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Ohio Coalition Against Gun Violence presumes to tell people how to worship
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Last night, the Northwest Baptist Church, in Toledo, OH, held a rally celebrating the right to keep and bear arms, and spreading the message that the exercise of that right is in no way incompatible with Christian values." ...

"As one might have guessed, there were some with whom this rally did not sit well. The [OCAGV] was particularly apoplectic." ...

"What struck me about that press release was not the over-the-top emotionalism of the rhetoric ... No, what floored me was the arrogance inherent to telling people that they're worshipping 'wrongly,' and that their church service is 'immoral.'"

"It seems that along with the right to keep and bear arms, even freedom of religion offends OCAGV."

The Three Percent Idea Spreads . . .
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "Those of us who currently proclaim ourselves to be Three Percenters make no claim that we actually represent three percent of the population ... but we stand for the Second Amendment, and our support goes far beyond mere words. Three Percenters today are American gun owners who have taken a stand. We WILL NOT disarm. We WILL NOT obey further anti-gun legislation ... We WILL NOT stand for further circumscription of our God-given rights and we WILL defend ourselves if we are attacked. Since our guns are the most effective means of defending ourselves, we WILL NOT surrender them. We are committed to restoring the Republic as envisioned by the Founders and are wiling to fight and to die in defense of ourselves and the Constitution." ...

Careless slobs jeopardize recreational shooting for everyone
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The lowlands corridor along Interstate 90 some 38 miles east of Seattle which runs through the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest is being closed to recreational shooting starting this weekend and continuing for at least 12 months, while the Forest Service determines whether the closure should become permanent."

"The problem: Slob shooters. The bane of all responsible gun owners, these people are responsible for other such closures on public lands all over the map. For years, they have brought their garbage onto public property, shot it to pieces, and left it as an eyesore. On rare occasions, they accidentally shoot one another while ricocheting bullets off of boulders against which they have propped a target." ...

Favoring gun rights isn't subversion
Submitted by: Daniel White

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"Last night on the NRA News program 'Cam & Company,' we were talking about the tactic of the anti-gun crowd to apply negative labels to gun owners. They're losing the fight in the legislature and in the courts, and public opinion has turned against them as well. The only trick these ponies have left is to try to change that public sentiment with insults, stereotypes, and lies."

"So now, in addition to saying guns are bad, they say gun owners are bad people; paranoid, redneck, cowboy wanna-be... those are all terms that have been used regularly in recent years. They are now being supplemented with stronger terms, like terrorist and subversive." ...

Submitter's Note: Contrary to the claims of the anti-gun crowd, being a gun owner who believes in protecting the rights guaranteed by the Constitution does not make you a terrorist subversive.

Will N.J. 'one gun a month' bill stop the violence?
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "So when this latest assault on the people who are not responsible for the violence doesn't work, the 'solution' will be to drag even more people who aren't guilty into the net. Other states, where peaceable armed citizens seem to be able to behave themselves, will be blamed, and the demand will be made to make 'one gun a month' the law of the land."

"You know, part of that 'what works in Chicago may not work in Cheyenne' bit of misdirection that always seems to result in a 'one size fits all' mandate..."

The world according to Brady (Part 2)
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"Previously, we examined how Brady's favorite states ... correlates with lower firearms ownership rates, higher violent crime rates, and bloated, inefficient government."

"However, a reader took exception to the use of the statistical analysis and challenged me to prove that the findings had 'significance,' meaning that the trends really had some relationship to the Brady report card scores."

"That's a fair question, though the person's use of derogation was immature, and they haven’t accepted the offer to examine my data. This is a common happenstance with anti-rights proponents: Like angry children, they feel that the very fact that they stuck their tongue out in anger is sufficient proof they are right." ...

The Grab And Go Survival Pack
Submitted by: david wolfe

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"'Which is heavier a soldiers pack or a slaves chains' Napoleon"

"Soon after you confront the matter and necessity of survival planing and stockpiling, another question will occur to you: 'What will I do if I loose all this stuff?'"

"It's a fundamental question, and it has a fundamental answer: You need a backup plan."

"There are many things that can happen separating you from your main cache and retreat."

"Theft and fire are two that come to mind and the threat of organized gangs of raiders scouring the countryside looking for sources of resupply are always a threat to the survivor." ...

Building the Coyote Rifle
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Feral dogs, coyotes, and those odd-looking 'coy dogs' like to feed on my neighbors’ livestock on occasion here around Kendallville, Indiana, and for years the neighbors looked to me to either trap or shoot the predators. ..." ...

"... our family doesn't actually have much of a cash income, so ... I looked for nearly a whole year to find myself another really accurate center fire rifle in a price range that I was willing to pay." ...

"What I finally settled on was a short model 44, Mosin Nagent carbine made by the Soviets in 1946. This same model of rifle was used and preferred by both sides in the Russo-Finnish War, being also later issued to the Russian 'stick breaking' lady snipers. ..." ...

BOOK REVIEW: Lethal Logic by Dennis A. Henigan
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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... "The second mistake Mr Henigan makes is in the Acknowledgments where the author gives the background of the book: a summary of experiences in his headquarters company The Brady Center and its history of persuading lawmakers, policymakers, judges and the people that there should be gun regulation and such a purpose of a non-profit organization. ... Gun control organizations do not operate in the public interest this way when they work so hard to take down a civil right and deny it."

"These alone would make the case against non-profits and activists who are so against a piece of iron with wood trim instead of being against the criminals who will grab anything – prohibited them or not – in order to commit crime." ...

Planes, Guns and Terrorists
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Should suspected terrorists be blocked from buying guns before they commit a violent crime? The gun lobby apparently doesn't think so."

"The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently made the astounding discovery that, in the five years ending in February, 2009, 865 individuals on the government's terrorist watch list were able to buy guns at licensed gun dealers. Of course, if 865 people on the watch list had been permitted to board airplanes during that period, heads would roll. It is now taken for granted that suspected terrorists should not be allowed on airplanes. If we think someone is sufficiently dangerous to bar him from getting on a plane, why should we let him buy a gun?" ...

90% of suspected terrorists able to buy guns in the U.S.
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Here's a quandary that pits those two titans of political theory, liberty and security, against each other yet again. ..."

"Here are the facts: ... The FBI's Terrorist Screening Database (TSDB), the official name for its terrorist watch list, has no legal bearing on whether or not guns can be purchased by people on its rolls."

"Here comes the outrage from the knee-jerk side: Are you kidding me? We ... let people we're pretty sure want to use those guns to kill innocent American civilians plunk down some cash and receive an instrument whose primary function is to end lives ..." ...

Submitter's note: Aye, there's the rub: "pretty sure". Well we're "pretty sure" that Jews eat Christian babies so let's burn them at the stake. We're "pretty sure" that these folks are planning a crime so let's throw them in prison. Any other civil rights you're "pretty sure" you'd like to eliminate?

TX: Guns, worship don't mix
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Re: 'Guns, and faith, on full display -- Louisville churchgoers bring unloaded weapons to celebrate 2nd Amendment,' Sunday news story."

"Anyone ever hear the story of turning the other cheek, or did Jesus actually advise people to pull out their Glocks and open fire?"

"My brother's a cop who carries a concealed handgun because he has gone through both intense training and psychological evaluation. If I wanted an AK-47 with a fire guard, I could have one by this evening -- legally!" ...

Submitter's Note: As Kurt Hoffman noted in his Examiner piece today: Now the antis want to tell us how we may worship?!?

AZ: 2 weapons bills should be vetoed
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two gun bills at the Legislature would shoot holes in private-property rights."

"They both look headed to Gov. Jan Brewer's desk."

"She should veto them."

"House Bill 2474 (also moving as Senate Bill 1168) would force property owners and businesses to allow guns in locked private vehicles in their parking lots. ..." ...

"Meanwhile, any establishment that is licensed to serve alcohol would have to allow customers with permits to carry concealed weapons, unless it posted a notice otherwise. This measure, Senate Bill 1113, turns common sense on its head. The presumption shouldn't be that guns and liquor are a good mix - even with a provision that prohibits anyone with a concealed weapon from drinking."

We're the Only Ones Opening Doors Enough (video)
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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Via David Codrea who says: Via Dan S who notes 'Spoof video that might be a little more funny if there wasn't some truth behind it."

MS: Clarksdale Store Owner Kills Robber
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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A Clarksdale, Miss. convenience store owner shot and killed an armed robber Wednesday evening.

According to Captain Robbie Linley with Clarksdale Police, 31-year old Joey Barron held up a store with a handgun on the 1600-block of N. State Street. Barron took cash and some prescription drugs, and was then shot once by the store's owner.

Barron was transported to the Northwest Mississippi Regional Medical Center where he later died.

The store owner will not face any charges.

MD: Guard shoots man during attempted grocery store robbery
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"An exchange of gunfire between a security guard and an alleged robber at the Mars Super Market on Maiden Choice Lane and Westland Boulevard, in Arbutus, Sunday evening left the alleged robber with several gunshot wounds, according to Baltimore County police."

"It also left the store, at the Maiden Choice Shopping Center in the 1000 block of Maiden Choice Lane, without some of its front windows — which were boarded up Monday morning."

"Neither the guard nor any customers in the store were injured, police said." ...

AR: Slain Woman Also Accidently Shot By Police
Submitted by: Larry

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"What was already a gruesome killing turned even more disturbing Monday as the autopsy results were made available." ...

"Monday, the Fayetteville Police Department said one of those gunshots fired by an officer actually hit Ulmer and is listed as her cause of death, along with multiple stab wounds." ...

"Neighbors said police did everything they could to stop what was happening."

"New information also surfaced about the suspect."

"'We've had a few run-ins with him. ...' said Fayetteville police Sgt. Bill Phelan."

"Police said Anderson is a suspect in an alleged rape earlier this month. He also violated a protective order that Ulmer had against him and had previously broken into her apartment." [emphasis added] ...

AZ: Lawmakers tackle flurry of bills
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"It was a manic Monday at the Legislature as the Senate and House flew through a flurry of bills in an effort to beat a theoretical June 30 deadline." ...

"Several gun-related bills advanced, including one that would allow concealed weapons in all establishments licensed to serve alcohol. Originally specific to restaurants and bars, Senate Bill 1113 was amended in committee last week to include hotels, clubs and liquor stores."

"Gun carriers would not be allowed to drink ..."

"Restaurant owners who do not want guns on the premises must post a sign."

"Opponents have said that the bill would make bars and restaurants more dangerous and harm the tourism industry." ...

CA: Gun bills have stores up in arms
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Two new pieces of legislation related to guns are making their way through Sacramento — and making gun store owners in the Mid-Valley frustrated at what they call political myopia." ...

"AB 962 would compel those who sell ammunition to be licensed the same as gun dealers, and mandate a face-to-face transaction when someone buys ammunition." ...

"... SB 697, would mandate safety measures be included in every gun sold in California. That technology would be used to tell how many unfired cartridges remain in a gun, to avoid accidental shootings when thought to be empty."

"Guns would also have to have biometric technology to prevent them from being fired if someone other than the registered owner tried to do so." ...

TX: Hunting for guns, a house at a time
Submitted by: Anonymous

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... "Among other things, the agents are combing neighborhoods and asking people about suspicious purchases as well as seeking explanations as to how their guns ended up used in murders, kidnappings and other crimes in Mexico." ...


CA: Don't You DARE Scare A Police Officer!
Submitted by: Larry

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"Last Friday, the Encintas station of the San Diego County Sheriff’s Department wrote another chapter in the annals of law enforcement overkill by dispatching an eight-man force, augmented by a helicopter, to deal with a spurious noise complaint prompted by a congressional fund-raising party ..."

According to guests, the reception for candidate Francine Busby — which attracted about thirty people, most of them comfortably into middle age and none of them particularly boisterous by nature — was interrupted by 'a vulgar person shouting obscenities from behind the bushes.'"

"Someone, most likely the heckler in question, called in a noise complaint. The Sheriff's Office dispatched the large force under the command of Deputy Marshall Abbott ...

NY: Gun turn-in was almost too popular
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"A gun collection Saturday at the St. James Rectory parking lot in Johnson City was so popular organizers had to turn away donors."

"In about an hour, 55 handguns and one pellet gun were collected, said Jack Gilroy, co-chair of the St. James Peace and Justice team. The guns are now in the custody of the Broome County Sheriff's Department and will soon be taken to Ben Weitsman & Son for shredding." ...

KABA Note: Nice to know that in these tough economic times the JCPD and the city are so flush with cash that they can afford to shred weapons that could have been resold.

MD: MTA officer charged with rape
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Maryland Transit Administration police officer has been charged with raping a 15-year-old Elkridge girl who asked him for help finding her way home on the light rail ..."

"... The girl told police that she thought she was being escorted to a police station to make arrangements to get home but was instead taken to Brown's top-floor apartment ... where they had sex."

"He then gave her $25 to get back home and told her to leave ..."

"Brown was charged with first-degree rape, various sex offense charges, use of a handgun in a violent crime and kidnapping a child under age 16. He was initially ordered held without bond, though a District Court judge on Thursday set a bail at $500,000. ..." ...

LA: Deputy Arrested
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"A Saint Landry Parish Sheriff's Deputy has been arrested for allegedly smuggling drugs and other illegal contraband into the St. Landry Parish Jail."

"While he sits in jail, another deputy jailer is under investigation."

"It all happened last Friday, when 35 year old Joseph Leroy Fontenot Jr, was arrested while at work at the St. Landry Parish Jail, and charged with smuggling illegal substances into the jail."

"Among the charges are cocaine with intent to distribute, and malfeasance in office. The other deputy under investigation is Fontenot's wife who also works at the jail and proclaims her innocence." ...

MO: Record numbers seek permits to carry concealed weapons
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Jackie Poynter surveys the row of handguns on the metal table and picks out a silver .22-caliber Smith & Wesson."

"With protective ear muffs on, the 31-year-old Independence woman waits for the firearms instructor to give the signal before squeezing off a series of shots."

"'We've got a marksman right here,' she exclaims. 'Lord help anyone breaking into my house.'"

"Across the Kansas City area, record numbers of people like Poynter are applying for permits to carry concealed weapons. The surge reflects the fears of rising crime in a down economy and concerns that the election of President Barack Obama might bring new limits on gun rights." ...

NY: Readers don't want gun rights curbed
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"My June 16 column, 'Marking ammo won't stop crooks,' drew a lot of responses to my e-mail inbox."

"I've also been surveying gun owners I know from around the state to get their thoughts, as well."

"It's important to hear from readers and others who are willing to speak their minds on gun control."

"Making your voice heard is the first step in making a difference in gun regulations. E-mail me at, and let me know what you are thinking on this critical issue."

"Here's a sampling of comments I've received." ...

AL: Anti-gun group wants to ban private gun ownership
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"The old saying 'Figures don't lie, but liars do figure' is no more true than in the front-page story blurb in the June 14 Advertiser headlined 'State of Violence.'"

"Reading through the article, I discovered that the so-called 'survey' giving Alabama such a poor record of gun violence was created by none other than the Violence Policy Center, one of the most rabidly anti-Second Amendment organizations in the country. They and other gun-hating groups have advocated banning private ownership of firearms for years." ...

KS: NRA Applauds Kansas Recognition of Non-Resident Carry Permits
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"Kansas Attorney General Steve Six today concluded that the State of Kansas will now recognize 'non-resident' right-to-carry permits issued by any of the 22 states already recognized."

"'NRA has maintained for years that language in the Kansas statute indicates that 'non-resident' right-to-carry permits should be recognized,' said Chris W. Cox, NRA chief lobbyist. 'This decision is a victory for gun owners as it expands right-to-carry laws and provides permit holders additional freedoms in Kansas to protect themselves and their families.'"

"At NRA's urging, Six re-evaluated the language and determined that the statute indeed supports 'non-resident' permit recognition. ..." ...

OH: Headline: 'Concealed carry five years later - Why it works'
Submitted by: Bruce Krafft

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"When the decade-long battle for concealed carry reform was raging in Ohio, pro-Second Amendment advocates recognized the Lima News as one of the few newspapers whose editorial page featured opinions as firm in support of the Second Amendment as they were on the First."

"Five years after Ohio's concealed carry law took effect, the newspaper's news room has proved that they too continue to be one of the few journalistic enterprises in Ohio capable of providing an objective look at Second Amendment issues."

"In a story entitled 'Concealed carry five years later - Why it works', reporter Greg Sowinski takes a look at the increasing numbers of concealed handgun license-holders, the police view, views from opponents, and a look to the future of CCW." ...

2009 NRA National Smallbore and High Power Silhouette Championships
Submitted by: New York State Rifle & Pistol Association

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"The National Rifle Association has announced that the 2009 National Smallbore and High Power Rifle Silhouette Championships will be held the first week in August at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, New Mexico."

"Four separate Silhouette Championships comprise this well-known shooting event: The Smallbore Rifle Championship, the Smallbore Hunting Rifle Championship, the High Power Rifle Championship, and the High Power Hunting Rifle Championship." ...

"Let us contemplate our forefathers, and posterity, and resolve to maintain the rights bequeathed to us from the former, for the sake of the latter. The necessity of the times, more than ever, calls for our utmost circumspection, deliberation, fortitude, and perseverance. Let us remember that `if we suffer tamely a lawless attack upon our liberty, we encourage it, and involve others in our doom.' It is a very serious consideration...that millions yet unborn may be the miserable sharers of the event." --Samuel Adams, speech in Boston, 1771

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