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Newslinks for 9/13/2024

Self-Healing Targets from DA Targets
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I have a local range that’s only about 10 minutes from my house. It’s a great club, with nice facilities. The only downside is that you need to bring your own target stands. I like shooting steel, but dragging that back and forth can be a pain. I have target stands that take cardboard backing, but I seem to be always replacing those. When I saw the self healing targets from DA Targets earlier this summer though, I thought it might be a great alternative to either of those.

Princeton study links gun violence to start of deer season
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Princeton University study linking gun violence to the beginning of deer hunting season recently attracted criticism from a leading Second Amendment organization.

Published recently in the American Medical Association’s JAMA Network Open journal, the study is “bogus” and “inherently-biased,” according to a National Rifle Association writer.

In the study led by Princeton researcher Patrick Sharkey, the authors said they looked at gun violence data from 854 rural counties across the U.S., comparing the numbers at the start of deer hunting season to those of the week prior.

The Accidental Gun Owner: Kamala Reveals She Owns a Gun
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The first presidential debate between Vice President Kamala Harris and former President Donald Trump didn’t provide voters with much regarding a topic that is one of the most important issues to them as they consider which candidate they’ll support on Nov. 5: the Second Amendment.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris have operated for three and a half years as the most hostile presidential administration against the firearm industry and the right to keep and bear arms. The vice president is talking on the campaign trail like she’ll continue that approach.

Nigeria: Self-defence only option against bandits – Northern groups
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Two prominent northern groups – the Northern Youth Council of Nigeria and the Arewa Defence League, a pro-democracy group in the North, have expressed deep concern over the escalating insecurity in Northern Nigeria and thus urged citizens to take up self-defence against bandits.

Meanwhile, Ishaq Usman Kasai, Chairman of the Birnin-Gwari-Niger Interboundary Community Union for Peace and Development has also called for legislation allowing Nigerians to bear arms for self-defence against bandits terrorising citizens.

The Second Amendment Is the Hill We Are Literally Willing To Die On
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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I am not anti-gun. Guns have their place. My husband is a hunter. He proposed to me over a deer we harvested together in the woods. That said, I am a little uneasy with the fact that we can have a shotgun in the house and no one bats an eye. Our weapons don't need to be registered or insured. Homeowners pay higher insurance premiums if they have a pool or trampoline but not if they own guns. This makes no sense to me.

As reported by Everytown, a 2022 study in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that "living in a home with a handgun owner increased the risk of the non-gun owner being shot and killed at home by a spouse or an intimate partner more than sevenfold, and that the vast majority of victims — 84% — were women."

CA: States can't ban guns in banks, hospitals and churches, but property owners can, 9th Circuit says
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A federal appeals court on Friday refused to allow two states to ban guns in some locations but limited the impact of its decision when it ruled that property owners can reject firearms.

Citing a “basic background principle of property law,” the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals at San Francisco said states can’t ban guns at locations that include hospitals, banks and churches, but property owners can.

Was Charlie Askins Right?
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A feature of the GUNS Magazine web site I really appreciate is the archive of past issues. In the November 1956 issue, an article by Charles Askins argued the bolt-action was obsolete as a hunting rifle. The bolt action only began catching on with American hunters after WWI and just a third of a century later, according to Askins, its day was done.

CA: Best CA-Compliant AR-15 Rifles
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Before we get into the good stuff, let’s clarify what makes an AR-15 California compliant. In brief, AR-15 rifles in California must conform to these restrictions for semi-auto rifles that do not have a fixed magazine:

They must have a total length of 30 inches or more, regardless of magazine type
No pistol grip that protrudes “conspicuously” beneath the action
No folding or telescoping stocks permitted/no thumbhole stocks
No detachable magazine/fixed magazines cannot accept more than 10 rounds
No grenade or flare launcher
No forward pistol grip
No threaded barrel
Magazine capacity is limited to 10 rounds

The FBI Is Undercounting Firearm Self-Defense Incidents
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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When 17 people were killed at Parkland, Florida, that got lots of news coverage.

Few people know that "just a few months later in Titusville, Florida, [at] an elementary school," says Lott, "a man came up, started firing his gun. Fortunately, a hot dog vendor [with a] concealed handgun was able to wound the attacker and stop him before he was able to kill."

"Stepped in and saved a lot of people's lives," said a local police officer.

But the FBI somehow missed that, too.

TN: Judge restores voting rights for 4 tangled in Tennessee gun rights mandate but uncertainty remains
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A Tennessee judge has ruled that four people can't be denied their voting rights because their specific felony offenses bar them from having a gun, even under a state directive that added gun rights as a prerequisite to casting a ballot again.

But the four people requesting their voting rights back aren’t guaranteed to have them restored. Davidson County Criminal Court Judge Angelita Blackshear Dalton’s ruling last week grants the four petitions to get back full rights of citizenship, including voting, and the Nashville jurist excluded gun rights because their offenses spurred permanent gun bans.

DIY Guns Bring Libertarianism to the World, Says The New York Times
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Illegal home-built guns are bringing libertarianism to the world. That's what the good people at The New York Times say. DIY firearms are also helping rebels fight oppressive regimes and, as is inevitable when weapons make their way into the hands of regular people, fueling European officials' fears of crime and terrorism. This is a result of recent technological developments that severely cramp governments' ability to enforce restrictions—including when it comes to the FGC-9, a partially 3D-printed firearm.

Guns remain leading cause of death for U.S. children and teens
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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The annual report's major focus this year is on gun deaths among children ages 1 to 17. In the U.S., gun death rates in this age group have increased by 106% since 2013 and have been the leading cause of death among this group since 2020.

The report also illuminates the disproportionate impact of gun deaths among Black children and teens. In 2022, in the 1 to 17 age group, Black children and teens had a gun death rate 18 times higher than that of white children in the same age group.

MO: Parents are responsible when kids get their guns and kill
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Parents have long been held criminally responsible for their kids’ criminal acts such as underage drinking, driving under age or under the influence, stealing and skipping school. Parents have been responsible for court costs and damages to others property as a result of their kid’s actions.

Why in God's name should a parent not be responsible for their child getting hold of their unlocked gun in their home where he/she can use it to kill another child or adult? It's about time parents are being held responsible for their children killing others with the parents’ guns.

OK: Oklahoma has one of the highest gun suicide rates in the US. Study cites weak gun laws.
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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A new study shows states like Oklahoma with higher gun ownership rates and fewer gun violence prevention laws have some of the highest gun suicide rates in the nation.

The study, conducted by the Violence Policy Center, uses data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics from 2022, the most recent year available.

According to the study, Oklahoma is above the national average for death by suicide involving guns and in the top 10 states with the highest rate of suicides per capita.

SD: After Sioux Falls tragedy, let’s imagine a world where guns are safely stored
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Imagine leaving a gun in an unlocked vehicle. Imagine that gun is stolen and ends up shooting a kid. Killing a kid.

It’s more than an exercise in imagining. It happens. It just did in Sioux Falls.

Unsecured guns are dangerous. Unsecured guns can kill.

That was my wife’s main message when she addressed the Rapid City Council at its Aug. 19 meeting, speaking on behalf of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America on the need to promote safe handling and secure storage of firearms.

Without safe gun handling and storage, terrible things can and do happen.

GA: Madness with weapons needs to end
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Considering what happened at a Barrow County high school, we should demand our lawmakers act so more innocent children aren’t killed. I doubt any of us could imagine what those children went through. The events of that dark day will never be erased from their memory. Four families will never recover. Ever.

The Second Amendment’s “right to bear arms” clause is preceded by “A well-regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state.”

KY: Kentucky Legislator Wants a Red Flag Law
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Kentucky currently lacks a legal mechanism (aka red flag law) to temporarily confiscate firearms from individuals deemed a threat to themselves or others. A proposed bill, known as the Crisis Aversion and Rights Retention (CARR) Act, seeks to address this gap, although efforts to pass it during the 2024 legislative session were unsuccessful, according to Spectrum News 1.

Gun Sales Accelerate Ahead of Election
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Americans purchased more firearms in August than they did in July, which marked five straight years of million-or-more purchases. And August’s sales, according to the Firearm Industry Trade Association (NSSF, formerly the National Shooting Sports Foundation), were more than 8 percent ahead of August a year ago. Handgun sales were up by 5 percent over last August, while long-gun sales jumped 14 percent.

More than 82 million Americans now own, at least as far as the federal government knows, over 500 million firearms.

Canada: UCP's gun rights will lead to U.S.-style shootings
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Well, now it’s getting down right scary. Smith’s UCP right-wing government has now led many Albertans to decide they wish to become Americanized and especially with gun rights.

Gun violence is the leading cause of death for children and young adults in the United States. In particular, the ready availability of assault weapons and ammunition has provoked national discussion after multiple mass shootings of school children. Congress has repeatedly been unable to pass meaningful gun legislation in the wake of these tragedies despite broad public support for new restrictions.

IA: Keeping public in dark on school shootings is wrong
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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But Ritchie said she does not intend to release the DCI report. She would not answer reporters’ questions, other than to say she is basing her decision on a section of Iowa’s open records law that exempts peace officers’ investigative documents from disclosure.

Ritchie is correct in that respect. The law allows the DCI report to be kept confidential. But Ritchie fails to acknowledge another key provision in the public records law, one that gives her, as the lawful custodian of the DCI report, the authority to release it to the public.

WI: Free guns locks: Milwaukee County distributing at 4 locations Friday
Submitted by: Mark A. Taff

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Milwaukee County’s Department of Health and Human Services Behavioral Health Services will be giving away free gun locks on Friday in an effort to prevent suicide by firearm and promote safer communities.

September is Suicide Prevention Awareness Month. According to the county, firearm suicides account for more than half of all suicide deaths in the U.S. In 2022, there were 27,032 such suicides nationwide.

The rate of firearm suicide among people ages 10-24 has increased 53% over the past decade, the county said.

How a politician stands on the Second Amendment tells you how he or she views you as an individual... as a trustworthy and productive citizen, or as part of an unruly crowd that needs to be lorded over, controlled, supervised, and taken care of. — Representative Suzanna Gratia Hupp (TX)

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