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Newslinks for 9/12/2024

FL: Steve Spurrier gives passionate plea on school shooting, AR-15s: ‘We’re messed up in America’
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I want to say something about another coach, as a coach, a former coach myself,” Spurrier said about the four people killed in a mass shooting in the Atlanta area. “The coach in Winder, Georgia, Apalachee High School got killed in that mass shooting. (Ricky) Aspinwall is his name. He’s the D-coordinator there. And everybody says hearts and prayers go out.

“Why in the world in America are you eligible to walk into a gun store and buy an AR-15 rifle? They should have a sign, ‘If you need a gun for mass school shootings, here’s your AR-15. We’ll give you a discount.’ Why don’t they just put that sign up there?”

Canada: Bill of Rights with UCP board approval would bring unrestricted freedom to own and use guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The United Conservative Party board has approved a gun rights law that would make American firearm advocates drool with envy.

Some time ago a group of UCP activists in Medicine Hat wrote a new Bill of Rights for Alberta.

This detailed document focuses heavily on COVID-era grievances and would also guarantee an unfettered right to own and use weapons.

It’s just one of many policy ideas burbling in the party as the UCP gears up for its annual convention Nov. 1-2.

AL: Terri Sewell, Shomari Figures receive ‘F’ grade on National Rifle Association scorecard
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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U.S. Rep. Terri Sewell (D-Birmingham) and fellow Democrat Shomari Figures, candidate for Alabama’s 2nd Congressional District, have received an ‘F’ rating from the largest gun rights political action committee in the United States.

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund, the PAC for the firearm advocacy organization, grades federal legislators based on their voting record and level of effort to safeguard the 2nd Amendment.

Every election, the NRA evaluates hundreds of candidates running for federal office. The organization defines an A-worthy candidate as a “solidly pro-gun candidate” with a “demonstrated record of support on Second Amendment issues.”

NY: 23rd Congressional District: Republican incumbent Nick Langworthy vs Democrat Thomas Carle
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Here are some of Langworthy's top concerns, according to his campaign website:

Economy: Curb wasteful government spending that is driving inflation and growing the national debt. Make American energy independent and reduce gas prices.

Public safety: Secure the border and combat illegal immigration. Support 200,000 more police officers through recruiting bonuses and oppose all efforts to defund the police.

Government accountability: Uphold free speech, protect the lives of unborn children and their mothers, guarantee religious freedom, and safeguard the Second Amendment. Conduct rigorous oversight to rein in government abuse of power and corruption, and improve transparency.

FL: Daytona Beach McDonald's shooting: Man claims self-defense in apparent road-rage incident
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The Daytona Beach Police Department released the initial incident report, as well as 911 calls made Sunday following an apparent road-rage shooting outside a McDonald's restaurant in Daytona Beach, Florida.

The shooting happened around 8 p.m. in the McDonald's parking lot on LPGA Blvd., according to Daytona Beach Police.

Brian Nickolas Collins, 31, was shot in the chest and died in the parking lot, police said. The suspected shooter, a 40-year-old man, said he feared for his life and pulled the trigger in self-defense.


AL: Montgomery Mayor Signs Ordinance Curbing Concealed Carry
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Last week we reported that Mobile County Sheriff Paul Burch was gathering information to try to get legislation introduced requiring a permit for 18- to 20-year-olds. Now, the mayor of Alabama’s capital city has signed a local ordinance putting further restrictions on the law.

The ordinance, signed by Mayor Steven Reed on September 6, requires anyone carrying a concealed firearm to also carry a photo ID, a restriction not currently contained in Alabama’s carry law. Reed contends that the law alleviating permit requirements for carrying a concealed firearm has hindered the ability of law enforcement officers to seize “illegal guns.”

IL: Piasa Armory makes a move
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The business will be mostly the same operation customers are used to, but the shooting range will not be open for a couple of weeks, Pulaski said. All of the rest of the business has moved, and the retail space and classes are up and running. The first classes were held at the new location on Saturday.

The range, which has six 10-yard shooting stalls, ten 15-yard shooting stalls, and two 25-yard shooting stalls is still not quite finished. The employees still have to install the target rails, which allow shooters to change targets without stopping fire.

Pulaski was taking measurements for that Monday. Hours will remain the same for now, opening at 10 a.m. Monday-Saturday and at noon on Sunday.


FL: Racial Disparities in the Application of Stand Your Ground Laws
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A number of studies have paid attention to significant racial discrepancy in the application of Stand Your Ground laws. Research conducted by the Urban Institute in 2013 concluded that if the victim is black, the probability of not convicting a shooter with charges of manslaughter or murder is notably more than if the victim was white.

IL: Federal judge rules Illinois concealed-carry ban on public transportation violates Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal judge issued a ruling Aug. 30 against the Illinois Firearms Concealed Carry Act, which bans carrying concealed firearms on public transit.

Judge Iain D. Johnston of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois ruled that the state law, 430 ILCS 66/65(a)(8), violates the Second Amendment, issuing declaratory judgment in favor of plaintiffs Benjamin Schoenthal, Mark Wroblewski, Joseph Vesel, and Douglas Winston.

IL: Man shot while trying to break into home in South Shore charged
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A man who was shot while breaking into a home in South Shore Saturday night has been charged.

Christopher Grady, 36, of Chicago, allegedly broke into a residence in the 2300 block of East 69th Street around 10:45 p.m.

Police said a woman at the house, who is a licensed concealed carry holder, fired her weapon in self-defense.

According to court documents, Grady took off a window screen and tried to climb through a window.

Kamala Harris reminded voters she owns a gun during debate. Here’s her stance on the Second Amendment
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Harris has repeatedly called for a new assault weapons ban, which would limit access to certain semi-automatic rifles commonly used in mass shootings.

The ban expired in 2004, one decade after it was signed into law by President Bill Clinton. It prohibits the sale of 19 specific models of firearms which have features of guns used by the military.

Last December, Senate Republicans blocked efforts by Senate Democrats to renew the ban, which included legislation on universal background checks Harris has previously called for.

Following the recent mass shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, Harris renewed her calls to end the “epidemic of gun violence” in the US.

Malcolm Gladwell's Invented Facts Make Good Stories
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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After a few years, I learned that when my wife is telling a story, even a story which I was a character, I should not interrupt her to correct any detail. The factual accuracy of any given detail was much less important — in fact, unimportant — compared to what the detail could contribute to an interesting yarn. So too with Malcolm Gladwell, host of the Revisionist History podcast. His tales are well-told; just don't confuse his revised narrations with actual history.

A case in point is the first episode of his 2023 gun control series, The Sudden Celebrity of Sir John Knight. To see how he revises facts to improve a story, consider a tale of his that makes me look better than in real life.

VP Harris Ducks and Dodges on Guns in Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have operated for three and a half years as the most hostile presidential administration against the firearm industry and the right to keep and bear arms. The vice president is talking on the campaign trail like she’ll continue that approach. Many believe she would be even more antigun, anti-industry as president than she is as the Biden administration’s “gun czar” leading The White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention that is staffed by Everytown’s former top lobbyist.

Harris Campaign Says She Will Ban “Assault Weapons” as She Claims Gun Ownership in Debate
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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During the debate, Kamala Harris claimed she was a gun owner and she would never take anyone’s guns. However, in her campaign policy statement, candidate Harris says she will ban “assault weapons.” While “assault weapons” is a political, Orwellian term used by anti-gun proponents, it is generally understood to include most semi-automatic firearms.

GA: Is it safe to send my son to school today?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I joined Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America in 2017 when I wanted to help prevent my son from getting killed or traumatized at school. Since then, I have learned a lot about gun violence. Though more than half of gun deaths are because of suicide, gun violence is the No. 1 killer of children in our state and nation. People of color are disproportionately affected.

CO: Pledge Ensures That Evans Will Vote Against Any Background Check for Guns, Says Libertarian
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Libertarian Party congressional candidate Eric Joss dropped out of Colorado’s most competitive congressional race last week after his Republican opponent Gabe Evans pledged to abide by a set of principles, including, for example, “I will vote to always protect and uphold the right to bear arms. I will oppose all unconstitutional gun laws.”

Some political observers called the pledge so watered down as to be meaningless, giving Evans huge holes to justify any vote he might want to take in Congress.

Evil Isn’t Real. Guns and Murder Are. Yet Republicans Do Nothing.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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In a country that has more shootings in a week than some countries have in a year, we should know better than to call gun violence evil, as if we’re casting the blame away from ourselves. When someone picks up a gun and shoots someone, it’s not an isolated act of “evil.” It’s downright American at this juncture.

If gun violence is the product of evil, then there is no societal responsibility to do anything to stop it. After all, you can’t stop evil.

But you know what you can stop? The massive proliferation of guns in this country. Guns are too easy to get. Period.

GLOCK 30 Gen5
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Product reviewers should give total disclosure on their biases and prejudices before the evaluation. Very well — the GLOCK 30 .45 Auto has been my favorite GLOCK since its introduction a quarter century or so ago. It fired 11 rounds of my favorite defensive pistol caliber; it fit my hand a little better than other GLOCKs at the time of its introduction; and it was utterly reliable and preternaturally accurate for its size and barrel length.

I waited more eagerly than most for its introduction in Gen5 format. It has what I think is the best trigger system GLOCK has ever put in a “street carry” pistol and I was primed to love it when it finally came out. So, my impressions should come as no surprise

TN: Firearms instructor's tips on keeping guns away from children
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Another Memphis mother is charged after police say her six-year-old child brought a gun to an elementary school.

It happened less than after investigators say another six-year-old brought a gun to a school in Memphis.

Memphis Shelby County School parents told FOX13 that they are concerned about safety and accountability.

Tuesday, police say a teacher was helping a student pack for the day at Germanshire Elementary and noticed the student's backpack was heavier than usual. Investigators say it was a gun.

Alex Coker, a firearm instructor said it's time for parents to lock up their guns, “In today's reality, you know, they got guns now that really look like toys,” Coker said.

Let’s talk about mental illness. Not guns. Never guns.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I wanna talk about guns. Why? Because last week a kid got a gun and took that gun to school and used that gun to kill four people, including two kids. Two kids won’t make it to adulthood because of guns. So naturally it’s time that we as Americans, both citizens and elected officials alike have a long and hard conversation about — you guessed it — mental health.


It's High Number of Guns, Not Mental Health Crises, That Drives U.S. Gun Deaths: Study
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Widespread and easy access to guns is the reason behind the shockingly high rate of firearm deaths in the United States, and not any rise in mental health problems suffered by perpetrators, a new study shows.

The United States has the same burden of mental health disorders as 40 other countries with comparable populations, researchers reported recently in the journal PLOS One.

However, the U.S. rate of death by firearms is 20 times greater than those other countries, results show.

In the Debate Harris Told a Whopper on Guns
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Former President Donald Trump (R) and Vice President Kamala Harris (D) met on the debate stage on Sept. 10, and despite the numerous “fact checks” on Trump from the moderators, they said nothing when Harris made this incredible claim.

“And then this business about taking everyone’s guns away. Tim Walz and I are both gun owners. We’re not taking anybody’s guns away. So stop with the continuous lying about this stuff,” said Harris after Trump noted that “[Harris] wants to confiscate your guns.”

The claim “we’re not taking anybody’s guns away” stands out in particular, as Harris does, in fact, want to take firearms away from law-abiding Americans.

Asked if a federal ban on "assault weapons" would reduce crime, Gwen Fitzgerald of Handgun Control Inc. says, "Let's pass the law and find out." --REASON magazine, May 1991 ("Gun-Shy Judges" by Jacob Sullum)

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