‘Project Gunwalker’ T-shirts help raise public consciousness
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... "My recommendation: Go to the new ordering page link and get yourself one of these collector’s items. What better way is there to start a conversation with people who notice your shirt and ask about it, and then educate them on 'Project Gunwalker'?" ...
"And by way of full disclosure, Sorrentino is sending me a T-shirt. So it's not like I'm hyping this for fabulous remuneration, although I will be damned happy when I get my shirt and damned proud to wear it." |
ATF: Gun Ownership is a Privilege, Not a Right
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"The ATF’s website has an FAQ section. First up: 'I want information on relief of federal firearm disability? (I am a felon but want to own a firearm, how do I get my privilege restored?)' According to dictionary.com, a 'privilege' is 'a right, immunity or benefit enjoyed only by a person beyond the advantages of most: the privileges of the very rich.' It behooves the [ATF] to remember that all Americans have the RIGHT to bear arms. And once again, I state my firmly held conviction that ANY American who has paid his or her debt to society should have their gun rights restored. Automatically. Especially in light of the fact that . . ." ... |
Question of the Day: Are “Gun-Free Zones” Really “Target-Rich Environments”?
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"I couldn't help but notice that the weekend's tragedy in Norway bears a striking resemblance to those at Virginia Tech, Columbine, Fort Hood, and others across These United States. Nope. I'm not talking about the shooter being a full-goose Bozo, a$$-clown, who doesn't have two, lucid brain cells to rub together. Nor am I talking about their choice in weapons, amount of ammo, or the number killed. No, I'm speaking of these idiot's undying affection for 'gun free zones' . . ."
"Note: All of Norway is one great big 'gun free zone.' ..." ... |
Does CCW Prevent Mass Shootings?
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"When gun rights supporters pushed 'shall issue' concealed carry legislation through the majority of State legislatures, supporters claimed the move would make mass shootings less likely. CCW (Concealed Carry Weapons permits) would create an 'invisible army' of permit-holders who could stop them. In fact, this anti-spree killing concept was The Mother of All CCW Arguments; deployed by lobbyists in Texas following the massacre at a Luby's Cafeteria in 1991. And yet . . ." ... |
Concealed Carry First Step Toward Obeying Constitution?
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"Effective in November, Wisconsin will become the 49th state to allow the concealed carry of handguns. The issue of concealed carry has a number of policy arguments on both sides, as well as statistics that have been used both for and against allowing concealed carry."
"However, despite the policy arguments, the new law only begins to bring Wisconsin in line with citizens' rights under the Second Amendment to the Constitution." ... |
Bloody weekend aftermath: ‘Does this happen at gun shows?’
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"Thirteen people shot and wounded at a 'low rider car show' in Kent, and hours later at the Muckleshoot Casino in Auburn, a jealous husband walked in, pulled a gun and opened fire on his wife, her dance partner and her sisters."
"One reader of the on-line Seattle Post-Intelligencer posed this question:""Motorists shooting motorists. Does this happen at gun shows?—'TwoTired00'" "Of course the answer is a definite 'No.'" ... |
NSSF Rips Jim "Virtual Wholesale Slaughter" Moran A New One
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"In the debate over stripping funding from the ATF's new multiple rifle sale reporting requirement in the Southwest, Rep. Jim Moran (D-VA) said removing the funding from the rule would be akin to 'virtual wholesale slaughter.' ..." ...
"The National Shooting Sports Foundation did not take Moran's comments lying down. They responded with a blistering 3-page letter which took him to task over his comments. The full letter is here[.pdf file]."
"First, NSSF General Counsel Larry Keane points to Moran that ATF was never given the authority by Congress to impose the reporting requirement." ... |
Penn & Teller: Gun Control is Bullsh*t! (video story)
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"First off, Penn & Teller's Showtime program is NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK. (Not even the name of the show is something you can run in a family newspaper.) Here they tackle the (il)logic and (lack of) reason in the 'gun control' movement, in their patently-irreverent style. We’ve linked Parts II and III of the show after the jump." ... |
Learning to handle guns properly keeps everybody safe
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"Seeking greater proficiency in handgun usage, my wife and I recently completed Northeast Wisconsin Technical College's 'Civilian Firearms Safety' course. Some people perceive gun owners as redneck cowboys who walk around brandishing a big ol' six-shooter at their side to look tough. To be sure, there are a few of those. But the vast majority of gun owners are regular folks who own firearms for hunting, competitive sport, collection, or, perhaps most important, self-defense." ... |
AAC’s Kevin Brittingham on Designing Silencers (video)
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"Kevin Brittingham (pictured left, in the ugly green shirt) is the founder and current el jefe of Advanced Armament Corp. He started the company working out of his basement and has grown it into the behemoth that it is today. During my recent trip to AAC I conveniently forgot to turn the camera off for a bit while he was discussing silencers and more specifically AAC’s process in designing and developing their silencers. It’s about 20 minutes of silencer nerd heaven, all available for your viewing pleasure after the jump." |
OH: Another business owner with concealed handgun license defends self from armed robbers
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"WKYC (NBC Cleveland) is reporting that when two men tried to rob the owner of Advanced Iron & Metal on Quincy Avenue just before 11 a.m. Friday, they got more than they bargained for."
"From the news report:""A Channel 3 News crew was there and the owner told them that two men tried to rob him. He said one man had a gun and fired several shots at him, grazing him in the stomach."
"Then the owner pulled out his own gun and fired at the suspects, striking one suspect in the leg twice." ... |
AK: Bear Attacks Teens in Alaska; Use Survival Skills to Stay Alive
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"Seven teenagers in the midst of a survival skills course were forced to use those skills after a grizzly bear attacked four of them in the Alaskan wilderness. And they must have learned their lessons well. Despite hospitalization, they all survived the attack."
"As details start to emerge a couple of questions have surfaced: Should teens be put into a situations like this without an adult -- and should at least one of them had a weapon for self defense?" ... |
A gunrunning sting gone fatally wrong (video available)
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"They came from all over the country, agents with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, brought here in a bold new effort to shut down the flow of U.S. guns to Mexican drug cartels. It was called Operation Fast and Furious, after a popular movie about street car racing."
"But from the beginning, much of the fury was inside the agency itself." ... |
Feds Silent on How Convicted Felons Bought Guns in 'Operation Fast and Furious'
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Doug Charette
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"In the latest chapter of the gunrunning scandal known as Operation Fast and Furious, federal officials won't say how two suspects obtained more than 360 weapons despite criminal records that should have prevented them from buying even one gun."
"Under current federal law, people with felony convictions are not permitted to buy weapons, and those with felony arrests are typically flagged while the FBI conducts a thorough background check."
"However, according to court records reviewed by Fox News, two of the 20 defendants indicted in the Fast and Furious investigation have felony convictions and criminal backgrounds that experts say, at the very least, should have delayed them buying a single firearm. ..." ... |
Fast and Furious: Embassy kept in dark as guns flooded Mexico
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"As a surge of weapons from the United States began to show up at homicide scenes in Mexico last summer, officials in the U.S. Embassy sent a cable to Washington that asserted authorities needed to focus on small-time operators as the suppliers of guns to the drug cartels."
"What embassy officials did not know was that at least some of the weapons they were noticing were guns that the [ATF] had allowed straw purchasers to buy as part of a sting operation, dubbed Fast and Furious. Ultimately, ATF lost track of an estimated 1,700 guns as they flowed into Mexico." ... |
LIRR Widow McCarthy A Vile Enemy of 2nd Amendment
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"Well said, Mr. Jefferson! We do not have to store, fire, own, or even like guns to understand that the Second Amendment's requirement is a need, no American can do without. If there came a point in time, when our elected officials became so arrogant to cease abiding by the Constitution 'the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed' is in place so that we can protect ourselves, our country and our families against tyrannical government."
"Simple enough? Right. Wrong. Too many politicians have lost sight of the intrinsic value of this non-negotiable right. ..." ... |
Obama Nominates Anti-gun Activist to Country’s Second Most Important Court
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"In case you were thinking that Barack Obama’s hatred of the Second Amendment was subsiding, Obama has now nominated — to the country’s second-highest court — an avid leader in the effort to destroy firearms manufacturers using frivolous litigation."
"The nomination of Caitlin Halligan — formerly the solicitor general of New York – to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals would put a rabid anti-gun activist in a position where she could do maximum damage to the Second Amendment." ... |
NRA Sues D.C. Over Guns in Public Housing
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"Current District of Columbia Housing Authority (DCHA) rules forbid law-abiding residents from owning a firearm for any lawful purpose. The National Rifle Association (NRA) is supporting and financing a lawsuit to challenge this policy. The case is Scott v. District of Columbia Housing Authority." ... |
KCSO circulates Ohio police dash cam video as tempers stay hot
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"American gun owner tempers are still hot over a disturbing police dash-cam video released last week showing a profanity-laced encounter between a Canton, OH police officer and an armed citizen, and the King County, WA Sheriff’s Office has forward the video link to all of its employees…probably as an advisory on how not to handle this kind of situation." ... |
NV: New Reno policy penalizes officers for offenses, even off-duty
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"A Reno police sergeant who was arrested after he drove drunk and crashed his motorcycle will be the first to undergo the rigors of a new department policy aimed at holding officers accountable even for off-duty offenses." ...
"Reno police Chief Steven Pitts, who implemented new rules last year for officers who lose their driver's licenses because of criminal acts, said his agency will no longer tolerate DUI arrests by officers and said Burfield now faces a list of restrictions that include desk duty and counseling." ... |
MO: Irresponsible Gun Owner of the Day: Officer Ryan Metz
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"It’s an unfortunate fact that in any large population of gun owners, a certain small percentage of them either won’t know enough or refuse to store their firearms responsibly. The results of which are often devastating. Some Armed Intelligentsia members have accused us of being anti-cop for pointing out failures by police officers to follow basic gun-handling and safety procedures. Nothing could be further from the truth. We have virtually endless respect for people that put their lives on the line to keep their fellow citizens safe. But when those entrusted with firearms and the use of deadly force fail to secure their guns, it’s a big deal. Especially when…"
"It results in the death of one of their own children." ... |
MO: Lee’s Summit to pay $15.5 million to wrongly accused man
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"Ted White stood Friday beneath a crystal chandelier in the ballroom of a posh Plaza hotel."
"He had just received a $15.5 million court settlement. But he talked mostly about what he had lost."
"'I want to tell all of my children that the door is now open to come back through to see me again,' White said, fighting back tears."
"His victory cost him so much."
"He is the former Lee's Summit businessman who spent five years in prison for child sexual abuse before being exonerated when a later jury determined that the police detective who investigated the case had conspired with White's wife to manipulate evidence to get him convicted."
The two had been carrying on an affair." ... |
WI: Concealed carry classes on the rise after Walker signs bill into law
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"Classes to qualify for a concealed carry permit have become prolific in Wisconsin in recent weeks, but few require students to actually shoot a handgun."
"Many of the classes, typically three to four hours each, are being taught in hotel conference rooms, and most, according to those who teach the classes, aren't designed for those who have never handled a firearm." ... |
Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed; as they are in almost every kingdom of Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword; because the whole body of the people are armed, and constitute a force superior to any bands of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. — Noah Webster in "An Examination into the Leading Principles of the Federal Constitution," 1787, in Paul Ford, ed., Pamphlets on the Constitution of the United States, at p. 56 (New York, 1888). |