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Newslinks for 8/17/2015

Pew releases new poll on gun control, claims both parties want to increase gun control
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Pew Research released a new study on Thursday claiming that a majority of Americans in both parties support increasing gun control measures."

"According to the study, 85 percent of Americans favor expanded background checks, 79 percent favor laws to prevent people with mental illness from purchasing guns, 70 percent back the creation of a federal database to track all gun sales, and a smaller majority, 57 percent, support a ban on assault-style weapons."

"The only measure that a majority of Republicans are opposed to is a ban on assault weapons ban which 48 percent support." ...

Flurry of Gun Bills in Wake of Shootings
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Just before the Senate adjourned for August recess, the second highest ranking Senate Republican, John Cornyn of Texas, introduced a bill aimed at tackling a problem that is quickly getting out of hand—the abuse of the National Instant Check System (NICS)."

"The instant background check system was supposedly going to stop only criminals from purchasing firearms, but is now regularly used to disarm law-abiding Americans."

"Gun Owners of America has opposed the federal background check system since its inception both on constitutional grounds and because it laid the foundation for gun owner registration and other dangerous government abuse." ...

What do you do about gun free zones?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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"Lt. Cmdr. Timothy White, of the United States Navy, decided to ignore a gun free zone. He is one of two who returned fire when the jihadist opened fire at the Navy and Marine training facility in Chattanooga. It remains to be seen whether or not he will face disciplinary action from the Government. No matter how that turns out, his wife is not a widow, and his children are not fatherless." ...

9mm Ammo Quest: MagTech Guardian Gold and First Defense (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"In this latest installment of the 9mm Ammo Quest, I put three varieties of MagTech 9mm ammo through the 3″-barrel 9mm pistol. The tested varieties are the 92.6-grain First Defense, the 115+P Guardian Gold, and the 124-grain Guardian Gold. The recoil on the light 92.6-grain solid copper First Defense was noticeably mild. Velocities were all over the board, ranging from 1073 fps up to 1268. Three of the five bullets showed no expansion at all and two showed mild expansion. Overall penetration was excellent; expansion was minimal . . ." ...

Pro-Tip: Leave Your Damned Gun Alone
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"With only about 15,000 concealed carry permits, it’s not easy to find a fellow concealed carrier here in New York. Unless they’re playing with their gun like crazy in line at the grocery store. Wearing shorts, a white t-shirt and flip flops, this guy’s #1 concern was whether his firearm was showing or not. He literally could not stop messing with it . . ." ...

New 3D Printed Handgun: Now in Semi-Auto!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Cody Wilson’s first 3D printed firearm (The Liberator) was a dead simple design. A single shot device with crude parts and even cruder looks it nevertheless did its job: it proved the concept. The idea that a 3D printed gun could actually function was proven. Now, with the addition of a couple new metal parts, people are starting to 3D print their own firearm creations and the latest is a fully functioning semi-auto 9mm handgun. How cool is that!?" ...

Crack Down on ‘Bad Apple’ Gun Dealers – It’s a Trap!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"These gun grabbers and their media enablers really annoy me sometimes. OK, a lot of the time. Most of the time. Fine. Always. Take the editorial Crack down on ‘bad apple’ gun dealers over at ... You’d think that Chicken Noodle News’ online editorial team would make mention of the fact that one the article’s co-authors, Dan Gross, is the president of the Brady Campaign and Center to Prevent Gun Violence. Or that the other author, Ruben Gallego [above] is an Arizona Dem U.S. Rep who proclaimed . . ."
"I know as a US Marine who is trained in close quarters combat that having untrained individuals carrying guns can make the work of law enforcement officers more difficult." ...

Progressives Push for New “Right”: The Right Not to Bear Arms
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Obama has stated that the 'most frustrating part' of his presidency has been his inability to pass gun control legislation, and progressives are not going to give up on their gun grabbing goal any time soon."

"The Washington Post has published an article by E. J. Dionne entitled 'How American can free itself from guns.' Dionne argues, much as Eric Holder did, that the key is to change the American mind about guns." ...

High gun ownership linked to high rate of police officer deaths, study shows
Submitted by: Anonymous

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"US states with the highest levels of gun ownership are also the ones where police officers have the highest risk of being killed in the line of duty – the vast majority by gunfire, a study has shown."

"Researchers found that states such as Montana, Arkansas, Alabama and Idaho, which have the highest rates of state-registered private gun ownership, also have the highest rates of homicide of law enforcement officers. ..." ...

KABA Note: Let me get this straight; the Lott-Mustard study which looked at DOZENS of variables didn't prove anything because A) they "couldn't have accounted for all the factors" and 2) correlation does not imply causation. But now this "study" somehow proves the need for more gun control.

It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use: Morgan Freeman’s Granddaughter Edition
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'The step-granddaughter of actor Morgan Freeman was stabbed to death on a street by her deranged boyfriend in Washington Heights early Sunday,' reports. 'Police officers found E’Dena Hines, 33, lying in the middle of W. 162nd near St. Nicholas Ave. with several knife wounds to her chest around 3 a.m. 'Get out devils! I cast you out Devils in the name of Jesus Christ! I cast you out!' the 30-year-old man repeatedly said, according to George Hudacko, 65, who saw the attack and called 911. 'I watched someone get murdered, and there was nothing I could do,' Hudacko added.' So there were two people who could have . . ." ...

Will Someone Please Threaten Michael Tumminelli’s Life? (JK) (video available)
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"According to, '[Michael] Tumminelli says he wants and needs the gun to protect himself, his wife and their 3-year-old son. He’s a civilian employee of the Department of Defense . . . assigned to counterterrorism task forces that target the Islamic State and others. He prepares and trains agencies in explosives and cooperation in the event of an attack. Tumminelli has a wall full of accomplishments. He also has high-level security clearance.' But New Jersey won’t give him a permit to carry his .45 outside his abode. Newton Police and the Sussex County Prosecutor’s Office say Tumminelli hasn’t shown . . ." ...

Guns for Beginners: Don’t Be A Victim!
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A resident in North Carolina successfully used a handgun to defend his home against two intruders. One of the intruders was found in a vehicle with life threatening injuries: the other fled on foot and was captured. The reporter at WCNC comes to the exactly opposite conclusion of what most people would, and felt compelled to give the following advice. . . ." ...

Self-Defense Tip: Don’t Sleep with Married Women
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"'Larry Barton [above], who is about to run for his fifth term as mayor of Talladega (Alabama) told NBC News from his hospital room at the University of Alabama that the attack began around 7:30 a.m. Saturday in the parking lot of Cahaba Heights Plaza Barber Shop in Vestavia Hills. 'Before I could do anything, he jerked the door open and he started hitting me,' said Barton, 75. The man was wearing a trench coat and a hood, and Barton said he repeatedly hit him in his face, legs and knees.' I thought about filing this one under It Should Have Been a Defensive Gun Use. A 75-year-old man beaten with a baseball bat? That ain’t right. Then again . . ." ...

Sen. Cornyn's proposed gun-rights bill addresses mental health concerns without restricting Second Amendment rights
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Many mass shootings have been highlighted in the news this year, but national leadership generally disagrees on the solution to the problem."

"Republicans advocate for more gun rights, such as concealed carry licenses, so people may protect themselves should they find themselves in a crisis situation. On the other hand, Democrats advocate for stricter gun control. This huge gap results in inaction after every mass shooting. However, there is one area in which both sides agree something must be done: mental health." ...

Coats, senators seek to stop Social Security Administration's 'gun grab'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Senator Dan Coats (R-Ind.) has joined 25 other senators in a bipartisan letter to Carolyn Colvin, the Acting Commissioner of the Social Security Administration (SSA), calling on her to halt the SSA’s plan to unfairly target the Second Amendment rights of millions of Social Security beneficiaries."

"In the letter, the senators call into question the administration’s recently announced plan to begin reporting millions of Social Security beneficiaries to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS)."

"Coats says that flagging these individuals in the NICS database—a database designed to prevent gun sales to felons, drug addicts, illegal or unlawful immigrants and others—is unnecessary and misguided." ...

Cornyn bill on gun safety, mental health
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Plenty of critics will line up to take shots at a bill newly filed by U.S. Sen. John Cornyn that would increase efficiency of the federal background check system on gun buyers while helping individuals suffering mental illness find treatment more easily, rather than spiraling out of control and possibly resorting to gun violence. But the unique alliance gathering behind this bill — the National Rifle Association, National Alliance on Mental Illness as well as law enforcement groups — demands this legislation get a full hearing from both lawmakers and the public." ...

Gun Control.. and the Failure of Big Government
Submitted by: Robert Morse

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"President Obama said the lack of new gun-control laws was his biggest failing. Barack is far too modest. He has massively larger failings than gun-control. Obama simply needs gun-control as a media distraction from his ongoing political failures. ..."

"Government is supposed to do those few things that citizens can’t do well for themselves. Instead, Big Government has served the politician ... Let me show you a few of the consequences of Comrade Obama’s Big Government failures."

"To begin with, I disagree with the president’s original claim. Guns are not a problem in the US. The problem is we have crazy people wandering the streets because government at all levels refuses to provide mental health services." ...

FL: Lawmakers refile bill to allow guns on Florida's college campuses
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Florida Republican legislators have filed a bill that would allow guns on college campuses again after the same bill died in the last legislative session."

"News 13 reports that universities and law enforcement officers joined the League of Women Voters to speak against the bill, which would allow people over 21 who have concealed carry permits to have guns on college campuses. If the bill passes, Florida would be the ninth state in the country to allow guns on campus, according to USA Today." ...

OR: Oregon expanded gun background check law takes effect
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"One of the most controversial bills enacted during the Oregon Legislative Assembly’s 2015 regular session was Senate Bill 941. It was passed by both legislative chambers on party-line votes and signed into law by Governor Kate Brown. It went into effect on Sunday, August 9."

"The new law requires a criminal background check to be performed by a third-party licensed gun dealer prior to most private firearm transfers. Both the person transferring the gun, and the person receiving the gun, must appear in person, before the gun dealer, and must bring each firearm to be transferred with them."

"I strongly believe that SB 941 is a blatantly unconstitutional infringement on our Second Amendment right ..." ...

IA: Iowa May Get ‘Stand Your Ground’ Legislation
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Iowa state senator Rick Bertrand (R-Dist. 7) is pushing legislation to change the state’s current self-defense laws to included a 'Stand Your Ground' provision."

"Bertrand says his bill 'clarifies [the] Second Amendment' Iowans already possess and protects law-abiding citizens who have to use a gun in self-defense."

"According to ABC 9 News, 'Stand Your Ground' legislation failed to pass in the last legislative session but supporters have since gathered 'thousands of signatures' and are making clear that their votes in the 2016 elections will be used to get rid of lawmakers who oppose the self-defense bill." ...

Judge Denies Injunction in 3D Printed Gun Pioneer’s Suit Against the State Department
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A federal judge denied 3D printed gun pioneer Cody Wilson’s request for a preliminary injunction against the State Department after the agency forced him to remove gun designs from his company’s website."

"Wilson’s lawsuit came after the State Department claimed the posting of designs for his 3D printed gun on his company’s website violated the Arms Export Control Act because they could be accessed outside of the United States. Wilson was joined in the suit by the Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) and together they argued the State Department was violating Wilson’s First, Second, and Fifth Amendment rights." ...

NY: SAFE Act foes hands governor another court defeat
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"For the second time in less than two months, a lawyer representing opponents of the SAFE Act gun control law have prevailed over the Cuomo Administration ..."

"Western New York attorney James Ostrowski, on behalf of [SCOPE], is seeking documents pertaining to an April 1, 2014 anti-SAFE rally on the Empire State Plaza."

"While the rally at the time was most notable for the politicians and celebrities ... who showed up and spoke — the event also triggered what Ostrowski said were special regulations that allowed police to seize two replicas of guns toted by protestors."

"Claiming the seizure of these replicas was a First Amendment violation, Ostrowski was seeking Second Floor documents pertaining to the rally. ..." ...

NY: Libertarians challenge New York’s pistol permit law
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"When Edward Garrett moved here from South Dakota, he went about getting a pistol permit."

"Three years later, he’s suing New York State in Buffalo federal court."

"'Whatever happened to the words, 'shall not be infringed?' asked Garrett, a Town of Evans resident and the new chairman of the Erie County Libertarian Party."

"Garrett is one of eight plaintiffs in a new civil suit challenging the constitutionality of New York’s pistol permit law, a gun control law dating to 1911 and the Tammany Hall days of New York City." ...

NY: A Governor Attempted ‘Total Intimidation’ Against Gun Supporters. They Just Made Him Pay…
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Gun rights advocates in New York State have scored a legal victory over Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s administration in regards to a 2014 gun-rights rally during which state troopers are accused of intimidating attendees and violating their First Amendment rights."

"'I was there, and it was total intimidation,' said New York State Assemblyman David DiPietro. 'That was done by the governor on purpose to try and intimidate people.'" ...

ATF Mailbag: We Have Questions, They Have Form Letters
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"A few months ago I was having a conversation with TTAG’s very own aviation science specialist, Nick Leghorn, on the subject of guns and the FAA and how things mix between the two. That gave me an idea since a small part of my business caters to pilots who are on the go, who know what they want, and work on a tight schedule. I began wondering how much governmental identification the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) could produce that would be acceptable to a different part of the same government? In short: Would documentation and ID manufactured by the Department of Transportation be acceptable to the Department of Justice? We live in a strange world with no clear answers, so I set out to find out more. You know, for science . . ." ...

NY: Ogdensburg police officer arrested on child pornography charges
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"An Ogdensburg police officer was arrested on child pornography charges Thursday, according to state police."

"Harry J. McCarthy, 54, was reportedly charged with promoting an obscene sexual performance by a child and possession of an obscene sexual performance by a child, both felonies." ...

VA: The Fairfax police officer who killed an unarmed man is finally fired
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"IT’S BEEN nearly two years since a Fairfax police officer shot and killed John Geer, who was standing unarmed, in broad daylight, at the threshold of his Springfield home. Now, we have learned, the police department has dismissed the officer who fired the shot, Adam D. Torres — the first serious step toward accountability in the senseless killing of a civilian who posed no threat and had committed no crime on the day he died."

"Mr. Torres was fired, we are told, after the recommendation of a review board that included his peers on the police force."

"It remains to be seen whether Mr. Torres will be indicted in Geer’s death. ..." ...

TN: Cleveland police officer accused of sexually assaulting a woman in a Gatlinburg cabin
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The Cleveland Police Department has been rocked by yet another allegation of sexual misconduct."

"Carl Walls and Chad Nave have been accused of extramarital affairs after a female filed a report alleging that she was sexually assaulted at a Gatlinburg cabin over the past weekend."

"Walls had allegedly been having an extramarital affair with the female, who claims she was sexually assaulted, for two months, said Mark Gibson, chief of the Cleveland Police. Nave had been in a relationship with another female at the cabin, after she was involved in a police ride-along with the officer as an intern, the chief said." ...

CA: Attorney, Highway Patrol Officers, More Arrested in Alleged Conspiracy to Kill Man and Hide the Crime
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Nine people – including three current or former California Highway Patrol officers and a prominent local criminal defense attorney – were arrested Friday in connection with what Modesto, California, officials allege is a conspiracy orchestrated by the attorney to kill a man in 2012 and then cover it up."

"Frank Carson, 61, allegedly had Korey Kauffman killed on March 31, 2012, because he suspected Kauffman of stealing from his Turlock property, according to a 334-page affidavit released by the Stanislaus County Sheriff's Department detailing the three-year, multi-agency investigation." ...

AL: Alabama church opens gun range behind sanctuary
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Praise the Lord . . . and pass the ammunition."

"An Alabama church has opened a gun range behind its sanctuary as an extension of its fellowship, WIAT reports."

"The red-clay dirt range behind the Rocky Mount United Methodist Church in Jemison began as an overgrown gully once filled with snakes and vermin, according to the station, and has turned into a ministry that includes guns, bullets and the Bible."

"Mount Union’s pastor, Phillip Guin, says the idea of a gun range came up because 'we had quite a number of church members, some elderly ladies, for example, and some not-so-elderly women that had purchased guns, but didn’t know how to use them.'" ...

OR: Anti-Rights Crazies Amp Up Their Attacks
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"The anti-gun extremists are running scared. Today they filed an election complaint against the Recall Floyd Prosanzki Campaign."

"This is not a surprise. For the last week or so they have had operatives surveilling the locations where the recall petitions are available. ..."

"As we told you before, they have also had people at locations where petition gatherers were working, disrupting the efforts of the campaign."

"The great irony of course is this is all being orchestrated by the big bucks 'Oregon Democracy Fund.' Nothing says 'democracy' like doing all you can to interfere with it." ...

"The billionaire anti-rights crowd is burying Oregon in out of state money to continue to erode your 2nd Amendment rights. ..." ...

OH: 'The Right to Keep and Bear Arms'
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"I think it is important for everyone on both sides of the firearms issue to recognize, understand and accept that the Second Amendment to the Constitution does not give anyone the right to keep and bear arms."

"That right predates the Constitution, as it is part and parcel of the God-given human right to protect oneself, one's loved ones and one's property from predatory actions by others." ...

MI: Schools no place for open carry
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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"Open carry advocates who are insisting on exercising their rights to carry pistols and rifles into schools, unconcealed, should put themselves in the place of principals who have the heavy responsibility of keeping a few hundred children safe from harm."

"How would they respond if an adult walked through their doors, or even onto school grounds, with a visible gun? After Columbine and Sandy Hook and other places around the country where children have been slaughtered in mass shootings, would they simply shrug and assume the person is a harmless open carry advocate exercising his or her constitutional right?" ...

MD: Immune to the horror?
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "Are people so desensitized to human tragedy and suffering? Have those victims become so dehumanized? Are we immune to the horror?"

"I urge the public to open its eyes and give value to the staggering number of lost lives."

"Only military and law-enforcement personnel should be allowed to have firearms."

WA: Gun owners need to be trained
Submitted by: Bruce W. Krafft

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... "So, using this information can we determine some possible reasons for the relatively high gun crime rate in the U. S.? I think part of it is the lack of training in firearms."

"No level of expertise is required to purchase a firearm. You don’t need to know how to load it, shoot it or even hold it!"

"Current laws require only that you don’t fall into one or more of 10 categories related to mental capacity, past felonies/misdemeanors and certain restraining orders and are 18 (long guns) or 21 or older (all weapons). There are more requirements, training and certifications required to be a certified baby sitter than to own a firearm!"

"Don’t control the gun, train the owner."

The Brady Bill's only effect will be to desensitize the public to regulation of weapons in preparation for their ultimate confiscation. — Charles Krauthammer, The Washington Post, April 5, 1996

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