptions and privileges not afforded to those footing the bill."

Do the People of the Gun Need to Support Pro-Gun Gays More?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I figured maybe you could use some perspective from an ever-so-rare gay conservative such as myself. I’ve been following and actively wanting to get more and more engaged with the whole gun control and pro-gun debate in a much greater capacity, but at the same time there are instances where I just can’t come to terms with the Left-Right of it all. I’ve owned firearms all my life.. And really, that’s only because I’ve had a distinct interest in classic arms. That interest evolved into handguns, and eventually competitive shooting and all that good, fun stuff that most sporting chaps enjoy. This whole time though, being openly gay has never been an issue til right after Newtown . . ." ...

Washington Time’s Emily Miller Calls Out NY Times on Biased Gun Reporting
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"If you’re active part of the online firearms community you’ve known for some time how biased the media can be in its reporting of gun related stories."

"We publish self defense stories using guns here nearly everyday, but rarely do those stories make it outside of some basic online news coverage at the local level. Reporters can’t wait to use the term 'assault weapon' when reporting on any gun story, even positive ones. Reporters often leave off the 'semi' part of semi-automatic ..."

"The Washington Time’s Emily Miller (the reporter who covered in great detail the trials and tribulations of gun ownership in Washington, DC) is now blasting the NY Times for their extremely biased gun coverage in one of her recent columns." ...

Top 10 Best Old People with Guns
Submitted by: The Old Gunhand

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... "'There's just something inherently great about old people with guns. Normally I try to stay away from our societal elders lest they suck me into a conversation attempting to regale me with their dreaded wisdom and accrued-over-a-lifetime experience. But if you give an old person a gun, something magical happens: I start to pay attention. Granted, anyone with a gun is going to be worth paying attention to, but an old person with a gun is just a treasure. It's almost priceless when they turn out to be badasses that kick the crap out of a bunch of young whippersnappers.'" ...

NSSF’s Fix NICS Skiing Down Slippery Slope to Gun Control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'NSSF [National Shooting Sports Foundation] this week praised the Louisiana House of Representatives for following the State Senate lead and unanimously passing Senate Bill 135,' the NSSF writes in an email blast. ... 'Louisiana legislators clearly understood that the background check system is only as good as the records in the database,' said Lawrence G. Keane, NSSF senior vice president and general counsel.' Or, as we said before, lobbying to fix NICS is just as bad as donating money to the civilian disarmament industry . . ." ...

Gun prohibition effort gets launch to hit wrong target
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Washington State’s gun prohibitionists got a big money campaign kick-off yesterday in an effort that will focus on the wrong people and the wrong problem; a perspective one gains by reading today’s on-line editions of the Seattle Times and Seattle" ...

Not All Government Schools Are Created Equal
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With all the articles on TTAG about zero tolerance school policies recently and their asinine results, I thought I’d chime in from a free state – Utah. ..." ...

"[The faculty] then proceeded to engage each other, the students, and parents. I wasn’t able to tell the make and model of all the H2O weaponry that was used, but I would definitely classify some as assault waterguns, capable of sustained bursts. I didn’t see anything that was full-auto, but the guns the teachers used definitely held more than 7 oz of water."

"I’m pleased to report that despite the presence of these weapons of (summer playground) war being present — inside the school — there were no casualties. ..." ...

New From Italian Gun Grease: Three New Formulas
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"There are so many inappropriate, ethnically insensitive jokes here that it’s probably best to just run the press release and call it good:"

"Gun owners expect longevity and reliability from their firearms. Now, they can increase both with the help of three new firearms maintenance formulas released by Italian Gun Grease (IGG). The three products include IGG’s Tactical Formula Lubricant, Carbon Eliminator™ and the Copper/Lead Eliminator™. When combined with IGG’s existing lineup of cleaners and lubricants, these new formulas will help shooters minimize malfunctions, improve accuracy and save on cleaning time . . ." ...

Gun Review: Lionheart LH9 – Take 2
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few months back, Nick Leghorn reviewed the Lionheart LH9 9mm, which is a modern update of the South Korean Daewoo K5 military pistol. Nick ended up giving it a dismal one-star rating, going so far as to declare it 'unsafe.' Since I had some experience with the Daewoo K5 as a result of my time overseas working with the ROK army, I simply could not believe that this update of a classic military pistol could deserve that kind of rating. Could the entire ROK military have been wrong in adopting a pistol that’s unsafe? And then keep using it for 20+ years? Nah, fat chance. So I asked Nick to send the gun to me so I could take a second look . . ." ...

XDs .45 ACP range report and review
Submitted by: Old Dog

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"Last week I completed the testing of my new Springfield XDs by putting a box of my carry ammo through it. I had previously fired 200 rounds of practice ammo through along with some Golden Sabers during my first range trip a week ago. Since then I got my hands on some short barrel Speer 230 gr. Gold Dots and after seeing a ballitic gel test with it I decided to make it my carry ammo. I fired a string of 5 of the GD’s as fast as I could at a 5″ target at 7 yards with two hands and put three in the same hole and the other two near the edges of the circle. I also shot the rest of my Golden Sabers and the box of GD’s and was very pleased with the gun and results." ...

The Lost Art of the Revolver Speed Loader
Submitted by: Old Dog

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... "It was qualification day ... After we shot the state mandated course of fire with our duty pistols we were allowed to shoot a 'proficiency' round with our back up weapons. This was to demonstrate that we could safely handle our second (or even third) pistol and hit the target at conversational distances. I reported to the firing line with my Smith and Wesson Model 640 snubby. I loaded five rounds in the cylinder and then put five .38 semi wadcutters into the target. At the 'reload' command I pulled a speed loader out of my jacket pocket and dropped five more rounds into the cylinder of my revolver."

"After we’d scored out targets and found another good round for this tired old man, the young deputy who shooting next to me asked 'What was that round black thing you used to reload your pistol with?' ..." ...

IL: It Should Have Been a DGU: Violent Anti-Violence Advocate Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tio Hardiman is executive director of CeaseFire Illinois. According to the anti-gun group’s web site Hardiman 'has dedicated his life and career to community organizing for peace and social change. In 1999, Mr. Hardiman joined Cure Violence, an award-winning public health model that has been scientifically proven to reduce shootings and killings. In this capacity, Mr. Hardiman helped oversee expansion of the program from 5 Chicago-based community sites to 26 sites throughout the State of Illinois.' Translation: he’s made a living hoovering up city and state taxpayer funds to push the cause of civilian disarmament. But it looks like all that anti-violence advocacy has been more of a 'do as I say, not as I do' kind of thing . . ." ...

IL: Head Of Chicago Anti-Violence Group Arrested For Allegedly Hitting Wife (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The head of a publicly funded anti-violence group is now facing charges after allegedly attacking his wife inside their suburban home."

"Tio Hardiman, the head of Cease Fire/Cure The Violence, was arrested after allegedly striking his wife in Hillside, CBS 2′s Mai Martinez reports." ...

CA: California's rational gun control path is a long, politically charged road
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"California took another welcome step in seceding from America's gruesome private arms race last week, when the state Senate passed a package of seven much-needed new firearms regulations."

"Now it's up to the Assembly to pass the bills along to Gov. Jerry Brown's desk, which it ought to do as rapidly as possible."

"The measures approved last week were introduced in the wake of the tragic murders of 20 young children and six adults at a primary school in Newtown, Conn. ... The sight of all those tiny white coffins making their way across the bleak New England landscape to graves at which their grieving families will mourn for the rest of their lives notwithstanding, Congress found itself unable to act." ...

Plastic guns will reveal real NRA
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"You might think that a new technology enabling the proliferation of guns would be a cause the National Rifle Association would support."

"The problem?"

"Despite its claim to be a sportsmen’s group, the NRA is funded in large part by gun manufacturers, whose motives and goals don’t always overlap with those of the organization’s membership." ...

Submitter's Note: According to this Bloomberg report, 94.6% of the NRA's revenue in 2010 came from fundraising and membership dues, not "the industry". According to my lexicon, 5.4% of the total hardly accounts for "in large part", but this would hardly be the first time an Anti like Joshua made shit up played fast and loose with the language.

SAAMI Video: Ammo Is Pretty Damned Safe (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"SAAMI is the Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers Institute. They’re the people who, among other things, test and publish standard for gun and ammo makers. As a service to firefighters and other emergency responders, they’ve produced this hard-to-watch video. It’s hard to watch because so much now-scarce ammo is sacrificed to show that despite what you may have seen in the movies, short of cooking a gun with a live round in the chamber, there’s almost nothing you can do to normal sporting ammunition that will result in an injury ..."

Staples Disqualifies Gun Stores, Lumps Firearms Together With Illegal Drugs
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Staples is currently conducting a "PUSH It Forward Contest," which awards a $50,000 marketing campaign to the small business that wins it. However, as Maple Creek Gunsmithing in Fremont, Neb. learned--small businesses that sell guns are not allowed to take part in the contest." ...

"Wow. If your business promotes illegal drugs or firearms, Staples doesn't want you to enter their contest." ...

FL: Concealed Carrier in FL Turns the Table on Robber When He Draws His Gun and Opens Fire (video story)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A currently unidentified man was walking back to his car after paying for gas at a BP gas station in Florida when he was approached by a man who tried to rob him in broad daylight."

"What the would be thief didn’t know, is that this victim was armed. The victim drew his concealed handgun and fired a single shot at the suspect, according to witnesses. The suspect was struck once in the buttocks."

"The suspect tried to flee the scene after being shot, but he was quickly apprehended. He is being treated for injuries described as 'non life threatening' at a local hospital." ...

MO: Missouri Woman Fires at and Hits 1 of 3 Would be Home Invaders
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A woman in Missouri knew just what to do when three men tried to forcefully gain access to her home. She grabbed the gun her husband and bought for her, remembered her training from the shooting range and did not hesitate to defend herself, just as she and her husband discussed." ...

Final Illinois Concealed Carry Agreement: Exclusive Details
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TTAG has learned from sources lose to the discussions that Illinois House and Senate members have finally agreed on the details of the new concealed carry bill. Forced to enact some form of concealed carry law by the courts, the final form of the bill has been hotly debated between upstate Democrats and downstate Republicans. While some believed the state wouldn’t come to an agreement before the court-mandated deadline, it apparently has indeed happened. And it’s a bill that New York and California residents would be jealous of . . ."

"First things first – the law will be SHALL ISSUE." ...

IL: Lawmakers send concealed-carry bill to Quinn
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois lawmakers approved a potentially landmark plan Friday to bring Illinois in line with the rest of the nation when it comes to allowing citizens to carry concealed weapons."

"The proposal, approved by wide margins in the House and Senate, overcame the geographic divisions that have kept the state in limbo on nearly all gun control laws in recent years. The measure now heads to Gov. Pat Quinn’s desk." ...

IL: Holdout on concealed carry, Ill. gov gets gun bill
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Illinois would join the rest of the nation in allowing the carrying of concealed weapons under legislation approved by the General Assembly on Friday — hours before lawmakers were scheduled to adjourn for the summer and days before a federal court's deadline."

"The gun measure was a hard-fought compromise between gun rights activists across the state and gun control advocates trying to keep a lid on crime in Chicago. It now goes to Gov. Pat Quinn, a Chicago Democrat, who has not indicated whether he will sign it." ...

IL: The “compromise”: We’re NEUTRAL.
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Guns Save Life is neutral on the latest incarnation of the Illinois Concealed Carry bill which can be found here."

"We cannot, and will not endorse a bill which" ...

IL: Illinois Legislature Passes Concealed Carry Bill With VETO PROOF Bi-Partisan Vote
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Breaking news from Illinois. Both the Illinois House and Senate passed the proposed concealed carry bill which will bring a concealed carry permit program to the last state that didn’t have one."

"What is most inspiring is that the bill was passed with a veto proof bi-partisan vote. This means that even if the governor vetos the bill, the legislature has the votes to override it." ...

"I’m not a huge fan of the, what will surely be, expensive and time consuming training requirements, but the bill does have one thing I really like, state preemption on gun laws." ...

NY: County Officials Take Aim At New York's Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"How is the SAFE Act, New York's strict gun laws, affecting county officials?"

"That was the subject of a hearing at the Italian American Club in Watertown on Friday."

"'A fact finding mission on exactly what - now that it's in law - what is the cost of administrating this SAFE Act,' said Assemblyman Ken Blankenbush (R - 117th District)." ...

NY: Mental health experts outline flaws in N.Y. gun law
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"The mental health reporting requirements under the state’s new gun law are a costly burden for municipalities and will inhibit people from seeking treatment, mental health experts said Friday."

"Testifying before the state Senate’s Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Committee — chaired by David Carlucci, D-New City — psychiatrists, nurses, lawyers and social workers detailed a long list of what they said are flaws and inconsistencies in the 5-month-old New York Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act." ...

NY: Sheriff: Pistol permit rush costly hardship on taxpayers
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Saratoga County Sheriff James Bowen says he needs two additional workers to help the office handle a growing backlog of pistol permit applications that he blames on the NY SAFE Act."

"Bowen said in an interview Thursday that he will ask county supervisors to hire two full-time civil clerks for next year to address a growing pile of gun license requests. The office added a sixth clerk last month for the same purpose." ...

NY: County officials highly critical of NY SAFE Act during a legislative hearing Friday
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"State legislators taking aim at the state’s Secure Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo’s swiftly enacted gun-control bill, left with plenty of ammunition Friday after conducting a legislative hearing in Watertown." ...

NJ: New Jersey Primaries – The Message That Needs To Be Sent ‘Fix The NICS’
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many of our members and supporters are trying to decide what to do about the New Jersey primaries on June 4, 2013."

"Ask yourself the question 'Has my current representative supported my values and stood up for my rights' and if the answer is NOT a ROUSING 'YES', then it is time to choose column 'B'."

"If your current representative has made a CAREER out of 'public service', it might be time to help him or her find other employment." ...

AR: Democratic Senator Running on PRO Gun Campaign, Attacks Bloomberg & Obama in New Ad (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Democratic senator Mark Pryor has found himself the target of a relentless television ad campaign which is being financed by anti gun mayor Michael Bloomber."

"The ads attack Pryor for voting against the senate’s universal background legislation back in April."

"Now Pryor is striking back. He’s embracing the pro-gun label and attacking Democratic heavy hitters including Bloomberg and Obama in a new ad he’s released." ...

Fighting Toomey-Manchin Gun Registration
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Your GOA has been on the front lines, fighting for your rights."

"While the news media has been focusing on several Obama Administration scandals in recent weeks — and rightfully so — don’t for a minute think that efforts to pass gun control in the Senate have died down."

"They haven’t. The truth is that Representatives Pat Toomey (R-PA) and Joe Manchin (D-WV) are still at work — still trying to pull Senators over to their anti-gun side." ...

Obama to sign UN gun control Monday, says Breitbart
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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" reported Friday that President Barack Obama will sign the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on Monday, but there are some doubts now being raised by other sources that no decision has been made." ...

MO: Missouri Self-Defense Bill & Right-to-Carry Reform Delivered to Governor
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Two important pro-gun reforms, House Bill 533 and Senate Bill 75, were officially delivered to Governor Jay Nixon (D) today. He now has 45 days to act on these measures." ...

TX: Texas Campus Carry Needs To Be On The Special Session
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Contact Governor Perry!"

"The Texas Legislature closed on the 83rd Regular Session on May 27th. Governor Perry immediately called them into a special session. Special sessions are called by the Governor when the business of running the state is not complete."

"Texans consider personal protection to be urgent business."

"This issue has been fully vetted by both the House and the Senate over the past three legislative sessions. It has passed out of every committee hearing and passed in both chambers, House and Senate." ...

CA: California lawmakers OK a dozen gun-control measures
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"California lawmakers Wednesday advanced a dozen gun-control measures, including background checks for ammunition buyers, and gave early approval to a tax penalty on the Boy Scouts for barring openly gay leaders." ...

Submitter's comment: Take the poll.

KABA Note: Indeed you don't want to miss the poll; currently it is running 716 in favor and 23,265 opposed to the new measures.

NY: NYS Rifle and Pistol Association Names McLaughlin and Marchione “Legislators of the Year”
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"Amid a push to repeal the SAFE Act, which passed in January, the New York State Rifle and Pistol Association recognized Steve McLaughlin and Kathy Marchione as their 'Legislators of the Year' for their work on behalf of gun rights advocates." ...

MD: Maryland boy suspended for gun-shaped pastry is now lifetime NRA member
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"An 8-year-old Maryland boy who was suspended from school for nibbling a pastry snack into the shape of a gun has been given a junior membership in the National Rifle Association."

"After hearing about Josh Welch's suspension from Park Elementary School in Anne Arundel County, a state legislator paid $550 to buy him a Junior Life Membership in the NRA, Welch's lawyer said on Thursday." ...

NY: 3D printed gun legislation
Submitted by: GunPoliticsNY

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"It should come as no surprise that a bill has been introduced to prohibit 3D printed guns in New York, A-7671."

"Linda Rosenthal is prime sponsor. She knows nothing about guns, but that hasn’t stopped her in the past from sponsoring other gun control bills as well as voting in favor of any that come up. Because she’s clueless her bill does so much more than the bill memo says it does. From the bill:" ...

AR: Pryor defends gun vote at 'sportsmen' town hall
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"U.S. Sen. Mark Pryor defended his vote against expanded background checks for firearms purchases on Saturday before a town hall audience that included the father of a student killed in last year's Connecticut school shooting, saying the measure wouldn't have prevented those deaths." ...

Court backs border-state gun sale reporting rule
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal appeals court panel Friday unanimously upheld an Obama administration requirement that dealers in Southwestern border states report when customers buy multiple high-powered rifles."

"The firearms industry trade group, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, and two Arizona gun sellers had argued that the administration overstepped its legal authority in the 2011 regulation, which applies to gun sellers in California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas." ...

Gun Control Debate: The NRA Gets Its Day In Court — and It Loses Unanimously
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The National Rifle Association (NRA) has failed in an attempt to block a new gun regulation introduced by President Obama in July 2011, which will require gun dealers in border states to report multiple sales of semi-automatic weapons. In a unanimous ruling on Friday, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit rejected the claim by the NRA that the requirement was nothing more than an underhanded attempt to introduce a register of gun sales, which the NRA is vehemently opposed to. ..." ...

MD: Maryland petition to repeal gun control law fails; NRA lawsuit looms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Maryland's new gun control law will not head to voters now that organizers of a petition drive to halt the law failed to turn in any signatures before Friday night's deadline."

"'This means there were no successful petitions this year,' Stephen Ackerman from the Secretary of State's Office said in an email."

"A referendum would have delayed the gun law until after the November 2014 election, and the petition drive’s failure was welcomed by gun control groups." ...

Profiting from Gun Buybacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Recently the city of St. Charles Illinois ran a gun buyback using tax money to buy unwanted guns from it citizens. ... The presumption by those in the community, and by those selling their firearms for pennies on the dollar, is that the firearms will be destroyed and forever removed from their community."

"So what happens when the police in St. Charles run a buyback and then take 20 or so of the guns they bought and sell them for a profit ... to be resold to the public? Most gun owners and pro-2nd Amendment folks would cheer and say, 'GREAT GOING!' Hey, after all the guns weren’t destroyed and perhaps a few collectables were spared so they could live on in the hands of a future collector."

"Not me, I say 'foul!'" ...

Yet Another Explanation for the Killing of Ibragim Todashev
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Why was Ibragim Todashev, 27, killed as he was being questioned by the FBI in his Orlando apartment? Yesterday I pulled together numerous news reports documenting the contradictory explanations ... Everyone seems to agree that Todashev had been questioned for at least several hours when an altercation took place. But early reports had him attacking an FBI agent with a knife or blade; at least one suggested he might have been reaching for a gun; others described him as unarmed; and still others suggested that he either wielded or lunged for a nearby samurai sword!"

"That brings us to a Thursday New York Times article that quotes 'a senior law enforcement official briefed on the matter' who offers yet another version of what happened. ..." ...

Backlash! Gun-Control Laws Nullified
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Efforts at the national and state level to pass new gun-control laws have stirred up an unintended backlash – local officials who are not only rejecting the new legislation, but actively 'nullifying' gun-control laws already in place."

"Police Chief Mark Kessler of Gilberton Burough, Pa., is among more than 200 law enforcement officers, state lawmakers, county officials and concerned citizens who gathered Friday at the annual convention of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, or CSPOA, in St. Charles, Mo." ...

TN AG: OK To Fire Employees With Guns In Trunks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Tennessee passed a 'guns in trunks' law a few months ago. It was designed to allow handgun permit holders to legally store their carry guns in their cars pretty much wherever they may be parked – including their employer’s property. And while the bill’s sponsors intended it to protect gun owners employment rights, Tennessee’s Attorney General, Alfred E. Robert Cooper doesn’t see it that way. In a recently-release legal opinion, he made it clear that, as far as he’s concerned employers can fire firearms owners if they find that they’ve stored their gats in vehicles on their parking lots. Reader JR has looked at the AG’s reasoning and sends this analysis . . ." ...

FL: Expert: Police taking distraught man's guns OK, keeping them a problem
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A judge would probably agree Daytona Beach police officers did the right thing when they entered the residence of a former infantry combat veteran and seized a cache of the man's firearms after he threatened suicide, an Orlando attorney who specializes in gun cases said."

"But when police Chief Mike Chitwood refused to return the weapons to 27-year-old Anthony Bontempo after Bontempo was released from Baker Act custody at the hospital, the chief may have violated state law, Jon Gutmacher, attorney and author of the book 'Florida Firearms — Law, Use and Ownership,' said." ...

TX: Hundreds of Armed Supporters March in Temple Gun Rally
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun enthusiasts from across the county came to Temple today and brought their guns."

"A YouTube video of a soldier disarmed by a Temple Police officer triggered a rally in defense of the Second Amendment."

"When Sergeant C.J. Grisham posted the video, he had no idea the kind of response it would get. " ...

VA: Arlington Co. deputy sheriff charged in fatal off-duty shooting in Alexandria, denied bond
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Prosecutors say an Arlington County sheriff’s deputy charged with fatally shooting a man while off-duty went home to get his gun after an argument."

"Craig Patterson was arraigned Friday on first-degree murder charges and ordered held without bond. Police say Julian Dawkins was shot May 22 during a confrontation in Alexandria with Patterson, who was off-duty at the time. Prosecutors say Patterson went home and returned to the scene of the argument with his gun, badge and handcuffs. Prosecutors are asking any witnesses to come forward." ...

MD: Cowboy-style cap gun gets 5-year-old suspended from school in Calvert County
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"A kindergartner who brought a cowboy-style cap gun onto his Calvert County school bus was suspended for 10 days after showing a friend the orange-tipped toy, which he had tucked inside his backpack on his way to school, according to his family and a lawyer."

"The child was questioned for more than two hours before his mother was called, she said, adding that he uncharacteristically wet his pants during the episode. The boy is 5 — 'all bugs and frogs and cowboys,' his mother said." ...

NY: Dolt-action rifle: G-man’s gun stolen with car
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An FBI agent is in hot water again after the assault rifle that he kept in the trunk of his car was stolen along with the vehicle last night in Queens."

"The off-duty G-man noticed that his Toyota Camry was missing ... — less than a year after he stood at his bedroom window and shot a man allegedly trying to steal his car at the same location ..."

"In last night’s incident, a thief took the vehicle at around 8 p.m., also making off with the M-4 assault rifle and a bulletproof vest in the trunk. Police were still searching for the car last night."

"Last July 18 , the same agent — whose name has not been released — was at his window when he saw three man allegedly trying to steal his car at around 5 a.m." ...

CT: A Police Killing That Seemed to Go Against Type
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"It is a sadly familiar story: A police call to an apparent disturbance; a sudden encounter between an officer and a suspect believed to be armed; a snap decision; pops of gunfire and the terrible aftermath of blood and regret."

"But after officers were called to the Fairfield County home owned by John Valluzzo last week, it was as if the expected story line evoking Amadou Diallo or other police killings had been turned on its head. This time the person who was shot was a successful 75-year-old businessman and philanthropist, and the policeman a well-liked veteran who was a rare minority officer in a virtually all-white department. The setting was not a dark city street but a 9,000-square-foot estate ..." ...

NY: Brooklyn Prosecutor’s Office Is Accused of Detaining Trial Witnesses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The office of the Brooklyn district attorney, Charles J. Hynes, routinely detained trial witnesses against their will in hotel rooms as a part of forced interrogations, according to depositions taken in a civil rights lawsuit against the city, calling into question whether strong-handed tactics by prosecutors played a role in dozens of troubled convictions already under review." ...

"The claims came in court documents filed on Wednesday in the case of Jabbar Collins, who is suing the city after winning his release after serving 16 years in prison for a murder he said he did not commit. His conviction was tossed out after he provided evidence that the police and prosecutors coerced false testimony." ...

TX: One North Texas Officer Says Ticket Quotas Do Exist…And It May Be A Ticket To A Trophy (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The sound of the siren. The lights in your mirror. You know the feeling …and you know what’s next."

"No one likes to be pulled over by police for a traffic violation."

"Some of you might even argue that you weren’t speeding … or you didn’t run that traffic light. ..."

"But what if you knew what the I-Team has learned."

"We have obtained internal Fort Worth Police Department memos that show some officers who are part of a special enforcement program – funded by a federal grant and administered by the state — must make at least four traffic stops an hour."

"It is against the law in Texas for police to have a traffic ticket quota. But a veteran Fort Worth officer ... says the Fort Worth PD runs a quota system anyway." ...

NRA Lobbyist Chris Cox Speaks at Event Benefiting Hunter Defense Fund
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Executive Director of the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action, Chris Cox, was the keynote speaker at the second fundraiser for the Hunter Defense Fund."

"At a May dinner in the Washington capital area, Chris delivered a powerful message about hunters and hunting being attacked not just by gun-control advocates, but also by individuals masquerading as sportsmen and women to score political points." ...

CT: Operation Backfire: How New Gun Regs Pushed Me Into Getting A Concealed-Carry Permit
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I never planned on getting a permit to carry a concealed weapon. The state of Connecticut nudged me into it, by making it illegal to buy shotgun shells down at my local Wal-Mart without a license."

"And so far, navigating some of the nation’s strictest gun regulations to get the most expansive permit possible has been surprisingly easy, albeit expensive. The hard part may lay ahead: With thousands of concealed-carry permits working their way through state and local police departments, the bureaucracy is struggling to get the paperwork done." ...

MO: Challenge on guns (fifth letter)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Anyone can use the Internet to find and verify leading causes of death in the U.S. A Centers for Disease Control and Prevention report shows eight of 10 deaths are because of disease, one is from accidents and one is intentional, which includes firearm deaths."

"The government has spent thousands of hours and millions of dollars in what is amounting to a charade after the tragic Dec. 14 Sandy Hook Elementary School shootings in Newtown, Conn. The outcome appears dubious, with limited changes or massive changes with great resistance at great expense." ...

NY: Letters Underscore NYC Mayor’s Place in Gun Debate
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Mayor Michael Bloomberg has been a public face of gun control for years, but he’s in a new, unsought spotlight after ricin-laced letters were sent to him and a group he helps lead."

"The billionaire hasn’t shied from using his political post and his personal fortune to push for gun control well beyond the city limits, garnering both plaudits and complaints that he’s overreaching."

"The poisoned letters to Bloomberg and the group Mayors Against Illegal Guns essentially threatened that 'anyone who comes for my guns will be shot in the face,' Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly said Thursday, shortly before the Secret Service disclosed that a similar missive was sent to President Barack Obama." ...

Australia: Bandits rob 7-Eleven with large knives in morning raid
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"TWO armed men threatened a 7-Eleven store clerk with 'large knives' before running away with cash in the early hours of this morning." ...

The spirit of truth and the spirit of freedom — they are the pillars of society. — HENRIK IBSEN (1877)

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