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Newslinks for 7/26/2018

CA: Trader Joe's Employee Killed In Hostage Situation Was Shot By Police Bullet
Submitted by: jac

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A 27-year-old woman killed in a hostage situation at a Los Angeles Trader Joe’s on Saturday died from a police officer’s bullet, authorities said on Tuesday.

During the violent exchange, a bullet that one of the officers fired struck Corado. She ran back inside the store and collapsed from the injury, Moore said.

Submitters note: One of the cardinal rules of gun safety is "Positively identify your target and know what is behind your target". This applies to everyone including police. This is pure negligence. There is no excuse.

FL: Florida 'Stand Your Ground' Case: Self-Defense, or Murder?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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As emphasized above, video evidence depicts McGlockton withdrawing once he saw the weapon, which, without knowing what was said by the two men, doesn’t seem to be a reasonable justification to shoot. French also observes, “Compounding the injustice is Drejka’s own absurd conduct. An armed citizen should not be mall-copping his way through life, initiating confrontations. And that’s especially true if you’re a grown man interacting with a young woman. There are many, many men who (quite reasonably, I might add) will react physically if they see a strange man confronting their wife or girlfriend.”

Ninth Circuit: Second Amendment Protects Open Carry for Self-defense
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Tuesday, the liberal Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a surprisingly pro-Second Amendment ruling. In a boon for constitutionalists and pro-Second Amendment advocates, the court ruled that the Second Amendment protects open carry in public for self-defense, reversing a decision handed down by a U.S. District Court in Hawaii.

DC: Police investigating self-defense claim after man fatally stabbed by Metro employee inside station
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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New details are being revealed about the man who was fatally stabbed by a Metro employee after police said he broke into a manager's booth at the Friendship Heights station.

For the people who worked with 28-year-old Jeremy Bond, the incident comes as a shock as they said he was a reliable, dependable and polite employee.

9th Circuit upholds right to open carry, 2nd Amendment fight expected
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The San Francisco-based 9th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals laid the groundwork for a larger fight over the Second Amendment in a Tuesday ruling that upheld a citizen's right to openly carry a firearm in public.

In a 2-1 ruling, the three-judge panel found that the state of Hawaii overstepped its authority to regulate firearms by denying an individual the right to publicly carry a gun, openly or concealed.

3D-printed guns: activists urge government to block blueprint
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The nation’s three largest gun control advocacy groups are asking a Texas judge to prevent the impending release of a “trove” of digital blueprints for 3D-printed firearms.

“It is dangerous, irreparable and … raises issues of national defense and national security of the highest order,” the groups said of a June settlement by the Trump administration that would allow for the data files to be freely downloaded as of 1 August.

The Brady Center to Prevent Gun Violence, Everytown for Gun Safety and the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence are the three organizations seeking an immediate injunction.

KS: Kansas Court of Appeals overturns ‘Stand Your Ground’ defense in Wichita case
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Wichita man whose murder charge was dismissed under the state’s Stand Your Ground law will now face prosecution in the stabbing death of a 22-year-old woman, the Kansas Court of Appeals has ruled.

The court overturned a decision by a district judge who dismissed second-degree murder and other charges against Seth Collins, 38, in the April 2016 stabbing death of Kayla Brown, The Wichita Eagle reported . The two had been fighting over a parking space at a Wichita apartment complex.

The appeals court ruled Friday that a jury, not a judge, should decide whether Collins’ actions were justified.

9th Circuit Court upholds right to openly carry firearms
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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For 100 years the courts and politicians and the power elite have used laws and propaganda to slowly but steadily erode the 2nd Amendment protections that guarantee the right of self-defense. Even Supreme Court rulings that seemed to uphold the right to keep and bear arms were designed to erode that right, as we explained regarding the District of Columbia v. Heller ruling written by Justice Antonin Scalia, mistakenly hailed as a gun rights defender by conservatives.

NRA's new fearmongering ad series argues that proponents of stronger gun laws are pro-murderer
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The National Rifle Association's newest ad series, “Save the 2nd,” features 30-second spots that describe horrific crimes before making the fallacious argument that efforts are underway to prohibit law-abiding people from protecting themselves from killers.

First Impressions: The Ideal Conceal Cell Phone Pistol
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On July 10, 2018, Breitbart News reported that Ideal Conceal’s Cell Phone Pistol was in production and shipping to dealers around the country.

The gun is the brainchild of Kirk Kjellberg, who created a handgun that looks like a cell phone so law-abiding citizens could carry a gun without attracting the attention of onlookers. The main difference between Kjellberg’s pistol and a smartphone is that the former fires two rounds for self-defense while the latter only allows you to dial 911 after you have been attacked.

Woman’s abusive husband threatens her with a gun. But she’s also armed — and pulls the trigger.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Las Vegas police said they had been called to the residence at least once before — and that a woman there was a victim of domestic violence and had a restraining order against her husband, KSNV-TV reported.

Canada: Stricter Gun Laws Didn’t Stop This Mass Shooting in Canada
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday night, a 29-year-old man opened fired with a handgun on bystanders at a busy intersection in Toronto, Canada, killing two and wounding 13 before being shot to death by law enforcement officers.

Although the man’s motives remain unclear, reports have circulated that he frequented Islamic State-inspired websites and may have lived for a time in either Afghanistan or Pakistan, fueling speculation that this was a terrorist attack.

Networks Skip Blockbuster Second Amendment Win in Court
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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All three networks on Tuesday and Wednesday ignored a blockbuster Second Amendment ruling to come out of the usually liberal Ninth Circuit. The pro-gun rights decision found that Americans DO have a constitutional right to openly carry outside of the home.

Despite a combined eight hours of air time on Wednesday, ABC’s Good Morning America, CBS This Morning and NBC’s Today avoided the big win for gun rights advocates. (So did Tuesday's evening newscasts.)

With Kavanaugh, Court Could Take Aim at Gun Control Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In February, less than a week after a gunman opened fire and killed 17 students and staff in a Parkland, Florida, high school, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas complained that the court was allowing too many gun control laws to go into effect across the nation.

For the past eight years, the high court has avoided major cases addressing the extent to which Congress or state lawmakers can pass laws that restrict firearms — and Thomas and other conservative justices have noted their objections. This time, it was a challenge to a California law that required an average person to wait 10 days after buying a gun to get it.

Facebook Admits It Blocked Republican Candidate’s Pro-Second Amendment Ad
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Facebook admits it blocked Florida State Rep. Matt Caldwell’s (R-79) pro-Second Amendment ad.

On Tuesday the Tampa Bay Times reported that Caldwell’s ad had been blocked on Facebook, which included blocking news that the NRA had endorsed Caldwell for Florida Commissioner of Agriculture.

Caldwell’s campaign said they received a message from Facebook, which said: “Not Approved: Your ad can’t promote the sale of weapons or ammunition.” He responded, “Facebook’s liberal agenda is keeping our campaign for Commissioner of Agriculture from sharing our message. Facebook has mislabeled our ad in an effort to censor our pro-Second Amendment support and endorsement from the NRA.”

What's The Coolest Gun You're Probably Not Allowed To Own?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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She has a good point. Fully automatic guns are dangerous when they fall into the wrong hands. You start to wonder: Do we really need them?

But then you read the Second Amendment again. And you remember: The amendment protects our right to bear arms, not just so that we can protect ourselves from crazy school shooters, but so that we can protect ourselves from any threat to our freedom — up to and including our own government.

WA: Gun rights group prepping lawsuit over proposed King County firearm regulations
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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King County is the latest government to propose new firearm regulations, while The Second Amendment Foundation is doubling down on its efforts to slap them down in court.

The Bellevue-based gun rights organization is already suing Seattle over its recently-passed safe storage gun law. If King County goes through with a proposed five-piece package of gun control laws, the foundation promises to go after it as well.

NH: NH Firearms Coalition blasts NHGOP for choice of training session venue
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Back at the helm of the state Republican Party for less than a month, chairman Wayne MacDonald is dealing with discontent in the pro-Second Amendment community.

The New Hampshire Firearms Coalition has been firing off angry emails to its supporters, blasting the NHGOP for holding a candidate training session Saturday at the Common Man Inn in Plymouth.

The rub is that the restaurant’s owner, Alex Ray, is a longtime contributor to Democratic candidates and was listed by the pro-gun control group Giffords in 2015 as a member of its “Granite State Coalition for Common Sense.”

MT: Helena shooting shows need for strong gun laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Despite his record, Ferris had access to a gun. Now two people are victims of preventable gun violence. It's time for our elected officials to make it harder for dangerous people to get guns.

Instead of supporting commonsense measures that take guns temporarily from those who are threats to themselves and others, Rep. Gianforte voted for "Concealed Carry Reciprocity." CCR would lower Montana’s permitting standards and allow domestic abusers from other states to pack concealed weapons here. Preventing gun violence strengthens the Second Amendment. Insist Senators Daines and Tester vote "NO" on CCR, and "YES" on commonsense laws that stop and prevent gun violence.

Legal Opinions Or Political Commentary? A New Judge Exemplifies The Trump Era
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Less than a year into a lifetime appointment, a 45-year-old federal appeals court judge named James Ho may embody President Trump's most enduring legacy.

Ho has shaken up the staid world of appellate law by deploying aggressive rhetoric in cases involving guns, abortion rights and campaign finance regulations.

Today's government "would be unrecognizable to our Founders," he has written. He condemned what he called "the moral tragedy of abortion." And he's bemoaned that the Second Amendment appears to be considered a "second class right."

GA: Gun activist opposing NRA-backed Georgia congresswoman
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Democratic gun control activist whose son was shot to death is trying to unseat a Georgia Republican congresswoman backed by the National Rifle Association.

Lucy McBath will challenge Rep. Karen Handel this fall after winning a runoff election in the 6th District of metro Atlanta. McBath defeated fellow Democrat Kevin Abel on Tuesday.

While McBath supports gun control, the NRA has supported Handel, citing her pro-Second Amendment stance.

TX: Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick States Opposition to ‘Red Flag’ Gun Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But after a four-hour hearing on the subject in the Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools and School Security, Patrick released a statement making clear such proposals wouldn’t make it far in his chamber.

“Regarding the topic of ‘Red Flag’ laws, which was discussed today in the select committee, I have never supported these policies, nor has the majority of the Texas Senate,” Patrick said. “A bill offered last session garnered little support. Governor Greg Abbott formally asked the legislature to consider ‘Red Flag’ laws in May so I added them to the charges I gave to the select committee. However, Gov. Abbott has since said he doesn’t advocate ‘Red Flag’ laws.”

MO: Missouri Senate Candidate Is Giving Away a 'Ghost Gun' Machine
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A U.S. Senate candidate vying to take down Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri) has an only-in-Missouri treat for one of his supporters: a Ghost Gunner 2.

The machine — which is somewhat akin to a 3-D printer, only it's capable of fashioning aluminum and not just plastic — allows users to create so-called "ghost guns" untraceable by law enforcement. There's a long waiting list to get your hands on one of these machines; prospective customers must resort to paying a $250 deposit and biding their time until 2019.

But Austin Petersen, the determinedly pro-gun Republican running in a crowded primary, got one from a donor, says spokeswoman Heather Coil. He's now taking raffle entries; on election night, a randomizer will pick one lucky winner.

MI: State Cops Without Firearms?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Michigan State “park officers” have found themselves in an untenable position eliciting a headshaking, eyerolling rebuttal from folks who know better than to send out unarmed law enforcement officers to maintain law and order. What at first appeared to be a prankish title I saw in the Detroit Free Press turned out to be a mindbogglingly real issue, and it is transpiring in 2018. Writing for the Free Press, reporter Steven Pepple slug-lined “Michigan state park police want guns, body armor, say it’s a dangerous job” to garner attention to his article. It was effective and captivated my senses.

No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. Thomas Jefferson, Proposed Virginia Constitution (1776).

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