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Newslinks for 8/25/2018

WA: Washington Supreme Court Puts Gun-Regulations Measure I-1639 Back on November Ballot
Submitted by: David Williamson

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The Washington state Supreme Court has ruled that the proposed gun-regulations measure, Initiative 1639, will appear on November’s election ballot.

The ruling comes after a Thurston County judge earlier this month blocked the proposed initiative after Alan Gottlieb of the Bellevue-based Second Amendment Foundation and the National Rifle Association challenged the legality of the campaign’s signature-gathering petitions.

Federal funding for guns in schools - why not?
Submitted by: Liston Matthews

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A look at the Fox News debate between a progressive gun grabber and Laura Carno of Faster Colorado, who trains school staff to use handguns to defend their students.

MI: Judge Allows Lawsuit Against Foster Parent Gun Ban to Move Forward
Submitted by: David Williamson

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A federal district court judge in Michigan ruled this week that a Second Amendment Foundation (SAF) lawsuit against the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) can move forward.

Lessons from the Loud Music Murder Trial
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Michael Dunn is one of the relatively rare criminal defendants who endured two trials and faced two juries for the same incident.

Dunn fatally shot seventeen-year-old Jordan Davis at a convenience store parking lot after an argument over the loud music Davis and his friends were listening to in their red Dodge Durango. While Dunn claimed Davis made death threats, displayed a shotgun, and attempted to get out of his car to attack him, no evidence or witness testimony corroborated his account.

LA: In Louisiana, holiday of sorts suddenly canceled by 'geniuses at the Legislature'
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Louisiana’s local and parish taxing authorities — whether they like it or not — are going to have to forfeit revenue on the sales of guns and hunting equipment as part of a sales tax holiday approved — imperfectly — by the geniuses at the Legislature.

Judge Set to Rule on the Fate of 3D Printed Gun Files on Monday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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On Monday, a Seattle based federal judge will decide whether to permanently block Defense Distributed from being able to distribute their 3D printed firearms files.

On July 31st, The Washington State's attorney general requested a temporary injunction against Defense Distributed from releasing the files. Judge Robert S. Lasnik of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington granted the injunction citing risk to public safety.

IL: Logan County adds “firearm sanctuary” referendum to November ballot
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Local voters will be asked in the November midterm election if Logan County should become a “firearm sanctuary county.”

The Logan County Board recently passed a resolution opposing any bill before the 100th Illinois General Assembly that would “restrict the individual rights of U.S. citizens, as protected under the second amendment of the United States Constitution.”

The board unanimously approved the resolution and instructed the County Clerk to put the following advisory referendum to a public vote in November:

WI: Citing self defense, DA won't charge Janesville woman in stabbing death
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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While there is a viable theory of prosecution for reckless homicide, a jury would be entitled to hear more than enough evidence to support a claim of self-defense.

It is clear that Stone and Thomas had a months-long relationship that was often, perhaps daily, violent in nature.

The investigation shows numerous prior instances of domestic violence by Thomas against Stone. There would be a significant amount of evidence that would support the argument that Stone was trying to defend herself when she killed Thomas.

FL: Trial postponed in Pasco theater shooting due to stand your ground uncertainty
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Curtis Reeves won’t go to trial anytime soon.

A judge, after hearing arguments Friday from prosecutors and defense attorneys, decided to postpone the retired Tampa police captain’s February murder trial due to uncertainty about whether he should get a new stand your ground hearing.

Reeves, 75, is accused in a fatal 2014 shooting inside a Pasco County movie theater, which was the subject of a two-week hearing in the spring of 2017. His defense unsuccessfully argued that he should be immune from prosecution under the controversial self-defense law.

It’s a Jungle Out There – Gun Freedom Radio EP121 Originally Aired on 8.4.18
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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This week on Gun Freedom radio we will hear Alan Beck & Stephen Stamboulieh the lawyers involved in the Young vs Hawaii Carry case, Lana Fore Bryan & Jake Merritt District Managers of US Law Shield and more. Tune in and listen.

KS: Professor Tells Students Not to Bring Legal Concealed Weapons to Class: ‘You Will be Banned’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A professor for a samurai history class is taking his fear of guns in the classroom to the next level by redefining the university's policy for students' legal concealed carry.

MD: Gun Control Fails Again in Maryland, but Self-Defense Works
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A pharmacist in Princess Anne, Maryland used his gun to save lives. Maryland’s gun control laws failed again, but self-defense worked just fine to stop this crime.

Two men walked into the pharmacy with ski masks over their faces. Employees later estimated that both men were over six feet tall. The armed robbers pointed their rifle at the nearest cashier. Then the robbers ordered the store staff and customers to lie on the ground. They demanded the store employees hand over narcotics from the pharmacy.

NC: Woman Shoots Man Found Hiding Several Times
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A 68-year-old woman who owns the residence heard a noise inside of her storage building and found the man standing in a corner inside.

The woman fired five shots at him after he approached her in an “aggressive manner.” She further stated the man was “lunging towards her.”

The man was taken by EMS to an undisclosed hospital for treatment. His injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.

Courts Are Becoming The Nation’s Gun Control Battleground
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Anybody who still thinks gun control proponents have rolled over to play dead during the Trump administration isn’t thinking at all, because the fight to marginalize the Second Amendment is getting nastier, and the courts are becoming the new battleground.

Perhaps nothing underscores that point better than the 45-page federal lawsuit filed by the National Rifle Association last month against New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, the New York State Department of Financial Services and its director, Maria T. Vullo. The lawsuit, which may be read here details what NRA alleges is a “political vendetta against the NRA” (subhead “B” on page 7).

NH: A question for gun advocates
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The privilege of driving a car comes with a set of responsibilities for ensuring that the car is not used recklessly as a weapon against society. So too should gun ownership. If you keep a gun in your home for self-defense, then it is your responsibility to make sure that you only use it when you have exhausted all other means of keeping your home safe from intruders.

Considerations for home defense: Training
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Once you have established a defensive mindset, goals and mission, it’s time to train to ensure success. Like your mindset and defense plan, training needs to be based on a realistic assessment of circumstances and necessary skills. In turn, selecting practical training courses to develop the ability to succeed is paramount.

Corporate Gun Control Undermines Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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RUSH: Do you remember yesterday, ladies and gentlemen, that I introduced to you the new concept of corporate gun control? For those of you who were not here yesterday, let me briefly run through this. The left has figured out that it is impossible at the present time to actually get rid of the Second Amendment. It is not going to be successful to use the government to confiscate weapons. They have made the judgment that going after people’s guns using the power of government or the efforts to eliminate the Second Amendment will fail.

How Far America Has Fallen
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Babcox called the ban on high-capacity gun magazines that hold more than 15 rounds, signed into law by John Hickenlooper, the Democratic governor who has presidential aspirations, “a silly law.” The pastor said he could drive across the nearby border into Utah and buy a high-capacity magazine. He said the Second Amendment was designed to create a militia “equal to the government to ensure self-reliance,” and that therefore the ban on the magazines should be overturned. He said, “If I can limit somebody on what weapons they can buy, why would I not be able to limit what you can say about me under the First Amendment? When we endanger one right, we endanger them all.”

Amazon bans the sale of a guidebook for 3D printing a gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Amazon has banned a book that provides the code needed to 3D print a handgun.

“The Liberator Code Book: An Exercise in the Freedom of Speech,” appeared on Amazon’s website on August 1. The company said it dropped the $20 book on Wednesday because it violated Amazon’s content guidelines, but it would not offer further details.

“Code is speech,” the apparent author, “CJ Awelow,” wrote in a brief description on Amazon, echoing the legal argument made by the organization behind the code. “Proceeds will be used to fight for free speech and the right to bear arms.”

HSUS and PayPal Become…Pals?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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PayPal, the world’s largest money transfer service for online transactions, has aligned itself with the animal “rights” extremists at the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) through a deceptively named campaign called Paws United for a Cause! PayPal has pledged to match donations made to HSUS through its Facebook page, up to a total of $100K, through August 31.

HSUS is no stranger to the charge of being deceptive, to put it mildly. The organization has long been accused of misleading people into thinking it has an actual relationship to directly helping mistreated or abandoned pets by operating shelters. In 2011, the group’s own tax records indicate it gave less than 1% of donor funds to pet shelters.

CA: ACLU Fighting California Democrats over Gun Control
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Sacramento Bee reports that Democrats want to “prohibit gun ownership for anyone involuntarily committed to a facility twice in one year for a mental health disorder.” A misdemeanor conviction of domestic violence would also trigger a ban on gun ownership.

The ACLU is zeroing in on the mental health provisions, voicing opposition on the grounds that broad language is being used to lump the non-violent in with those who may, indeed, be violent. The ACLU said, “This bill stigmatizes people with a history of mental health issues, and perpetuates the harmful and false stereotype that such people are inherently violent and dangerous.”

OR: Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries: Retailers Must Sell Guns to 18-Year-Olds
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries has ruled that retailers in the state must sell long guns to 18-year-olds who wish to purchase them and have no criminal record to prevent the purchase.

The Oregonian reports the Bureau’s ruling came after “Hannah Brumbles, an 18-year-old from Deer Island in unincorporated Columbia County, filed a complaint with the state after a Walmart store in St. Helen’s refused to sell her a rifle or ammunition last February because she was younger than 21.”

The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion. — Edmund Burke (1784).

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