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Newslinks for 6/20/2005

PA: Son kills dad, who had shot his mom
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Suzanne Detwiler was pleading for help from a Bucks County 911 dispatcher yesterday morning when a blast from her husband's shotgun ripped through her back, police said."

"Witnessing the murder, the couple's 15-year-old son - who, moments earlier, had begged his father to leave his mother alone - loaded a 12-gauge shotgun."

"'Get away from my mother,' he screamed from the top of a raised deck as his father, Andrew Detwiler, bent over the bloody body of his 40-year-old wife in the backyard below. When the father raised his 20-gauge shotgun again, the son fired, said Bucks County District Attorney Diane E. Gibbons."

Patriot Act Is Helping Dismantle Constitutional Liberties
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"Just recently the Senate Intelligence Committee voted to expand the powers of the FBI 'to subpoena records without the approval of a judge or grand jury in terrorism investigations under Patriot Act revisions approved Tuesday [June 7].' ...It is the Patriot Act's expansion of federal police power that should be of concern to every freedom-loving citizen in this country!"

"America's Founding Fathers placed the Bill of Rights into our Constitution to insure that the rights of liberties of our citizens would not be abridged by the insatiable desire of the federal government for limitless power. The Patriot Act is a modern-day justification of the founders' wisdom, because abridging liberty is exactly what it does."


Patriot Act: House vote registers unease with feds spying on libraries
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"The privacy of ordinary, law-abiding citizens routinely takes a beating by those prosecuting the war on terror. So the U.S. House earns praise for a vote Wednesday that, temporarily at least, marks a triumph for civil liberty."

"Several Republicans broke ranks and joined Democrats to derail a part of the Patriot Act that allows the FBI to snoop into people's library records and bookstore purchases."

Debate continues on effectiveness of weapons ban
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"'Since the assault weapons ban was allowed to expire, it has been open season for criminals who want the most dangerous types of military-style assault weapons,' said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., who in March introduced legislation to revive the old ban."

"Feinstein said that the expiration of the ban she fought hard to get in 1994 'will have deadly consequences on the streets of America.'"

"But has it really made much of a difference? Are the streets less safe?"

"There is no hard evidence one way or another."

OH: Homeowner Surprises Would Be Burglars
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"A Dayton man surprises burglars in his own home and later the burglars show up at a hospital with gunshot wounds."

"Officers say a man arrived home around 11 oclock Friday night, and saw 2 men taking items out of his home."

"Police say the homeowner started shooting, and the suspects shot back."

"However, the homeowner tells us, he never had a gun and had to run for cover from the burglars who opened fire."

CA: Why you won't find off-duty cops at the fair
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"In spite of state and federal laws that give law enforcement officers the discretion to carry a firearm off duty, the San Diego County Fair board is has now prohibiting officers from visiting the fair if they are carrying a concealed firearm when not on duty. This presents a number of potentially dangerous scenarios for our officers and their families; so much so that the law enforcement community has decided to boycott the San Diego County Fair."

FL: First Coast Women "Packing Heat"
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Some might say shooting is a mans sport, but, to that Bruce Wells with the Gateway Rifle Pistol Club says, 'Absolutely not.'"

"There is something about guns, that most people don't associate with women." ...

"It's exactly the perception one criminal had when he tried to rob Peacock Thursday night while she was going through a fast food drive-thru."

Canada: Auditor to check gun registry fixes
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Canada's federal spending watchdog is carrying out a secondary audit of the much-maligned gun registry program."

"Auditor General Sheila Fraser confirmed in a letter to Conservative MP Garry Breitkreuz her team is following up on the feds to see if they took up the recommendations from her damning December 2002 audit."

"In that report, Fraser exposed how the controversial program that was expected to cost $2 million ballooned to a staggering $1-billion or more. ..."

TX: Perry signs bills endorsing laxer firearms laws
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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Gov. Rick Perry signed legislation aimed at clarifying existing firearm laws, enhancing protections for law-abiding gun owners and reducing barriers for gun ownership, on Friday.

"The right to keep and bear arms is a fundamental right of every law-abiding citizen of our country," Perry said. "This legislation will clarify existing firearm laws, enhance protections for law-abiding gun owners and reduce barriers for gun ownership."


TX: Texas gun fund-raiser nothing to laugh at
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gail Chatfield ("Putting the fun back in fund-raising," June 6) dismissed a school's rifle raffle fund-raiser in Lampasas, Texas, as just a quaint custom of the unenlightened country folk in out-of-the-way rural communities. Of course, cars and sports memorabilia are also desired items in Red State America. Then again, if you look at the electoral map, there's a lot of Red even in the Blue states."

VA: The Virginia campaign begins
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"Mr. Kaine claims to be a friend of the Second Amendment, but he's understandably having a difficult time squaring this with the proposal he made as mayor of Richmond to spend taxpayer money to bus city residents to Washington to lobby for gun control. Don't be surprised if the third candidate, renegade Republican Sen. Russ Potts, who lags in the single digits in the polls and spends most of his time attacking Mr. Kilgore, drops out of the race and endorses Mr. Kaine."

AK: Conway man relishes sport of handgun shooting
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A businessman on weekdays, Bobby Spradlin changes gears on weekends and makes his mark as a professional pistoleer."

"Since taking up the handgun shooting sport 11 years ago, Conway resident Spradlin has become one of the nation's elite in a highly demanding, extremely competitive sport. He handles a pistol with the best of them, or several pistols along with some rifles and shotguns."

"Spradlin, who is 45, said, 'I compete with four different associations. There is the U.S. Pistol Shooting Association (USPSA), International Defensive Pistol Association, Steel Challenge Association and Sportsmen's Challenge Association.'"

OH: Pro-gun group decries assault weapons ban as “propaganda”
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Gun rights advocates say a proposed citywide ban on assault weapons is a 'propaganda' tool to demonize all guns as part of a nationwide campaign." ...

"'It is specifically designed this way to cover as many guns as possible,' he said, because almost every rifle and shotgun has a part that gun manufacturers call a 'pistol grip' even if it doesn’t look like a military-style AK-47."

OK: Hundreds turn out for shoot
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"It sounded more like what would be heard around the war zones of Baghdad or Mosul in Iraq rather than rural Wyandotte."

"On Saturday, more than 200 avid machine gun enthusiasts from around the nation gathered for the fourth annual Oklahoma Full Auto Shoot and Trade Show -- and brought with them a full arsenal of fully-automatic weapons. Featuring everything from mini-guns to MG-42s to AR-50s to Quad 50s, the auto shoot drew crowds of nearly 1,500 spectators who, setting up lawn chairs in the shade, sat back and watched the bullets fly."

Abalo Claims Silver At USA Shooting Nationals
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Army sharpshooter Christopher Abalo earned a spot on the Championship of America's Team on the strength of his second-place finish in the smallbore rifle prone position at the USA Shooting National Championships held over the weekend at Ft. Benning, Ga., while his third-place finish in smallbore earned him a spot on the US National Development Team."

NC: Neighbors take shots at gun range
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A shooting range on the same street as an elementary school has many parents outraged."

"The Charlotte Rifle and Pistol Club built a range in Union County nearly a half century ago, but now there are some new people in town who want the range closed down. With that in mind, the gun club held an open house Saturday."

PA: Line Mountain’s Whary wins scholarship at state trapshoot
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"As a youngster, Elyse Whary can remember coming to the Valley Gun and Country Club — where her mother was responsible for hiring many of the students who worked in the trap houses and on the lines doing scoring — and thinking this might be a nice place to get a job."

"Whary, a recent Line Mountain High School graduate, will conclude her fifth season of employment by being honored as the 2005 recipient of the Bill Shutt Memorial Scholarship."

Guam: Guns, games pose threat
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"Wakako Higuchi was shocked when she found a pellet gun in her 13-year-old son's room."

"She was even more shocked when she looked at its manual, which read: 'Not a toy. This air gun is recommended for adults' use only. Misuse or careless use may cause serious injury or death.'"

"Higuchi took the gun back to a Guam retail store and asked for a refund. She did receive a refund, but she also found out the store did not even check the age of her son."

SC: Two Police Officers Fired For Beating Suspect
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"Two Dillon police officers could face criminal charges after being fired for cursing and beating a suspect at a traffic stop."

"A videotape released by authorities Tuesday shows officers Darren Miles and Donnie Grimsley chasing 26-year-old James Anthony Rhodes' car around an apartment parking lot. Rhodes got out of his car after about one minute."

"The seven-minute tape shows the officers struggling with Rhodes, at times beating him in the arms and back with a flashlight and stomping him while he was on the ground."

"The tape contradicts what the officers wrote in police reports. ..."

OH: Young gun owes it all to his dad’s love of outdoors
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"'I wanted to tell you about my dad,' wrote Brad. 'My dad has many health problems [asthma] and doesn’t always feel good. In spite of this he has always taken time to teach me about hunting, animals, and the outdoors.'"

“When I was 9 he sat through hunter safety courses with me so I could learn how to be a safe hunter. Since then he has taken me on numerous hunting trips." ...

“When my dad can’t physically do the walking necessary for some hunting trips, he has found other guys willing to take me with them so I don’t have the same limitations he does."

South Africa: Police can't keep pace with the new gun laws
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"The government's efforts to get a firm grip on the millions of firearms in circulation are set to misfire spectacularly, with only 163 licence renewals completed so far this year."

"If police are to keep pace with the stringent requirements of the new law and the programme to tighten gun ownership in South Africa they will have to process 600 000 licence renewals by the end of this year - or more than 4 000 a day."

KY: Gun violence is targeted in 3 counties
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"Prosecutors and police in three southern Kentucky counties will take part in an expanded effort to reduce gun violence, U.S. Attorney Gregory F. Van Tatenhove announced Thursday."

"Under the Project Cease Fire initiative, local, state and federal police and prosecutors will share information and review criminal cases involving guns, then choose qualified cases to be prosecuted in federal court. Sentencing guidelines and the absence of parole can mean longer sentences in federal court than in state court."

"Van Tatenhove said his office has taken part in the Cease Fire program in place in Fayette County for several years, and is expanding it to Northern Kentucky and Pulaski, Rockcastle and Laurel counties ..."

South Korea: Bullied S.Korea soldier runs amok, kills 8 comrades
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"A South Korean soldier who suffered bullying took his revenge on Sunday, hurling a handgrenade among sleeping comrades and then opening fire on them, killing eight, the Defense Ministry said."

"The private, identified by his surname "Kim," fired 40 shots from his rifle after throwing the grenade at his guard post in Yonchon, about 60 km (40 miles) north of the capital Seoul, a ministry spokesman said."

"It was the highest number of deaths suffered by the South Korean army since 2000, Yonhap news agency said."

ME: Domestic abuse law is dealt a setback
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"A federal judge in Portland has raised doubts about the U.S. attorney's ability to use gun laws to combat domestic violence in Maine."

"U.S. District Court Judge D. Brock Hornby dismissed the federal felony indictment last week of a Lewiston man who was facing a prison sentence on the charge of possessing a gun after being convicted of a misdemeanor domestic assault crime."

UT: Advocacy groups: Lesbian's death was a hate crime
Submitted by: David Nelson

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"Espinoza - who was having a romantic relationship with Brown's wife - had joined in a heated argument Brown and his wife were having about their three children when Brown grabbed a kitchen knife and chased the victim into the parking lot." ...

"David Nelson, founder and owner of Stonewall Shooting Sports of Utah, issued a news release calling for women to arm themselves."

"SSSU is a group of sexual-minority firearms advocates and owners who recommend gay and lesbians carry guns for protection. The so-called 'Pink Pistols' idea was coined by writer Jonathan Rauch in 2000."

"'Women with firearms are up to 2.5 times less likely to be injured,' Nelson said. ..."

TX: Shooting ban fuels protests
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Bobby Schulin is a lifelong gun enthusiast."

"He moved to rural Collin County so he could shoot on his property whenever he wanted."

"But now that's soured – thanks to a recently approved shooting ban that has angered many residents and fueled protests to county commissioners."

NY: Lupardo Agrees to Help NRA
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"Members of the National Rifle Association from Broome and nearby counties want state legislators to change state gun law. They want to take away the right of county judges to selectively approve 'conceal and carry' permits."

"Broome County Justice, Pat Matthews, tells NewsChannel 34 he thinks too many innocent people are killed by legal guns. He only approves these types of permits for people, he feels, are highly trained and in need of protection from a weapon. He admits a change in state law is the only way Broome County citizens will be able to carry a concealed weapon while he's on the bench."

TX: Gun locks being distributed to promote firearms safety
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"Project ChildSafe and the Lufkin Police Department are giving away free gun locks as part of a program designed to promote firearms safety and prevent accidents involving guns and children." ...

"The LPD just received a shipment of about 300 locks, but Denman cautioned parents must still educate their children on the dangers of guns."

Australia: Howard sells Liberals as party of ideas
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"JOHN Howard has outlined a new strategy to sell the Liberal Party as the "party of ideas", in a move to control divisions within the Coalition ahead of it taking control of the Senate for the first time in 20 years." ...

"Mr Howard argues he has not shied away from the tough decisions, citing the tightening of gun laws after the Port Arthur massacre in 1996 and helping East Timor gain independence."

WA: Arlington weighs stun gun ban
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"The Arlington City Council on Monday will consider an ordinance keeping stun guns out of the hands of everyone except the police."

"If approved, Arlington would be one of only a few cities in Washington with a ban on stun guns. Bellingham passed a similar law in December 2004."

When Pa was at home the gun always lay across those two wooden hooks above the door. ... The gun was always loaded, and always above the door so that Pa could get it quickly and easily, any time he needed a gun. — Laura Ingalls Wilder

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